Listening Process: Evaluating

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  574 Words
Date:  2022-07-27


Evaluation is one of the listening processes; it refers to judging the value of the message. In many occasions, we could be thinking "this is very odd" or, conversely, "This makes sense." The above case occurs since every individual embodies the perspectives and biases learned from the diverse life experiences. In the process of communication, evaluation of the same messages can vary significantly from one listener to the other. In many cases, even the listeners with open minds may get the opinions of the speaker and as a result, these opinions will often have an influence on the evaluation of the message (Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2016). If the speaker speaks clearly and succinctly and presents the ideas logically, the people or listeners are able to positively evaluate the message.

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Adjusting one's opinion may result in the improvement in the evaluation of listening processes. In most cases, the negative personal opinions can lead to prejudiced evaluations. For instance, listening to someone that you do not like may reduce the personal opinions in the evaluation processes. To improve the listening evaluation processes, one should focus on the speaker's points and avoid biases that they may have towards the speaker (Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2016). With too many negative perceptions towards the speaker, one can find the speaker's message to be so annoying or they may sometimes ignore the message being displayed however much they may seem important. One way of improving the evaluation in the listening process is to develop trust towards the speaker and whatever they are trying to say. For instance, to gain a lot of insights to what the speaker attempts to say, the listener needs to become objective, where they should not concentrate on the negative but on the positive aspects of the speech. If one has some mistrust towards the speaker because of their way of life or because of anything they are trying to pursue, they could be ignoring essential or individually enriching information. Additionally, good listeners need to refrain from engaging in different adjustments and instead, focus on the meaning of the information being relayed by the speaker.

To improve performance in the evaluation process, one needs to develop attention on the most essential points that the speaker attempts to put across. For instance, to achieve the maximum evaluation process, one needs to take part of the concentrate on the speech throughout. Although there could be the negative aspects of the speech, there must also be the positive approaches which may prove to be important in the evaluation process. One needs to focus on the personal enriching information in order to improve the evaluation process. In most cases, evaluation in the speech requires listening to both the positive and negative aspects of the speech, this may aid in understanding whatever the speaker is likely to put across. Improving performance in the evaluation process requires identifying the weaknesses of the speaker and trying to weight them on their positive aspects. For instance, when the speaker concentrates on the positive things, the listener should completely pay attention in order to have a grasp of whatever they are trying to say. One can improve in the evaluation of listening process by improving their critical thinking and developing the positive way of reasoning or viewing things and different situations in a logical manner.


Gilakjani, A. P., & Sabouri, N. B. (2016). Learners' listening comprehension difficulties in English language learning: A literature review. English Language Teaching, 9(6), 123.

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Listening Process: Evaluating. (2022, Jul 27). Retrieved from

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