Paris climatic change agreement is among the most fundamental decisions ever made in the world today. The UN climate deal helped clear all the climatic frustrations that were overwhelming to each stakeholder concerned with the environmental degradation (Harvey, 2015). It was discovered that COP21 compromises various issues to ensure that the planet is fit for living. It was a heartwarming appeal for the leaders of over 190 countries meeting to make a deal towards the adoption of sustainable energy which enhances the well-being of our climate as a fundamental requirement (Harvey, 2015).
The outcome of Paris meeting was heartwarming as it happened against the expectations which were connected to the previous negotiations that erupted wrangles and misunderstanding in 2009. It was outlined that the developed and developing countries are required to limit their emissions to a relatively safe level. Boone (2017) outlined that the safe level was described to be 2C with an aspiration of 1.5C as a way of ensuring that commitments are increased to allude to the scientific advice that was given in good faith.
Since developing nations might find it difficult to obtain the required finance to minimise the emissions, it was resolved that some funding will be set aside to support the countries as a framework for ensuring that the resolutions made in the summit are put into practice (Harvey, 2015). It was also outlined that the nations that suffer immediate climatic disasters will be offered an urgent aid to safeguard their operations towards maintaining a hazard free country which contributes to a better climate in future.
However, it was later found out that internationally, it is not perfect to curb the emissions to a minimum of 2C as it was found out that warming can go up to 3C at industrial levels. However, the limit that was set by scientist as 2C helps companies to try their level best to work towards achieving the limit set and approved by Paris Summit (Harvey, 2015). Even though developing countries lament that the money provided to them will not be able to ensure that the limit is attained, the idea of placing a minimum emission content and a given threshold put countries on the long run of limiting their budget. It also ensures that they maintain an environment that is safe for both the current and future generations (Harvey, 2015). Many countries lament that the agreement is overwhelming and that it was not mindful of the developing nations. Therefore, it is clear that there is a need for future strategies to renege their commitments to secure our climate to the most desired form in consideration of the available resources.
Most of the countries warmly accepted the message of the delegates except a few that lamented on the issue of lack of funds to ensure that the 2C minimum is achieved. For instance, France warmly accepted the deal through its diplomacy and outlined that it would enhance its commitment towards maintaining a proper way of keeping the climate fit for all generations (Harvey, 2015). On the other hand, it was discovered that the Paris deal wouldn't "dig [the world] out of the hole that the [world] is in by making the sides less steep" (Harvey, 2015). The Paris agreement is on the long run towards achieving the best outcomes to the kind of climate that is expected in future. However, it requires broad approaches towards confronting the financial challenges.
Kapumba (2017) outlined that the outcomes of the COP21 Paris summit provided a chance for Commonwealth to support the control of environmental hazards that are produced by massive emissions of greenhouse gases. The COP21 Paris enabled the UN General Assembly to maintain an incredible timing towards the adoption of policies that will allow the actions of companies within their jurisdictions to work within the set minimum actions and emissions. Additionally, Kapumba (2017) found out that the outcomes of COP21 Paris were the adoption of great strategies towards the use of renewable energy which helps in limiting the overheating effect into the atmosphere. At the moment, most motor industries are now adopting the production of electric vehicles amid the manufacture of appliances that use solar energy as a way of limiting the massive effects of global warming.
Today, most countries allude to the policies of maintaining control of emissions, and they adopt the use of appliances that minimise the production of excess energy into the atmosphere (Fetchet, 2016). COP21 provided a platform for the formation of appropriate policies in the world decision making approaches. COP21 enabled the foundation of offering finance to the underdeveloped and developing nations to maintain and adopt the proper formation of green energy apart from managing a globally secure energy form (Kapumba 2017, p. 2). Polluter pays principle was able to be adopted which enables to curb environmental pollution thus solves the problem of harmful emissions (Fetchet, 2016). Even though Copenhagen countries failed to follow the set approaches towards the reduction of the greenhouse effect, for instance, the 1.5C policy, most nations alluded to the methods that were set to control climate change.
Another outcome of the COP21 Paris was the introduction of incentive programs which encourage private sectors to adopt and develop clean energy in the processes. Also, "small and poor countries are entitled to funding and grants to enable them to support the approaches towards the use of clean and green energy" (Karumba, 2017, p. 2).
