Managing the disagreements between medical practitioners and their instructors can bring positive results in their performances. Failing to solve can lead to medical practitioners having stress and low morale levels. This has been approved by a recent study conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University. The study was conducted using 424 nurses. The data was collected using one tool for all instances. The tool consisted of four main parts: Demographic data, the Rahim Organizational conflict Inventory-II, Medical practitioners assertiveness and the Nurses stress index.
Problem Significance
The current medical practitioners and especially the nursing ones are the core professionals in the field of medicine and health of tomorrow. They will mingle with their peers and colleagues to offer medical assistance to the patients, provide health support to the community and to different families in the future. To enhance individual competence of the nurses, one should acquire assertion skills. Arieli points out that to build satisfying relationships, conflict management skills play an important role. This is therefore a hint that every nursing student need to master and perceive the conflict management methods and how to conduct fruitful conflict management at the times of performing clinical activities and in their future career.
Solution 2: Skills in Conflict Management
Chan et al notes that it is advisable to note that the conflict management is a skill. The skill is not directly achieved, it is developed personally and it can be made sustainable. On top of this the nurses do not just keep on preparing for conflicts with other people. Also how a certain conflict is handled can be used to serve in other occasions. A good example is that for a nursing student dealing in clinical tasks, a constructive conflict can be used to come up with new methodologies to handle challenging issues. If a certain conflict is solved by a group, it helps in team bonding and improves team work. This consequently can help an organization to meet its objectives and enhance its level of quality production. A destructive conflict when not dealt with can bring negative impact to the staff. The impact can range from low staff morale, increased stress level to the staff, tensions among the staff and staff turnover. This consequently results to the failure in satisfying the organizations objectives and low production in terms of quantity and quality products.
Hamouda et al suggested that conflict management entails two principles, that is Assertiveness and Cooperativeness. These two principles provide the basic types of conflict management The styles of conflict management involves collaborating or compromising. Other styles includes accepting, competing and avoiding. When collaboration is used, a conflict is managed by the parties involved agreeing to a common aim to reach a target solution. When parties use accepting methods follow whatever has been decided by the other parties without a question. When competing methods are used, the parties majorly take much time to manage a conflict by giving themselves priority. On the other hand, when avoiding styles are involved to manage conflicts, there is a tendency of sidestepping the conflicts. When compromising ones are involved, the parties set target goals which should benefit each and then they agree to work on them.
Cheung emphasizes more on several occasions where stress can arise on nurse medical practitioners. Since academics come bring a lot of pressure on medical practitioners, this results to stress. Also stress can arise when a student puts a lot of expectation I performance at him/herself. It can affect medical practitioners health, both physical and mental ones. Also when a study was conducted across the school of health sciences, it was noted that the percentage of medical practitioners succumbing to stress mostly are those taking nursing course. This is majorly brought about by excess workload on nurses compared to the other medical practitioners, lack of free time, having longer hours of study and basically a tight schedule. Other major causes are those that affect the practicing nurses. The stress arises as a result of the working under critical conditions such as working with dying patients, insecurity about clinical competence , much work , conflicts with other people such as the staff and patients.
Conflict is inevitable. All types of medical practitioners experience conflict with their peers as well as with their teachers. Conflict can also be with oneself. When it comes to matters concerning conflicts between medical practitioners and their faculty management, the conflict management should be greatly looked at keenly. This is becomes whatever happens during the conflict usually have a direct impact on the medical practitioners. Therefore the conflict management
Style to be used would usually determine the success of the student. The level of stress also determines the performance of a student. While low levels of stress enable the medical practitioners to perform well, high levels of stress impact oppositely. To help in preventing high levels of stress in nurses, they should have high level of assertiveness. Since no study has been conducted to show the correlation between stress, conflict management and assertiveness at any given faculty, in this research we will determine the relationship between these three factors at the faculty of nursing.
Interview Tools
One tool would be used while this study lasts. The tool would be broken down into four main parts: demorgraphic sheet, The Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II, determining student assertiveness and nurses stress index.demorgraphic sheet will contain the medical practitioners personal details. This would range from age, residence, family information, marital status and gender. The Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II was invented by Rahim and would cover conflict management styles that nurses use with their peers and their instructors. In determining the medical practitioners assertiveness, a questionnaire first developed by Deltsidou would be used. This questionnaire can be modified to collect different assertiveness levels from different medical practitioners. In nurses stress indexing, it would check the stress level. It was invented in the year 1999 by Jones and Johnston.
Validity and Reliability
This included checking whether what was required in the questionnaire is what is needed. This work would be performed in terms of groups. On addition to the groups, experts were involved to check any omissions of important information. If there exists any omission, the research would do the changes. To test whether the tool was efficient enough for use, ailpha testing was used. The percentages of reliability of the tool are outlined below: 79% where medical practitioners used collaborating method, 86% where student used avoiding method, 84% where student used competing method and accommodating method and 94 % for compromising method. The assertiveness questionnaire was 86% reliable ehere student used critisicm and 74% where student confronted others. For nurses stress index, the level was 86% where student engaged in practical concerns, 94% for interpersonal stress and 86% for interface worries.
Field Work
The data collection would take a couple of months, lets say two months. The final questionnaire would be granted to the medical practitioners to enter their opinions. Before filling in the data, the purpose of the study should be made known to each participating student. The researcher would be then left with checking how the data has been filled in. Also the researcher would be required to collect his/her own data by visiting lecture rooms during sessions and sfter sessions.
Pilot Study
This is a type of study to be undertaken before the actual data collection. It will run like a training mode to help understand how to use the tool. It will also help to estimate time constraints to fill in the questionnaire sheet. It would involve selecting random medical practitioners to be excluded from the main study. This study's results would also be excluded from the main study.
Ethical Consideration
This is a phase that involves making the participants aware of the purpose of study. They are allowed to willingly accept or decline the participation too. The participants should be made aware that they can withdraw from the study at any stage without being probed. The information given should be only for the purpose of the study and should remain confidential. The study should be done voluntarily.
Statistical Analysis
Data would be organized into tables and statistically represented using statistical package for social science. This is a software sor categorizing statistical data.
The study gave different percentages of how the medical practitioners solve their conflicts among themselves and their instructors. 83% of the medical practitioners showed that they collaborate and compromise with their instructors as a way of conflict management. 81% of them used these ways to manage their conflicts with their fellow medical practitioners. By measuring the student assertivenesss level, 59% of them had high levels (Jandt, 2017). Also, 43% of the medical practitioners showed that they had moderate levels of stress, the other percentage had stress. From this study, conclusions can be made that methods of conflict management positively relate and are affected by how they are implemented by both the clinical instructors and the nurses. Furthermore it can be also concluded that thare was a positive correlation between how the nurses collaborate and compromise to help in conflict management with their peers. Additionaly, there was a positive relation and effect of the stress score by the medical practitioners using compromising methods with their clinical teachers. This was opposite to when the nurses used these methods with their peers. Finally the study proposed that the medical practitioner's assertiveness is vital. It should be practiced on a real life daily basis by the nurses. The study also noted that nurse instructors and teachers should emphasize more about stress management to medical practitioners.
Jandt, F. E. (2017). Managing Conflict in Hospitals. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 18(11), 115???117. doi:10.1097/00006247-198711000-00034
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