Free Essay Sample on Keys to Nursing Leadership

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1362 Words
Date:  2023-11-18


For the realization of transformation in the health care system, strong leadership is highly advised. Therefore, nursing professionals should produce leaders in the entire healthcare system to serve with other healthcare professionals. Nurses bear responsibility and accountability in their input in high-quality care delivery in collaboration with other health professional leaders. All nurses, including graduate registered nurses, should be leaders in designing, implementing, and evaluating and advocating for necessary healthcare reforms (Frenk et al., 2010). Leadership skills are essential for nurses to perform competently and in full partnership with other healthcare professionals and physicians to reform and redesign healthcare system efforts. Therefore, in this study, I will address building professional capacity through strong leadership adaptation by graduate registered nurses in the delegation of tasks and advocacy for improved healthcare provision systems as the frontline leaders in caregiving.

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Specific Delegation

Graduate registered nurses (RN) should be empowered and motivated to attain specific delegation and advocacy goals. By adopting the right leadership tools, they will also support, direct, collaborate, coordinate, and advocate for patients care to attain optimal patient results. They should develop and implement leadership in their professional positions, such as delegation, while focusing on healthcare and patients (Lekan et al., 2011). As direct patient's caregivers, they should adopt clinical leadership skills to help achieve their primary goals of supporting healthcare teams and patients in care provision. While engaging in their day to day roles, the graduate RN should adopt effective leadership to ensure a patient's safety and to offer high-quality care. Therefore, the graduate RN should be well trained and equipped for them to make appropriate leadership decisions. The graduate RN should be fully responsible in identifying areas of waste and problems, devising and implementing an improvement plan, tracking improvement, and making adjustments that might be necessary to realize established goals. Graduate RN serves as patients strong advocates; hence they should be part of the decision-making team to improve care delivery (Huber, 2017).

Competent Leaders

For nurses to be competent leaders in re-conceptualized roles, they should use the set policies to develop and shape their careers. Competent leadership will be achieved by speaking the policy language, effectively engaging in the political process, and working cohesively. Graduate RN nurses in the decision-making of health policies should have a voice and be involved in healthcare reform implementation efforts. Furthermore, graduate RN should actively serve in boards, commissions, and advisory committees in the policymaking regarding health system advancement to ensure improved patient care. For the graduate registered nurses to achieve these delegation improvements, they should partner with other clinicians. The nursing profession's leadership competencies and skills should be applied within the nursing profession and other healthcare professionals' collaboration. Graduate RN nurses are the decision-makers in the first level; hence they should be granted independence to form the leadership foundation in performing their nursing role such as delegating tasks (Lewis et al., 2016). Their leadership should be demonstrated in their action in providing professional nursing practices in task delegation by establishing therapeutic relationships amongst patients, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners.

Patient Care Outcomes

It is the responsibility of a registered nurse to work within their practice scope and provide safe care. However, in some instances, it might necessitate the application of the wrong skill mix; hence the registered nurse will have to be accountable for failure to delegate the task appropriately (Harris et al., 2016). Without the required leadership tasks, it might be difficult for a newly registered nurse to perform delegation of functions. Poor delegation might put them in great trouble since they are accountable and also responsible for everything that happens to the patient. Such challenges might be overwhelming to them, hence addressing the need for a newly registered nurse's professional capacity building.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a task delegation culture for the graduate nurse to focus on their work as registered nurses. However, it calls for many struggles to achieve this since the recently graduated registered nurse might be viewed to be getting rid of the tasks they don't want to perform or can even be perceived to be lazy. Additionally, the people in which the charges are delegated to might not be competent enough and might not get enough support and supervision from the graduate registered nurse.

Task Delegation

In nursing practice, the delegation of tasks is central; hence, every graduate registered nurse must have personal attributes, judgment, skills, and knowledge to delegate nursing care in the healthcare environment effectively. A registered nurse's ability to supervise, delegate, and assign are crucial competencies in the 21st-century nurse (Heller et al., 2004). Within the category of leadership, a registered graduate nurse is expected to have the aspect of delegation as a critical entry competence practice. "Nurses would embrace their accountability as the freedom to facilitate the patient's journey to their preferred outcomes rather than technicians complacently completing a checklist of tasks" (Harris et al., 2016). Such competence will be achieved by identifying the tasks to delegate according to the client's needs, effective time management through the organized workload, and a short evaluation of delegated tasks for the RN to ensure that the activities are correctly completed. Furthermore, competence will be achieved through the RN, ensuring that the individuals performing the delegated activities have appropriate experience, skills, education, immediate reposting of clients' concerns, and activities.

An appropriate and proper assignment of tasks by graduate RN enhances quality care. In contrast, inappropriate and improper assignments jeopardize clients' safety, lead to disappointing results of care, and lead to low care quality, which might call for legal consequences (Sullivan & Garland (2010 Therefore, the RN should delegate tasks based on an individual's scope of practice to avoid adverse outcomes. A graduate registered nurse should also be aware of the challenges they are likely to encounter to develop ways to improve their operating environment. Additionally, a graduate registered nurse should work within their standard guidelines and codes of practice, especially when delegating tasks. Achieving this gives them the direction and brings reassurance that they're operating on best nursing practice principles. The delegation process adopted should, therefore, encourage safe task performance and teamwork by adopting the right direction and communication. Deficiencies in delegation might occur if the tasks are delegated to assistant personnel, who are unlicensed.


To conclude, nursing practice and research should develop and identify evidence-based health care improvements based on policy changes. Leaders in nursing should also translate research findings into nursing education and practice environment into policy and practice. Such practice is essential since nurses are pivotal in providing safety and high-quality care, hence assuring patients' positive outcomes. Such an outcome necessitates a need for functional leadership in nursing for the provision of high-quality care. To achieve this, graduate RN nurses should be open to new ideas, lifelong learners, and critical thinkers while maintaining professional growth. They should be proactive, competent, and confident for them to achieve improved patients outcomes.


Harris, J. L., Roussel, L. A., & Thomas, T. (2016). Initiating and sustaining the clinical nurse leader role: A practical guide. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Harvey, G., Gifford, W., Cummings, G., Kelly, J., Kislov, R., Kitson, A ... & Ehrenberg, A. (2019). Mobilizing evidence to improve nursing practice: A qualitative study of leadership roles and processes in four countries. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 90, 21-30.

Lekan, D. A., Corazzini, K. N., Gilliss, C. L., & Bailey Jr, D. E. (2011). Clinical leadership development in accelerated baccalaureate nursing students: An education innovation. Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(4), 202-214.

Huber, D. (2017). Leadership and nursing care management-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Frank, J., Chen, L., Bhutta, Z. A., Cohen, J., Crisp, N., Evans, T. ... & Kistnasamy, B. (2010). Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. The Lancet, 376(9756), 1923-1958.

Heller, B. R., Drenkard, K., Esposito-Herr, M. B., Romano, C., Tom, S., & Valentine, N. (2004). Educating nurses for leadership roles. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 35(5), 203-210.

Sullivan, E. J., & Garland, G. (2010). Practical leadership and management in nursing. Pearson Education.

Lewis, S. L., Bucher, L., Heitkemper, M. M., Harding, M. M., Kwong, J., & Roberts, D. (2016). Medical-Surgical Nursing-E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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