Paper Example on the Philosophy of History: Examining the Past and Present

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  581 Words
Date:  2023-05-23

History is the study of past events that occurred in our society. There are certain similarities in history with other areas of education, such as the philosophy of science and religion. However, according to the survey that was done, the philosophy of history has a deeper relationship with the metaphysics, ethics, and philosophy in addressing past events and activities. The philosophy of history also examines the recent challenges that affect ascertain the region and the reason why they change a particular area. The history in 100 objects is a joint project of the British Museum that comprises of over 100 radio series written and analyzed by the British Museum Nell MacGregor (Moshenska, 218). The British Museum contains several objects illustrations that described the historical information of different activities. In this project, we will analyze the object making of human beings.

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The British Museum also contains various objects that define humans as a living substance in the prehistorical periods. The first object that described the making of humans was the Mummy of Hornedjitef that originated from Egypt at around 300 to 200 BC (Moshenska, 217). The Mummy were some of the dead human bodies that were preserved and buried for an extended period. The mummy bodies have been preserved through several years as a form of cultural artifacts. Egypt is one of the countries that practice this method for a more extended period. The mummy objects also have an essential role in world history from one perspective to another.

The mummy preservation method plays an essential role in the historical development of the prehistorical data. There are several samples that have been discovered currently that were preserved in an extended period. With the Mummy technique, most of the wealthy Egyptian businessmen were found for further analysis. The scientific nature of preservation has helped in improving the historical research as most of the scientists are engaged in analyzing the remains of the dead people (Moshenska, 220). The preservation process of the Mummy also was widely used by most of the scientists in explaining the technique that was used in preserving the bodies of the dead.

Historical analysis has categorically examined how human beings were respected and operated their day to day activities through the discovery bodies of the Mummies. The Mummy remains also has transformed Egypt to be a huge historical site in the world currently. Most of the tourists are now visiting Egypt to examine how Mummy bodies were being preserved. The increase in visitors in Egypt has greatly improved Egypt's economic structure in the market. Most prehistorical sites are currently preserving their remains using the mummy preservation technique that was used by Egyptians. The Mummy were some of the dead human bodies that were preserved and buried for an extended period (Moshenska, 218). The mummy bodies have been preserved through several years as a form of cultural artifacts. Egypt is one of the countries that practice this method for a more extended period.

Mummy object plays an essential role in world history perspectives currently. There has been tremendous growth in the historical activities that have been introduced through the use of mummy preservation techniques. The British Museum also contains various objects that define humans as a living substance in the prehistorical periods. The first object that described the making of humans was the Mummy of Hornedjitef that originated from Egypt.

Works Cited

Moshenska, Gabriel. "Thomas "Mummy" Pettigrew and the study of Egypt in early nineteenth-century Britain." Histories of Egyptology. Routledge, 2014. 215-228.Accessed

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Paper Example on the Philosophy of History: Examining the Past and Present. (2023, May 23). Retrieved from

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