Personal Statement on Psychiatry Residency Program in France

Paper Type:  Personal statement
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  652 Words
Date:  2022-12-04


Consciousness is the most complicates word we know and the most powerful tool that builds so many great civilizations, hence conscious is the art of being aware of something in an external stimulus. Conscious deals with the mental state of individuals in society and accordingly to maintain a healthy state of mind will help the individuals living in society behave properly.

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From an evolutionary point of view, humans can be considered as the only ones who are conscious in the world when they argue that a mind has "tiny fragments of nature" which helps individuals determine them to know what surrounds them, scientists also say conscious is a process "embodied in matter." (Verdoux, 2017).They also argue that consciousness is part of the universe and hence humans are the only ones who are the only conscious in the earth. Another way that could help us know that we are the only conscious being in the world is through "solipsism" which is the external knowledge that the conscious is unsure of, and they also see human's conscious as the gateway to the world, through their art of knowing what is wrong and right. This is the case since humans are the ones who are aware of what goes on them in the earth.

If a surgeon splits my brain into two parts and put them in two bodies, it would be hard to discover who is me since "the right half regulates the opposite half of the brain and the vice versa will happen on the second person, so they will tend to behave in the same manner. Since both sides of the brain will be constant or balance. The right half of the brain regulates the "music, ability to recognize someone while the other half will control reasoning and language, and due to this would make it difficult to determine which part would me.

The term "me" means that means my experiences in encountering with individuals with a psychiatric disorder and the problems they were going through.

The above questions and answers I have provided have given me an interest in the field of psychiatry; this has also made me apply for psychiatry residency in France. This is an interest developed since childhood about trying to figure out how the memory works and most especially what makes people curious about doing something. I also like to study the structure of the brain and how it works.

The brain and the collection of the experiences gathered from the external environment, and this what is making us live a very comfortable life more than even the "kings" could have ever imagined (Broder, 2012). Even though we are comfortable, we suffer from depression, "drug addiction," stress and many other psychological disorders more than our ancestors due to the stressors in the eternal environment in the contemporary unlike before.

I have a professional background in medicine, which I was awarded seven years ago. What led me to study it was so that I may have a deeper understanding of the structure of the brain and overall "human psychology." I have done an internship to gain some on job skills and mainly specialized in the psychiatric department, where I was able to handle many patients during the one-month internship stint. I participated community services as a volunteer, and my main aim was to help community members on the importance of having regular psychiatric checkups, with a view of trying to reduce the high mortality rates resulting from the depression and other psychological disorders. Finally, the reason why I am applying for a psychiatric program in France is that the country is the epicenter of science, art, and philosophy, where renowned psychologists like "Jacque Lacan" were born.


Verdoux, H. (2017). The current state of adult mental health care in France. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 257(2), 64-70.

Broder, E., Manson, E., Boydell, K., & Teshima, J. (2012). Child psychiatry.

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Personal Statement on Psychiatry Residency Program in France. (2022, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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