Paper Example on Diabetes Education Programs

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  460 Words
Date:  2022-07-20


The diabetes education programs involve physical travelling and therefore require very many resources which range from physical resources such as financial support to a human resource which includes a number of volunteers to spread the agenda. A lot of capital is therefore needed to facilitate the movement of the educationists from one place to another and some cash to design adverts and advertise them on various platforms. Similarly, demonstrations are required and therefore capital is required to help in purchasing all the gadgets used in doing these demonstrations.

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Apart from capital, another important resource which is needed for the accomplishment of the diabetes education program is the human resource. The program is quite tiring and hence requires very devoted and intrinsic individuals to pursue it. The individuals who are inspired by money may not be the ideal candidates for the job.

Lastly, we require some preventive diabetes drugs to give the patients as a way of encouraging them to take the drugs. The best motivation these people could get is to ensure that they are closely monitored and constantly encouraged that all is not lost just to restore in them the hopes that they still have a life to live.


During the educational campaigns, the key stakeholders include the government under the ministry of health, various research units responsible for developing preventive drugs for diabetes, and all the other citizens including the diabetes patients. All the above-named groups are responsible for ensuring that the dreams of reducing the disease are achieved by all means.


During these educational campaigns, various activities are involved which includes advertising, physically commuting from one place to another in a bid of trying to reach the people up to the grass root levels. These activities have both long-term and short-term effects. Other activities which are involved include demonstrations, peer education, nutritional education and presentations which come together with entertainment.

Short and Long-Term Impacts

Some of the short-term effects of diabetes education program is that it is very expensive in the short term run since the results might not be seen immediately, however, in the long run, the educated people adopt the best nutritional modes which leads to lower instances of diabetes infection. In turn, the government will be able to save a lot of money initially meant to purchase some of the diabetes drugs and equipment and channel this money to other sectors to be used.


Logic models are very important for program managers in that they can play a very vital role in clarifying and documenting the fundamental theories and logic of various programs functioning. They can, therefore, serve as a living guidance document in supporting sound program implementation, evaluation efforts and thorough reflection on the performance of the initiated program.

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Paper Example on Diabetes Education Programs. (2022, Jul 20). Retrieved from

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