Organized crime refers to the acts of criminal activities that are planned and involve people at high places and carried out on large scales. The crime requires more organization or a group of people that identify themselves or and fear each other. It involves them forming boundaries, the business they conduct includes importation and distribution of highly illegal drugs, money laundry, illegal human trafficking. Organized crimes tend headed by a Cartel or leader, provides money for capital, transporting drugs outside the country, and also distribute drugs in a given area. The nature of business is described as web-like since it involves people from different groups and walks of life, including drug dealers, intermediaries, dirty cops. They may facilitate the conduction of such a business (Ayling, 2017). Organized crime, always based on relationship and nature of the business, which includes people, individuals in power, thus tending to facilitate and ensuring transportation and delivery of goods reaches the middlemen who are referred to as Brokers without any difficulties
The organized crime facilitators try to create a good rapport between and the locals in the society. They always try to indulge themselves in providing money for fundraising, provision of school fees for those who cannot pay for themselves, building of churches. By doing so, the locals tend to trust them and encourage the illegal business to continue, and they cannot tip off the policemen, but they indulge themselves in it to cater to their needs.
The criminal groups are linked together both nationally and internationally, and this facilitates easy transportation and distribution of illegal items through the border. The criminal groups also involve themselves with the local policemen at the border and also in the cities, this makes them regard themselves as untouchables and that their illegal business activities cannot be tampered with since they have influential political leaders and some policemen in their pockets since they are paying them a considerable amount of money.
Also, the criminal association uses violence to bring about fear and gain control of their business. The leader of the cartel may use violence and force and inflict on those who waste his resources or those who do not respect him, and by doing so he tends to instill fear and pressure on his employees, this makes the employees work productively because of the fear they have for their lives (Ayling, 2017, ). The Cartels also tend to involve themselves among influential people in the government for them to give them large capitals and prevent interruptions of their business activities.
In one's opinion, criminal groups and association exist, since it involves a group of influential people with well-planned strategies on how illegal businesses should conduct their businesses. Some gangs tend to push the locals to the limits and also pay them so that they will not give the law enforcers any information regarding the illegal business conducted at their grounds. The businesses funded internationally, which makes it hard to cut off the supplies or the people funding it since they are all in a web circle and tend to help each other.
Organized Crime
Black organized crime gangs emerged after the downfall of the Italian gang, which was well-governed and was always interested in politics, thus why it managed large illegal businesses with massive profits. Black crime groups mostly involved themselves in gambling, and it was ethnic-based. Also, they offered protection to interested parties in order to safeguard their large business enterprises in exchange for money. Sadly, they did not have a leader in serving the issues for all and also safeguarded one's group personal interests. The black crime groups paid to provide illegal transportation of goods and also indulged in illegal services ("Building the Black metropolis," 2017). The fact that they seemed disorganized educated and they have no good jobs, this made them indulge themselves in alcoholism, prostitution, selling of narcotics, this made them regard it as their way of life. The black mafias indulged themselves in gambling, where they gambled against each other (Lyman & Potter, 2019,). They did not involve mostly in large illegal business; thus, it was localized and involved the locals this made them not to expand their illegal business operations and not involving themselves with the influential people at the government. The black organized crime groups did not have a leader who stood for the other groups (Lyman & Potter, 2019,). It made each one of them have separate interests and thus led them to ambushing each other and always fighting, and thus, they did not have any political interests, and this made them be recognized as a minority gang.
The Outlaw gang parallels the black organized crime groups since they support themselves through drug dealing, selling stolen equipment's and that they also fight over territories. They also have their interests which including running the streets and are in search of prestige and power. The gang regards themselves as the other hand of the government and not as criminals (Kuldova, 2018). The gang also tend to identify themselves with club patches. Outlaw gangs also inflict fear and violence, and by doing, it aids in promoting the sufficient flow of their business and trafficking. They also protect other clubs and also influence the society by involving themselves in charity events to portray a perfect image and not the image of a group of gang bikers who are merciless. The Outlaw gang also tend to control the illegal trade in the streets, which include drug money and protection. They have also caused an increase in a gang-related blood bath in the streets, arsons and bombings, and also drug trafficking in the past few years (Kuldova, 2018). It led to the rise of racial discrimination since there has been an uprise in other Bikers gangs and based on color, the rivalry between the clubs. The outlaw gang, just like the black organized crimes, operates locally and is involved in a particular criminal activity that involves selling the drugs and protection. They also did not have an extensive network that operated internationally, and the criminal activities they are into do not influence the politics of the society, such as supporting a particular politician by funding for his political campaigns for their interests.
