Stephen Hawking, in explaining the significance of justice on the continuity of the human race as highlighted in the Journal Gazette stated, Today, humans are developing ever faster. Our knowledge is growing exponentially and with it, our technology. But humans still have the instincts and in particular the aggressive impulses, that we had in caveman days. When modern technology meets ancient aggression, the entire human race and much of the rest of life on Earth is at risk (Hawking, p1 A. 6).In other words, man is making significant advancements on a regular basis but still exhibits a nihilist character which may result in extensive damages in future. The man is viewed not to be satisfied with his achievement such that he keeps on desiring more; an aspect that may put at risk the existence of humanity if a man lacks control. Despite the benefits of technology brought in human life in regards to medicine, sports, communication, transport and so forth, technology is viewed to have various limitations especially with the huge dependency on it. How will technology impact the future? Several authors have shared similar views with Hawkins regarding humanity and technology. Therefore, in the arts, and in our lives we find that humankind's future will become increasingly regressive.
Classical Science Fiction Authors About Future of Technology and Science
Through literary works, several fiction writers have been able to address the impact of technology on humanity especially when its use is uncontrollable. The Time Machine written by H.G. Wells and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K Dick addresses the themes of regression, brought about by technology, in most of their works. The scholars illustrate dystopia in their works by which technology has imposed harm on the respective characters.
Is the Time Machine a Dystopia of Tradition or Progress?
Peter Firchow in the article H.G. Wells Time Machine: In Search Of Time Future-And Time Past states, for the first time in a work of fiction Wells provided an up-to-date, technologically and scientifically grounded rationale for doing something that had hitherto been justified as occurring either by means of magic or through some sort of dream vision, (Fischow 123). In other words, the time machines present regression on a relatable event that might have been approached as illusions. The statement by Fischow relates to the Time Machine in regards to a dystopian world. Who were the morlocks in the Time Machine? The time traveler in Wells travels to the future where he comes across to species which are devolved; the Eloi and the Morlocks. The species are depicted as primitive by which the traveler views the Eloi as species who cannot think critically, focus mostly on leisure and are prey to the Morlocks. The Eloi also have limited skills in the language. The Morlocks live underground. The man appears to be uncivilized and hence raising questions on whether technology may result in a dystopian future in the Time Machine by H.G. Wells .
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Dystopia
The development of a dystopian world is also indicated by Philip Dick by which he presents the world which has been destroyed by nuclear and some survivors live on Mars. The humans create androids to be their slaves by which the androids flee to earth where they should be killed as they exhibit danger to real life. It includes the reliance on drugs which are used to control emotions among human beings (Dick n.p.). Life is not the same after the nuclear war regarding animals and plants by which people have to create robot sheep to illustrate their desire for an active life. Lamkin states, Although the future is here (the book was set in 1992) and the mood organ isn't, we are gradually approximating the device through psychopharmacology, (Lamkin n.p.) to illustrate how Dicks illusion has already become a reality in the real world.
Negative Effects of Technology in Dystopias: Aspect of Emotional Regression
From the manner in which the respective characters are presented, H. G. Wells and Philip Kindred Dick are two writers who address themes of regression, brought about by technology, in many of their works. Wells depicts the Eloi as emotionally disconnected from each other and hence depicting emotional regression. Firchow states, Although these philosophical questions about when and how to use drugs to alleviate emotional suffering have not yet come to the fore as legal issues, that's starting to change, (Wells 131). The time traveler explains an event where the Eloi were reluctant in saving one of them from drowning. He states, It happened that, as I was watching some of the little people [Eloi] bathing in the shallow, one of them [Weena] was seized with a cramp and began drifting downstream. The main current ran rather swiftly, but not too strongly for even a moderate swimmer. It will give you an idea, therefore, of the strange deficiency in these creatures, when I tell you that none made the slightest attempt to rescue the weakly crying little thing which was drowning before their very eyes (Wells 53-54). Furthermore, the Morlocks viewed the Eloi as their prey and hence illustrating emotional regression.
Dick also depicts the aspect of emotional regression in regards to how people control their emotions. The androids can be distinguished from human beings because of their selfishness when it comes to loving others. Nonetheless, the humans exhibit similarities with the androids in regards to how they handle their emotions (Dick n.p.). The humans can manipulate their emotions by using a device which is identified as a Penfield emotional device. The individuals who use the device bring about various emotions using the device by which there are emotions on desiring to watch the television, emotions on attitudes when handling their daily activities and emotions to show that they are pleased with other people's accomplishments (Dick n.p.). Lamkin relates the control of emotions with the modern drugs whereby they are used to handle situations involving depression in addition to brightening moods (Lamkin n.p.). He states, Although these philosophical questions about when and how to use drugs to alleviate emotional suffering have not yet come to the fore as legal issues, that's starting to change, (Lamkin n.p.).
Are People Too Dependent on Technology
In regards to my personal life, I feel that I am completely dependent on technology. I spend a lot of time on social media platforms, and when buying items, instead of going out for window shopping, I look for items online and buy whatever I also need online. As per self-evaluation, my social life has deteriorated by which I have a handful of friends whom I interact with from a face to face viewpoint. Most of the social interaction takes place online and hence possibly affecting my interpersonal skills. Dicks story reminds me of the usage of antidepressants whereby I tend to use them at times when I am faced with worrying circumstances. Their usage justifies Lamkins analogy on how Dicks imaginary world is already taking place (Lamkin n.p.).
In synopsis, from an analytical perspective, in the arts, and in our lives we find that humankind's future will become increasingly regressive. Technology is valuable but at the same time damaging when not used adequately or overused. Hawkins analogy on the influence of technology might be true in regards to how we have become dependent on technology. The possible situation is the occurrence of a better future which will be followed by immense destruction.
Works Cited
Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? New York: Doubleday, 1968. Print.
Fir chow, Peter. H.G. Wells Time Machine: In search of time future-and time past. Retrieved from
Lamkin, Matt. BioSci-Fi: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick, 1968. Center for Law and the Biosciences. Retrieved from
Wells, H.G. The Time Machine. New York: Diderot Publishing, 2014. Print.
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