Evaluation Report: Evans Food Group Recalls Misbranded Pork Skin Products - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  617 Words
Date:  2023-08-28


This evaluation report demonstrates the documentation of one of the recent products that were recalled from the market. I chose the article titled “Evans Food Group Recalls Ready-To-Eat Pork Skin Products due to Misbranding,” which was authored by Okonta Chrystal and published by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) on May 13, 2020. The author’s thesis focuses on informing the reader of the crime committed that leads to the given penalty. The amount at which products are recalled in the market influences the blame game assigned to other market entities that are players in the market signaling it as unhealthy competition

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The article is factual as it presents the following facts. The author claims that Evans Food Group Limited, a food processing company based in Arlington, Texas, is misinforming the public her customers through faulty product labeling (Okonta, 2020). The article provides images of the product labels, and it is verifiable that the information on them does not reflect the intended contents. For instance, the ready to eat product contains soy, but its label does not reliably inform the consumer of the same. These facts support the author’s thesis adequately.

These facts presented in the article are related to the course content in multiple ways. First, they indicate the expansiveness of the damage due to recalled products. For instance, in the article, the company is recalling approximately 3,796 pounds of ready-to-eat (RTE) pork skin products (Okonta, 2020). This scenario presents a huge loss to the processor. It also poses a danger to the users of the products. Besides, the company suffers a big blow due to the development of trust issues in their customer base.

Secondly, the article indicates the danger the recalled products pose to the consumers especially, those who use them before they are recalled. Similar to the course content, the consumers are the biggest losers in such scenarios. However, the author fails to address into detail, the effects of the product in case some people had consumed it. Unlike the course work, the article only indicates that casualties should visit a doctor upon developing symptoms (Okonta, 2020), but again fail to specify them. The coursework more elaborate on the clear and specific impacts on the customer, the producer, and the environment.

The article only utilizes one resource, that is, the information obtained by FSIS from the company during their regular records review. The source is credible because a government agency is involved in doing thorough investigations before releasing data to the public. Additionally, the source is recent within the last sixty days.

One strength of the article is that it is factual and precise. The reader does not have to spend extended time reading through to find facts. The author presents them in a summarized way. However, the article has some disadvantages. It is dependent on one source for information, and it does not determine the extent of damage due to the product. Also, the author fails to inform the reader of the financial consequences incurred by the company in terms of money value.

The author presents neither biasness nor faulty reasoning in the presentation of his information. He represents true values and articulates issues that are also mentioned by Matsumoto (2020). This topic has erupted a debate between producers and consumers on the efforts such companies take to ensure customer safety.


Matsumoto, T. (2020). Consideration of Countermeasures for Food Product Recall Prevention. Journal of Food System Research, 26(4), 367-372.

Okonta, C. (2020 May 13). Evans Food Group Recalls Ready-To-Eat Pork Skin Products due to Misbranding. USDA: Food Safety and Inspection Service 010-2020. www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/recalls-and-public-health-alerts/recall-case-archive/archive/2020/recall-010-2020-release

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Evaluation Report: Evans Food Group Recalls Misbranded Pork Skin Products - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/evaluation-report-evans-food-group-recalls-misbranded-pork-skin-products-essay-sample

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