Evaluation of the Post-Disaster Recovery in New Orleans

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  427 Words
Date:  2022-04-12


Post-disaster recovery is involved since it occurs in a high-stress environment and involves various agencies and stakeholders engaged in disaster recovery activity. Recovery is an attempt to bring a post-disaster situation to an acceptable level through managing the disruptions and damages that are inflicted on the built environment of the urban system, institutions, and people. Those damages on the municipal system may be due to either human-made or natural disasters for example earthquakes, tsunami, floods, and explosions.

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Evaluation of the Post-disaster Assistance

The united states government provides funding to the states and local government to aid in the disaster recovery phase for example as a result of the hurricane disaster in New Orleans the Congress passed two supplementary bills of $34.5 billion for post-disaster funds and scraped $16 billion for the national flood insurance program (Gotham&Kevin, 85). The evaluation helps determine if the resources were allocated efficiently to achieve the intended outcome. Assessment is essential to facilitate the continued efforts of improvement in the post-disaster recovery

Formulation of policies or legislative framework for emergency management, whose aim is to provide guidance in instances of disaster recovery. For example, the recovery and response issues due to the hurricane in Katrina led to Congress passing the post-Katrina emergency management reform act in 2006 providing the authority and guidance in the recovery efforts (Smith&Gavin, 56). Depending on the approach adopted in the New Orleans city, the center of recovery is always in the community with the stakeholders and the state government of Louisiana providing the assistance and support. The evaluation helps determine if the community is benefiting from the set policy interventions, therefore there is need to specify the policy interventions effectiveness, efficiency, and appropriateness to assist in recovery and outcomes delivery.

The Future Needs of the New Orleans Post-disaster Assistance

To minimize the barriers of post-disaster recovery, policies that facilitate community-led recovery should be initiated. This can be achieved through various ways such as, first. The state government of Louisiana should transfer decision authority to local communities in New Orleans and local neighbours. Instead of the state government of Louisiana waiting for approval to rebuild as per the official plan, the residents should get the free will to rebuild based on their idea or goal. For example, the rebuilding efforts after the hurricane in Katrina were successful due to the community involvement.

Work Cited

Gotham, Kevin Fox. "From 9/11 to 8/29: Post-disaster recovery and rebuilding in New York and New Orleans." Social Forces 87.2 (2008): 1039-1062.

Smith, Gavin. Planning for post-disaster recovery: A review of the United States disaster assistance framework. Island Press, 2012.

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Evaluation of the Post-Disaster Recovery in New Orleans. (2022, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/evaluation-of-the-post-disaster-recovery-in-new-orleans

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