The objective of health authorities is to provide health services to all inhabitants using a reasonable access strategy that is described as giving the right care at the perfect time in the correct spot. There are a few challenges that make such health approaches troublesome to be actualized. One of the main issues is the separation of health care administrations and the need for health care services.
Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Health Facilities in Benue State, Nigeria Ujoh, F., & Kwaghsende, F. 2014. Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Health Facilities in Benue State, Nigeria. Public Health Research, 4(5), 210-218.
This study is an endeavor to analyze the spatial dissemination of health facilities in Benue State. The point of view taken is spatial and concentrates on the issue of deficiency and disparity of public health facilities among populaces in Benue state. The study demonstrates that albeit public health care facilities were almost similarly disseminated among the 3 senatorial regions of the state, varieties exists between the LGAs and inside each senatorial locale regarding the general appropriation of wellbeing facilities(public).The ramifications of the mal-conveyance show in congestion and subsequent absence of legitimate thoughtfulness regarding patients and also poor access in some particular LGAs with helpless states of low number of wellbeing offices particularly among the country inhabitants. The study suggests a more hearty examination in the current social insurance offices with a perspective to building up the levels of wellbeing labor accessible, sheet material and different offices and in addition the genuine access levels people and groups need to human services offices in Benue State.
Spatial Distribution of Health Facilities in Nanjing
Ni, J., Qian, T., Xi, C., Rui, Y., & Wang, J. 2016. Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Healthcare Facilities in Nanjing: Network Point Pattern Analysis and Correlation Analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 13(8), 833.
In this study, system point design analysis and connection investigation were utilized to break down the relationship between road system and health facility conveyance. The weighted system portion thickness estimation technique proposed in this study distinguishes critical contrasts between the outside and inside zones of the Ming city divider. The aftereffects of system K-capacity examination demonstrate that private health facilities are more uniformly dispersed than public, and drug store stores tend to group around doctor's facilities along the street system. In the wake of registering the connection investigation between various arranged healing facilities and road centrality, we find that the circulation of these doctor's facilities corresponds exceedingly with the road centralities, and that the relationships are higher with private and little clinics than with open and expansive doctor's facilities. The thorough investigation results could look at the sensibility of existing urban social insurance office appropriation and streamline the area of new medicinal services offices.
Spatial Distribution of Health Facilities in China Jin, C., Cheng, J., Lu, Y., Huang, Z., & Cao, F. 2015. Spatial inequity in access to healthcare facilities at a county level in a developing country: a case study of Deqing County, Zhejiang, China. International journal for equity in health, 14(1), 67.
A study done in China examined the spatial appropriation attributes of healthcare offices by utilizing point design investigation and the relationship analysis technique. There are two noteworthy commitments of this study. Initially, it examined the impact of weighting point occasions on the investigation bringing about request to append significance to the system compelled point pattern examination. Second, it joined the system point pattern strategy and correlation analysis in order to examine the pattern of distribution of healthcare facilities thoroughly and to break down the essential rule of their locational decision. These outcomes can be reached out to look at the sensibility of the current administration facilities appropriation and to streamline the area determination of new administration facilities.
Spatial Distribution of Health Facilities in Soweto Doherty, J., Rispel, L., & Webb, N. 1996. Developing a plan for primary health care facilities in Soweto, South Africa. Part II: Applying locational criteria. Health policy and planning, 11(4), 394-405.
This study is the second of a two-section arrangement depicting the improvement of a ten-year arrangement for essential medicinal services office advancement in Soweto. The main article focused on the political issues what's more, general methodological methodology of the task. This second article depicts how the specialized issue of arranging with regards to meager data was overcome. The thinking behind the different suspicions and criteria which were utilized to help the arranging of the area of offices is clarified, and also the procedure by which they were connected. The benefits and constraints of this arranging methodology are examined, and it is recommended that the methodology might be helpful to other office organizers, especially in the creating scene.
Spatial Distribution of Health Facilities in Montreal Paez, A., Mercado, R. G., Farber, S., Morency, C., & Roorda, M. 2010. Accessibility to health care facilities in Montreal Island: an application of relative accessibility indicators from the perspective of senior and non-senior residents. International journal of health geographics, 9(1), 52.
