HR in Health Care: Moving Beyond Non-Health Functions - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  456 Words
Date:  2023-05-06


Human resource functions in the non-health corporate environment involve developing, promoting, and overseeing employee career development and benefits, offering guidance on various disciplinary actions, providing orientation to new employees, recruiting, and giving promotions (Stewart, 2019). Whereas HR in health care runs from safety to performance management to ensure optimal results to patients. Some functions, which vary from those of non-health environment, include counseling, labor mediation, claims handling, educating on state and federal educations, ensuring a safe working environment and sanitation (Fallon, 2013)

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Challenges That Health Care Managers Face

The shift of Reimbursement models from fee for service to performance-based pose many managerial challenges. Managers need to be prepared to guide personnel through the changes and rethink how health care services will be undertaken.

In the 21st century, health care policies are continually changing, resulting in health care managers working in environments of constant uncertainty. Therefore, managers need to be always fast to adapt to any healthcare regulations and policy changes that emerge.

The emergence of new technology has brought about significant changes in the health industry, e.g., electronic patient records, novel drug therapies. Managers experience challenges because they need to understand, be competent, and be able to evaluate these technologies so that they can make the right decision on the best tool to invest in (McConnell, 2013).

The health care industry is currently experiencing workforce shortage. Therefore, Managers need to understand the labor market, learn how to retain and attract experienced personnel, and knowledge to manage the growing workforce cost without affecting the hospital negatively.

How HR Help Managers in Achieving Their Goals

Challenges related to change, e.g., emerging technologies and Reimbursement.HR put efforts by providing clear communication before and during change periods. They assist by creating awareness on upcoming changes and equipping personnel with the necessary expertise that they will require to manage the change (Kessler, 2017). Through this, employees feel a sense of security and capability and become positive towards the change.

To solve workforce shortage, managers obtain Hr assistance with proper staffing. They write job descriptions, screen applicant's pools, and categorize workers into appropriate departments on behalf of the managers.

HR enlighten employees on all health policies, and regulations changes will take place. They also provide continuous training on different health care developments, policies, and regulations. This helps to ensure employees make significant contributions in healthcare without bending any policies and ensure and proper health care administration to the patients without altering any procedures (McConnell, 2013).


Fallon, L. F., & McConnell, C. R. (2013). Human resource management in health care. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Kessler, I. (2017). Human resource management innovation in health care: the institutionalization of new support roles. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(2), 228-245.

Stewart, G. L. (2019). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.

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HR in Health Care: Moving Beyond Non-Health Functions - Essay Sample. (2023, May 06). Retrieved from

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