Similarities Between Prison Gangs and Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs
Prison gangs are criminal organizations that found within the prison facilities, and they also continue with their drug operations inside the prison facilities. The gangs are organized in a hierarchy and run themselves under a specific code. The prison gangs tend to have fewer members than the street gangs, and also tend to act as a bridge between the outside drug organizations inside. Both prison gangs, the Outlaw Motorcycle gangs, are structured under ethnicity, and their role also is the distribution and transportation of narcotics since they are in connection with the outside world (Fleisher, 2017). The two gangs also have a way to identify themselves, and in the prisons, the gangs tend to identify themselves with gang-related tattoos while the Outlaw gang tends to identify themselves with the bikers and the club patches which may vary, they include the symbol like one of the skulls and the "one-percenter" patch that are worn by both genders (Fleisher, 2017, ). Both the prison gangs and the outlaw gangs operate under a particular code which helps to prevent irregularities or shifting of power and also avoid unnecessary blood baths, and this evidenced when the prison gangs of a particular brotherhood form a boundary and the other gang in prison respects the boundary and this help to prevent one crossing the path of the other and thus instilling peace.
The prison gangs engage in creating chaos in the prison cells in order to get rid of a particular `snitch' of when they want to conduct one of their illegal business as a way to distract the prison wardens. The outlaw gang also used force and violence to bring about fear and respect among gangs and evidenced when the famous `Quebec war' that brought about the killing of 150 people, which followed by an increase in arsons.
The Outlaw gang is under organizations which start from the top as the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and also the road captain, where everyone who assigned to his or her post has his duties and rules he should abide by, just like the Prison gangs they have a leader (Kuldova, 2018,). He has many followers that help him or her to run his illegal businesses inside the prison facilities, and this enables smooth flow of the business since everyone assigned to his or her post, it also facilitates sharing of the power which is effective and brings about respect and unity among the gang members.
Both the outlaw gang and the prison gang do not like involving women in drug trafficking and illegal businesses. They tend to believe that women are weak and also tend to become submissive and can be physically abused or raped. The two believe that women can easily snitch and give in quickly when they get tortured, and they tend freely tend to give out the secrets of the gangs (Kuldova, 2018). The two gangs also believe that the women can be used as sex tools in the gang and provide satisfaction and sexual pleasures to other gang members this will bring about unwanted, pregnancies and also ruin the bonds between the gang members.
Preparation of Rural Organized Crime To Combat Organized Crime
Rural crime, defined as a crime that occurs in a rural place that includes the farm. It includes poaching, killing, and theft of agricultural plant vehicles, while organized crimes are locals’ groups that engage in illegal activities but are mostly interested in profit-making. The organized rural groups give the locals a hint on how they operate their illegal businesses, and this will enable the locals to work hand in hand with the law enforcers by coming up with strategies such as lockdown or curfews to curb the stealing or illegal business activities if they conduct it at night or even the day.
Awareness of rural organized crime will enable a community to maximize the use of rural enforcement officers. They, even though are given fewer resources and staff will be able to curb the organized crime since they are well aware of the area and are likely to have more information on how the locals operate and business they conduct thus it will be easier to single out the organized crime lords and their intentions.
Crimes in the rural areas are unique and thus easier for locals to realize it. It will make the locals more observant and careful with the people they are intermingling with since they can turn out to be the drug leaders (Lyman & Potter, 2019,). The locals have an excellent rapport between them and the law enforcers it will bring about easy tracking of the organized crime lords when they want to start the illegal business in the community which will include bringing of abundant supplies of drugs into the community, and this will be easily visible to the locals. Therefore, they will take direct action to inform the law enforcers.
The locals always are used to rural organized crime groups that tend to inflict pain on the locals of the community. Thus, they will have developed strategies on how to protect themselves by acquiring gun licenses and also develop a faster way to inform law enforcers. Furthermore, quickly curb organized crime by cutting out their drug supplies from the outside world, and this will be done by law enforcers who will get hold of them and jail them to prevent further increase of the gang and also hunt down those wh...
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