Topographical access to health care facilities is known not wellbeing administrations utilization. As social orders age, availability to medicinal services turns into an inexorably intense general wellbeing concern. It is realized that seniors have a tendency to have lower portability levels, and it is conceivable this may adversely influence their capacity to achieve offices and administrations. In this manner, it gets to be critical to look at the versatility circumstance of seniors opposite the spatial dispersion of social insurance offices, to distinguish zones where openness is low and mediations might be required. The study demonstrates extensive inconsistencies in openness amongst seniors and non-seniors, amongst urban and rural seniors, and between vehicle owning and non-owning seniors. This examination was concerned with potential availability levels. Follow up examination could consider the outcomes reported here to choose contextual analyses of genuine access and utilization of human services offices, and related wellbeing results.
This is the summary of my literature review
Results or findings / Method that he/she used / Title of the study
Variations exist in both numbers and types/levels of health care facilities available for use by the people although there is a positive relationship between the number of health facilities and population of LGAs
The distribution of health facilities along Senatorial districts appear to be near equitable. Perhaps, this is attributable to Governments policy of ensuring equal distribution of health facilities across the 3 Senatorial Zones in the State
Factorial analysis of variance using factorial uni-variate ANOVA design (extension of one-way ANOVA involving the analysis of two or more independent variables at once) to determine the relationship between zones and type of health facilities.
Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis was applied to investigate the relationship between population and number of health care facilities
Ujoh, F., & Kwaghsende, F. 2014. Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Health Facilities in Benue State, Nigeria. Public Health Research, 4(5), 210-218.
NetKDE method pointed to significant differences between the outside and inside areas of the Ming city wall consistent with the fact that the majority of health resources is concentrated in city areas
There is an apparent imbalance of hospital development between the main urban districts and the downtown area in Nanjing. The network aggregation of the first- and second-class hospitals is much stronger than the network aggregation of other hospitals in the main urban districts. This may be because the majority of first- and second-class hospitals were built long ago and are mainly located in the downtown area
Clinics have the highest correlation values with street centralities. Furthermore, private hospitals have higher correlation values with street centralities compared to public hospitals. Small size and smart flexibility may make private hospitals meet market needs more easily. In addition, these types of hospitals were established later, when more spatial ideas about equity and competitiveness were integrated in the location selection of new hospitals
Network kernel density (NetKDE) estimation was used to estimate the density of point events on a network according to a kernel density function.
The network K-function method was used for analysis and includes the network auto K-function method and the network cross K-function method. The main distinction is that the auto K-function method deals with a set of points of a single kind (e.g., automobile agents) and considers the shortest-path network distances between these points
Multiple Centrality Assessment Model and Correlation Coefficient to describe the accessibility of one facility or one place within a road network to show the relationship between street centrality and the spatial distribution pattern of healthcare facilities.
Ni, J., Qian, T., Xi, C., Rui, Y., & Wang, J. 2016. Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Healthcare Facilities in Nanjing: Network Point Pattern Analysis and Correlation Analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 13(8), 833.
Urban areas have much shorter travel time to health facilities than rural areas. The western area, which is far away from the county hospitals and has sparse highway network and tough terrain, has the lowest level of access, and with the longest travel time -.
Raster-data based least-cost path analysis method where any route between locations is considered in relation to the overall mode in which people tend to travel to access healthcare
Jin, C., Cheng, J., Lu, Y., Huang, Z., & Cao, F. 2015. Spatial inequity in access to healthcare facilities at a county level in a developing country: a case study of Deqing County, Zhejiang, China. International journal for equity in health, 14(1), 67.
This plan of action was found to be necessary to be implemented especially transition period in South Africa. Much improvement for the future and a major health plan for action was needed immediately. This particular plan had its limitations but nonetheless Soweto and other areas in South Africa needed something to base its health goals going forward. In conclusion this primary plan is as good as any (and better than none) to be implemented.
Rapid appraisal methods and techniques such as:
Negotiations with health care authorities
A clinic-based component of the research
A series of group discussions with various interest groups and role players to complement the clinic-based component
Doherty, J., Rispel, L., & Webb, N. 1996. Developing a plan for primary healt...
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