Paper Sample on ConnectiveRx: Enhancing Patient Support Through Mergers & Acquisitions

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  494 Words
Date:  2023-11-22

ConnectiveRx was founded in 2015 when three expert companies merged. The three are PSKW, LDM, and the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR). With each of the companies being a pioneer in its field, the goal of ConnectiveRX was to simplify and enhance the support given to patients during therapy. Realizing the need to support access and adherence to specialty medication, the company formed a partnership with Careform in 2017. The acquisition of The Malacuso Group (TMG) in 2018 equipped the company with the technology required to promote patient support as well as reimbursement services. The mission of the company is to simplify the way in which patients get and adhere to therapy.

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Unlike several other companies, Connective RX is founded on the belief that cost should not bar anyone from accessing quality healthcare. To this end, the company has pioneered programs such as copay, vouchers, and other patient assistance programs that help lower the cost of healthcare. Partnerships with various pharmaceutical manufacturers and comprehensive distribution also allow patients to access therapy at more affordable prices. Connective RX has embraced a patient-centered approach, a factor that has helped improve patient outcomes. The company appreciates the fact that the journey of a patient is usually complicated and has invested in technologies that make it easier. For instance, through partnerships with various biopharmaceutical manufacturers, the company has acquired strategic commercialization solutions that simplify the patient’s journey throughout the therapy. To reduce the delays and administrative burdens that characterize a patient’s access to specialty medications, the company has developed sophisticated patient access services that make it easier to navigate the entire process and enhance the experience.

Innovation and open communication are the most prominent features of the working culture at ConnectiveRx. To live to its mission of simplifying the patient’s journey, the company largely relies on innovation. For instance, end-to-end automation has delivered continuity and reduced disruptions. Dedicated multi-channel traditional and digital communications solutions ensure that important messages are delivered to healthcare providers and their patients at the right time. This system educates and motivates the staff. It also reduces script abandonment.

The company presents its stories in a simple way and focuses on details to ensure that different populations understand it. From the stories, one can easily understand the history, mission, and culture of the company. The stories are presented in an engaging tone. The reader gets to see the offerings of the company and feels motivated to be a part of it. I like working in environments that consistently challenge and expose me to new ideas. With its focus on innovation, ConnectionRx offers such an environment, and hence I like working here. The investment in communication also ensures that each of the members of staff knows their role, a factor that helps avoid conflicts and also enhances patient outcomes. I also highly value open horizontal communication. This employer maintains an open channel of communication, a factor that makes the environment more friendly.

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Paper Sample on ConnectiveRx: Enhancing Patient Support Through Mergers & Acquisitions. (2023, Nov 22). Retrieved from

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