Paper Example on Exploring Healthcare Experiences: Dental Care and Prenatal Services

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  455 Words
Date:  2023-12-30

Healthcare services entail medical professionals or organizations that give medical care to individuals in need. To offer successful health services, various types of health care services are required. This enables the coverage of different types of medical problems. The healthcare services may include mental health care, preventive care, dental care, nutritional support, and prenatal care, among others (Flavin). I interviewed my two family members to identify the type of healthcare services they have used before, are using, or may use in the future. The purpose was to record the type of procedure, how the experience was, or what their expectation would be if they underwent the service in the future.

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One of the members stated that she had visited the dental care services. Some of the services that were offered included an examination of dental problems, fillings, extractions, implants, crowns, orthodontics, and the cosmetic industry. The purpose of seeking the health care service was for teeth whitening, which is a cosmetic procedure. The one-hour procedure in the dentist's office involved the application of whitening gel, comprising 25% to 40% hydrogen peroxide at intervals of 20 minutes (Sbaraini et al.). The process is done three times while aiming a heating lamp at the teeth. Some of the experiences shared by the interviewee included a little discomfort after the procedure and the unexpectedly high prices. Also, the dental team and dentist were dedicated, caring, and supportive.

The second family member was using prenatal healthcare services since she was pregnant. The nurses were required to monitor the development of the baby as well as the mother. The procedure involved routine testing to prevent any possible issues, learning how to ease discomfort, and inquiring from the nurses about any doubts or questions the pregnant mother would be having (Novick). The member shared some of their experiences in prenatal healthcare, including respectful and comprehensive individual care. However, there were rushed visits and long waits in some facilities.

Dental care services and prenatal care are among the healthcare services offered to people. The type of procedure used to deliver these services varies from one kind to the other. Also, patients have different experiences from the services offered, which may be negative or positive. However, healthcare services are aimed at helping the patient and ensuring they are satisfied with the services provided.

Works Cited

Flavin, Brianna. "14 Types of Healthcare Facilities Where Medical Professionals Provide Care | Rasmussen College". Rasmussen.Edu, 2018,

Novick, Gina. "Women's experience of prenatal care: an integrative review." Journal of midwifery & women's health vol. 54,3 2009: 226-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jmwh.2009.02.003

Sbaraini, Alexandra et al. Experiences of dental care: what do patients value? BMC Health Services 12, 177 2012.

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Paper Example on Exploring Healthcare Experiences: Dental Care and Prenatal Services. (2023, Dec 30). Retrieved from

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