MBA From London B-School: Step Up and Stand Out in Automotive Industry - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  504 Words
Date:  2023-03-20


An MBA from the London Business School separates the best from the very best. I want to stand out in the automotive industry. Currently, I deputize the general manager of BMW in Lebanon. It is a prestigious position, but it is not where I want to stay. We generate over $70 million in sales from 12 sub-dealers and a team of 100 employees. I am also in charge of monitoring the profitability of the workshop and spare parts division, development of KPIs, structuring the business into units, annual budgeting, sales projections, and capitalization decisions. I am also in charge of the payroll reduction project.

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One day, I want to be the general manager of BMW Group, globally. My short-term goal is to drive growth and profitability. Later on, I would love to become the head of the Lebanon division after my MBA. To supervise some of the most talented workforces in the country, I need top-of-the-range skills and competencies. London Business School MBA program offers a range of these skills. I also believe that the school will help me prepare for the other core competencies that will make me an industry think tank.

The level of programming and reputation of LBS in Europe and globally is quite attractive. The institution stands alongside other Ivy League business institutions and leaders in innovation. I also know that it provides unparalleled opportunities for global networking. I am convinced that LBS is the only choice.

The existence of two elective tracks is appealing for my MBA choice. I can pursue finance or strategy. Research shows that the automotive industry is in decline globally. I have seen it first-hand because Currently, I am a leader in the industry with three years of experience. Despite the successes in the past, I believe that the business could do better. Fresh thinking, innovation, and out-of-the-box products are promising. With your help, I will inject new perspectives into my workplace and the industry in general.

Lebanon is in the middle of a political and economic crisis. I would prefer to take advantage of this current situation to invest in my skills and expertise. By the time the dust settles, I will provide my skills and knowledge during the country's revival. I have been thinking about this MBA program for over a year now. By the time the program starts, I will have five years of management experience. London presents an opportunity for me to rekindle my memories of the time I spent there during my internship. I loved the city, especially its multicultural and global appeal. I know the city well.

I have experienced challenges in transitioning a traditional business model to fit agile, technology-centric marketing, budgeting, and customer service. I have also seen the possibilities brought about by research and development. This course promises to cover most of these challenges and opportunities, which makes me excited already. My suitability, commitment, and enthusiasm for this opportunity are undoubted. I feel it is the right place and the right time for me to take this step.

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MBA From London B-School: Step Up and Stand Out in Automotive Industry - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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