Patouris, J 2016 mentioned that the COP21 Paris enabled the formation of a paradigm shift in most company's ways of production to the most appropriate forms that allude to the need for environmentally friendly approaches. There were also strategies set aside for to enhance international watch over the practices that companies across the globe employ to improve their ways of ensuring that they work with the most appropriate energy creation in line with the green energy (Fetchet, 2016). The outcomes of COP21 Paris were connected to the momentous achievement of the environment and the global economy. There was the creation of a shift towards low emission economy. Thus it motivates states to lay down ambitious targets.
COP21 Paris set the pace for the frameworks for action, future direction and a set of regular review. It offered a chance for the world to make a long-term goal towards the reduction of emissions as a way of lowering the heating on the earth. Nationally determined contributions were set thus offering a chance for focusing on the highest possible ambitions that demonstrate a set of progression over time. On the other hand, the outcome is connected to the formation of accountability approaches towards hybrid compliance and transparency of the requirements for reporting. The paved summit way for the establishment of a transparent verification and reporting of nations progress towards emissions reductions. There is the follow-up of facilitative compliance that governments are supposed to allude to every five years.
Finance flow is enhanced alongside the adaptation of the agreed amount that is required to be contributed by all developed and developing countries towards funding the underdeveloped nations to ensure that they focus on the main agenda of COP21 Paris summit (Fetchet, 2016). It was found out that states should contribute towards the $100 billion target by 2020 to enable the formation of climate change pack as outlined in Article five (Fetchet, 2016). The long-term goal of keeping global warming as low as possible was made to start up as a measure of avoiding the future impacts of poor control on the world emissions. COP21 enables the developing countries to be able to be among the nations that are capable of controlling their emissions to limit climate change.
Whether COP21 Paris Should be Considered, or Not for the Starting Point for New Sustainability Actions
Paris policies should be considered irrespective of whether some countries are capable or incapable of alluding to the set minimums. The reason is connected to the advantages that the outcomes will impose on the future generations. COP21 Paris should be considered since the pledge that countries places will enable the countries to maintain the proper measures to enhance a collective action towards the adoption of the best approaches to climatic change. Another reason is that the strategies towards climate change that were applied in the past did not work since there was no strict adherence to the climatic change agreements. According to Fetchet (2016), there was a top-down agreement by leaders during the past summit with no follow-up strategies. For the COP21 Paris, it is clear that the set minimums by the scientists and which was approved during the summit will constraint the countries to adhere to the strategies thus will promote the best approaches towards climate change. COP21 Paris is a viable approach, unlike the previous methods that did not offer the required guidelines required to reduce the emissions due to the greenhouse.
The COP21 Paris summit outlined the required guidelines which should be followed by countries thus shows that the mountain made sure that all strategies are put in place to ensure that climate change is managed by all states (Fetchet, 2016). The developing countries are entitled to a given amount of funds to enable them to allude to the 2C threshold towards maintaining the required minimum effluents of energy to reduce global warming. According to the 1997 summit, only the developing countries were expected to commit themselves to the bonding greenhouse gas emission reduction without focusing on the underdeveloped and developing countries. Consequently, the current COP21 Paris summit has outlined that the role towards maintaining a sustainable energy constraint all nations to the required maintenance of the minimum emissions which is 2C with support for the poor or underdeveloped countries (Harvey, 2015). For that matter, it is clear that the COP21 Paris is the most viable approach towards the reduction of effluents concerning greenhouse gases thus climate change will be controlled.
Tobin, Schmidt, Tosun and Burns (2018) mentioned that the COP21 is the most successful approach towards the enhancement of proper and sustainable energy since it is mindful of all nations amid the underdeveloped and developing countries which require extra funds to ensure that they maintain the 1.5C which is a strategy to reduce emissions by a large margin. Tobin et al. (2018) outline that the COP21 Paris conference decisions has been the most successful in the process of climate change and maintenance of industrial processes towards the reduction of harmful effluents and overheating to the earth (Harvey, 2015). The integral role of INDCs that are anchored into the agreement makes the summits decision to be able to be termed as the most successful in the reduction of effluents and control of greenhouse effect by the industries in the respective countries. The roles of all states have been outlined by the COP21 Paris towards the formation of negotiations which potentially facilitate more polycentric and bottom-up approaches.
Since states are the members of negotiating groups which are divided according to the regional and all negotiating similarities (Tobin 2018, p. 11). INDCs are anchored to the COP21 Paris Agreement which forms part of the innovation towards climate management since they are submitted to every country. Climate mitigation has been made to dominate the attention of UNFCCC negotiations and has actively made nations to dedicate their strategies towards the reduction of effluents in the atmosphere through alluding to th...
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