Climate change, pollution, and global warming has been a world concern. The climate has experienced drastic changes in climatic change and the rise in climate alteration and the environmental degradation as a whole. The changes in climatic are generally due to the effects of greenhouse gasses, which causes global warming that in turn, results to changes in climate (Rogers and Laffoley 104. Carbon pollution among other agents of pollution has led to significant effects on the climate of the world. It is vital to get to understand the concept of pollution, global warming and climatic changes and their impact on Earth. Putting in mind that there have been many threats that are poised to the Earth due to these agents (Tai et al 817). This task seeks to handle the cause, effects, and solutions to climatic change, pollution, and global warming on Earth.
Cause of Climatic Change, Pollution, and Global Warming
To begin with the climatic changes, several factors result in climatic changes. These include human activities, which result in changes in the environment, which in turn lead to the effects on the climate. For instance, one of the social activity that occurs in climatic change is cutting down of trees without replacing (Rogers and Laffoley 109). In the past, there were laws that if one cuts one tree, he or she plants two or more. The policy enabled the conservation of the environment, thus, protect the climate. Looking at countries such as Costa Rica, which is one of the greatest environment conservers in the world, their climate is not affected because they protect the environment species.
Another cause of climate change that calls for an alarm is the increased use of chemicals in various industries today, which in many cases results in global warming. This changes the climatic patterns (D'amato and Cecchi 1264). The increased population on the Earth as well as results of climate change. This is because as the population increases, many people are trying to find room for their settlements; as a result, many trees are brought down, many forests and water catchment areas are greatly destroyed.
Pollution, on the other hand, are caused by various factors, those as well needs to be looked into. Pollution majorly affects the water, the air, and the land in general. The increased human activities as well as cause contamination on the earth surfaces. To begin with water pollution, it gets noted that water is a critical component of life and a more significant percentage of the earth surface is covered by water (Ramanathan and Feng 40). Out of this more substantial percentage, a reasonable rate gets polluted every day, making the water bodies to be destroyed daily. The first cause of water pollution is the release of waste into the water bodies. Industrial wastes that do not decompose pollute the water, making it unfit for life.
Moreover, water pollution is caused by the release of chemicals into these water bodies that kill the aquatic fauna and flora. Air pollution is caused majorly by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum products that emit carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere. Land pollution, which is as well a significant form of pollution, is caused by deforestation, mining, illegal dumping of waste as well constructions.
Generally, the factors that result in pollution consequently leads to global warming. The major causes of global warming include increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, which cause the ice sheets to melt. Moreover, there is increased use of chemicals and emission of the substances into the atmosphere. There are fears that the chemical effluents cause global warming on Earth.
Effects of Climatic Change, Pollution and Global Warming
There are various effects that changes in climate, pollution and global warming has on earth. They include; Increase in the number of death rates. It is considered a global effect, because currently world-wide the most significant global health threat is known to be climate change. It is a threat that affects all humanity and its growth, especially the elderly, the children and inclusive of minorities. Global warming affects the mentioned individuals, either directly or indirectly. The more temperature increases, so do the occurrence of illness, deaths and emergency room visits takes place.
As per Haq says "Existence of hotter days takes place where individuals are not used to it, and these persons also don't have air-condition machines or can't manage to purchase it." In an environment where temperature fails to go down after four days, even at night hours can lead to drastic health consequences. In states such as the United States, recorded that annually hundreds of heat-related issues occur and this is due to effects of indirect and direct impacts of high temperature; hence it causes kidneys diseases, heart stroke and cardiovascular, therefore this an evidence that extreme heat takes away life.
Dirtier Air
Existence of an increase in temperature also pollutes air via increasing ground-level ozone, this situation is brought about by pollution of factors, cars and some sources retaliate to heat and sunlight. Hence the ground level ozone brings about smog and hotter things. Higher rates of hospital admission and death rates of asthma individuals are brought about via dirtier air. It is evident that these worsen the well-being of people suffering from pulmonary diseases. Airborne pollen stipulated via warmer temperatures; hence, it is a demoralizing report to individuals suffering from allergies and hay fevers.
More Acidic Oceans
Ecosystems of earth marine are under high pressure due to climatic change. Oceans are growing to be more acidic because they absorb most of our excess emissions. Due to acceleration acidification, the oceans poses a significant threat to its habitat, such as corals, mollusc and crabs, since they possess skeletons and calcium carbonate shells, hence a high impact of shellfisheries is recorded. It is true that acidification has coasted Pacific Northwest Oyster Company a massive loss close to a hundred million dollars.
Higher wildlife extinction rates
It is a fact that humans face multiples of challenges, despite that we are not the only creature that experiences high heat levels. As the universe undergoes various changes, its occupants will disappear if they fail to respond to the adaptability nature quickly. It is a fact that some may survive and others may not. As per the record of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of 2014 reports that oceans, freshwater and land inhabitants are changing their geographical areas to either high altitude or colder regions (Sussman 391). Due to the fact they are escaping global warming. In every year, they are changing their characteristics movement's patterns. And yet majorities are still extinct due to the existence of climate change.
Solutions to the Problem
There are various solutions to these problems that need to be put to use to eliminate the effect on the earth (Jacobson 25). One of the most critical solutions that need to be embraced by the government and all the environmental agencies is the use of clean fuels (Baer, Hans, and Merrill 309). Governments worldwide should formulate procedure that they can use to replace fossil fuels with alternative energy such as solar energy, geothermal, and hydro energy. Being that the burning of fossil fuels is the primary cause of pollution, global warming and climate change, there is a need for the difference. There should be no excuses that it cannot be done, it can be since countries such as Costa Rica have done and it is moving well with them. Moreover, implementation of the use of clean technology despite being branded as being expensive, I think nations need not look at the cost but the percentage of life that it will save.
The effect of water pollution is causing more harm than one may think of. For instance, out of the 97% of the earth surface covered with water, it gets noted that 60% is not fit for consumption because of pollution. The effects of this are significant since many Flora and Fauna are living in the 60% of water areas that are polluted. Therefore, the use of sodium hypochlorite, which is recommended to be the best water treatment solution, can be applied to treat the water bodies. Furthermore, it can be used to manage the water that reused by people to prevent diseases. It is essential to give a try every solution that can work towards eliminating the effects on water pollution.
Since the endangered species are the most affected by climate changes and pollution, it will be vital to come up with several ways through which these species can be protected. One of which is to create a shelter that is protected from any harm so that the species can continue to reproduce to prevent them from becoming extinct (Watson, James 332). Furthermore, there is a need for the animal's habitat protection laws and policies to avoid the animals and plants from going extinct.
In conclusion, it gets crucial to note that global warming, pollution, the climate changes are destroying the world, and in the near future there will be many destructions done. For examples, there will be many deaths of animals, human beings and plants, many diseases and there will be cases of extreme weather conditions. It is therefore vital for the agencies to come up with various protective ways of ensuring that pollution, global warming and climate changes are eliminated.
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