Maximizing Human Resources: Key to Achieving Long-Term Goals - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  1005 Words
Date:  2023-08-12


The human resources or employees are valuable since their knowledge, skills, and talents influence the competitiveness of an organization. In any company, these stakeholders are the most valuable assets since their abilities to achieve both short-term and long-term-goals largely determine the failure or success of a company (Surichutchaiyun et al., 2017). For an organization to achieve its long-term strategies and objectives, it has to implement human resource practices that lead to optimum utilization of social skills, talents, and competencies (Surichutchaiyun et al., 2017). In this broad sense, Human Resources Management (HRM) has to develop talents and competencies since the value of a company, and it's all activities depend on the efforts of employees. In recent years, the focus of HRM has shifted to Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), owing to its positive impacts on business (Nikoloski, 2016). In this regard, SHRM aims at integrating human resource practices and business strategies to enhance an organization's success. The outcome of the growing awareness of the strategic importance of HRM has contributed to the creation of human capital. This paper seeks to recommend to executive decision-makers the best practices to improve HRM.

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Recommendations to Managers

Implement Competency-Based HRM

The company should implement a competency-based approach to human resource management right from junior employees to experienced human resources, managers, and board of directors. This strategy is essential as it allows managers to assign responsibilities and tasks based on the individual’s competencies. At an executive level, areas of the organization that individual managers will run need to depend on the person’s leadership competencies. A manager with expertise in financial management, for instance, ought to oversee employees in the accounting department since that person has an in-depth understanding of the operations of this segment.

This recommendation will enhance the success of the organization since research has demonstrated that this HRM model helps to ensure that competencies within a company are utilized in given jobs (Surichutchaiyun et al., 2017). Moreover, it is the basis of using the competencies, skills, and knowledge of individual managers and employees to build the value of a company. Scholarly research has also shown that competency-based HRM provides an opportunity for an organization to develop individualized management by capitalizing on the expertise of each person (Surichutchaiyun et al., 2017). Together, these points support a recommendation to adopt competency-based HRM across the company.

Evaluate Employee Performance Regularly

Managers ought to evaluate the performance of the employees at least twice per year. In doing this human resource function, managers need to review whether individual employees meet their targets if they are performing their duties effectively. The organization's performance evaluation report should be the basis of considerations for raises, bonuses, and more importantly, promotions. Regular evaluations are useful as it will allow employees to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and what managers expect from them. A panel of five managers will be doing this task to promote fairness and also enhance transparency. Nikoloski (2016) said that each of the evaluators “should be distinguished by their approach to assessment” (p.88).

Nonetheless, managers with close relations with some of the employees should not participate in this exercise to ensure that this function of HRM is transparent. The five evaluators sitting in the employee evaluation panel will not be executive managers but rather middle-level human resource managers that supervise everyday operations. In this regard, Nikoloski (2016) said that direct managers are excellent assessors in doing employee performance evaluations. Its justification is based on the idea that they interact daily with staff, and have an overview of activities that individual employees perform (Nikoloski, 2016). In the organization, therefore, human resource managers in charge of supervising employees should do regular performance evaluations. This aspect ensures that the task achieves the intended goals.

Implement Electronic HRM System to Coordinate the Functions of the Department

The organization needs the electronic HRM (e-HRM) system to enhance the efficiency of managing the core functions of the human resource department. The head of the department will be in charge of the e-HRM system to ensure that technology enhances the value of the firm. In this context, Blom et al. (2019) noted that the e-HRM system helps improve the efficiency of executing human resource functions, especially complexities regarding diversity management and adhering to national regulatory requirements (Blom et al., 2019).

Additionally, the e-HRM system will enable the organization to improve its employer-employee relations, manage benefits, and compensation. Executive or senior-most human resource managers will use e-HRM to coordinate functions delegated to direct and middle-level managers. Besides overseeing the overall functions of the HRM department, each manager will oversee distinct tasks aimed at achieving specific goals. Depending on expertise, the executive manager will assign each member of the department-specific work. These functions include maintaining a safe environment, managing compensation, training, and development. Other tasks are ensuring compliance with labor laws and managing employer-employee relations.


Organizations should focus on building their employees by providing them with training opportunities that allow them to improve their talents and skills. The three recommendations, namely, implementing competency-based HRM, doing performance evaluation, and managing core functions of the department using e-HRM, will help the company to achieve its HRM goals. These suggestions ensure that the company attains its goals regarding key human resource functions. The competency, skills, and expertise of the managers will be the basis of assigning responsibilities and tasks to achieve key objectives underlying the three recommendations.


Blom, T., Du Plessis, Y., & Kazeroony, H. (2019). The role of electronic human resource management in diverse workforce efficiency. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 17.

Nikoloski, K. (2016). Strategic human resource management: assessment and evaluation of human resources as factors to achieving better economic performance. International Journal of Information, Business, and Management, 8(3), 81-95.

Surichutchaiyun, T., Suvattanadilok, M., & Rojniruttikul, N. (2017). Competency-based human resource management affecting core competency of employees: a case study of oil and gas company in Thailand. AU-GSB e-JOURNAL, 9(2), 62-68.

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Maximizing Human Resources: Key to Achieving Long-Term Goals - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 12). Retrieved from

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