Women incarceration in America can be dated to centuries ago when they were housed in a separate room from that of male inmates. They did not have a clear place, and this contributed to security issues, and abuses from male inmates and guards. Their food was given by male inmates who would abuse them physically and sexually. Prison pregnancies became high, and a turning point was only reached after the death of a pregnant inmate who was beaten up by a male guard. Although separate houses were created for female inmates after the incident, the conditions were bad, and they got horrible treatment while they were serving their sentences. It is evident that compared to male inmates have fewer needs that the women and therefore female inmates need more attention and resources as compared to men. Research indicates that mothers and those who are pregnant live under deplorable in the America prisons because of lack of provision of the necessities they require. There is a high level of neglect and abuse on the mothers and pregnant women in prison. The criminal profile of women in jail indicates that they are composed of former physical abuse survivors, rape victims, drug addicts, people with mental and physical severe challenges among others. In this case, they need tender care and special attention which they do not get in the prisons. The paper will, therefore, discuss the required reforms in the women prisons and offering solutions to the highlighted issues.
The current condition of incarcerated mothers and pregnant women in American prisons is terrible because they give birth and raise their children in shackles. One obvious thing is that most them go to jail because of the crimes they committed, but some commit the crimes because of other issues such as drug addiction, alcoholism, poverty leading to robbery among other topics. In this regard, they already have troubled lives which should be made better in prison and not worse. Mothers who have children do not get sufficient supplies for their babies and also the conditions in which their shelters are in is terrible. They are not clean and warm enough for the babies and some end up dying in the cold or infections. Mothers with babies need individual rooms that will meet the needs of babies and nursing mothers.
To begin with, mothers and those who are pregnant need special attention to their needs because they are not alone but with children or waiting to deliver. Those who have children in prison lack the necessary facilities and necessities to bring their children up in a pleasant environment. The mothers go to prisons while pregnant, and they end giving birth to their babies as inmates. In this regard, the government needs to come up with an effective program which will ensure that children get quality care in the form of food, clothing, hygiene among other basic needs that children need. Currently, in American prisons mother are living in deplorable conditions as they do not get all the necessities that children require for healthy living. Most of them, therefore, end developing complications that may lead to death or permanent damage to their health. There should be a constant supply of sanitary towels and diapers for children and their mothers in prison an issue that has not been well addressed in the prisons.
Similarly, children require a clean and conducive environment especially when they are still young because they are sensitive and this is a thing that has not been well taken care of as mothers and children are living in horrible conditions. The babies born and raised in the prisons need education, and therefore there should be nurseries to enable the children to get training and have meaningful lives just like other children who are not in prison. It is the right of every child to get an education regardless of any circumstance surrounding their lives. Children in jail should be supported because it is their mothers imprisoned and not them and because they are born in the prisons they need to be provided for and given any necessary support.
The pregnant women need to be well fed for them having healthy babies. Most of them who are incarcerated while pregnant develop complications because they already bad lifestyle they are living. Some are alcoholics, drug addicts, come from poor backgrounds and cannot get necessities among others. In this case, they need to be given the required attention to save their lives and those of their babies. Similarly, children need to be well fed and taken care of so that they do not develop health issues.
American prisons need significant improvement regarding mothers and pregnant women. Solutions need to be given immediately to avoid causing more harm than good to the female inmates. One of the answers to pregnant women is putting them in a separate room with necessities such as beds, and other facilities which enable them to be comfortable during pregnancy. They should also be given checkups and reviews to ensure that the health of the unborn baby is okay. In this regard, clinics should be established to cater to the needs of such women. After they get their babies, they should not mingle with the rest of the inmates but instead given isolated rooms for the sake of preventing infection of the infants. The children should also be given the necessary care for instance through food provision, warm clothes, among other needs that may deem appropriate. The women should also take care of after they give birth as they care and attention in terms of medication and food. The rooms in which nursing mothers live should be warm and conducive for babies. Another critical issue that is worth noting is that children born in the prisons need education and therefore schools should be established within the prisons to enable the children to get a good foundation in their education as it is their right. More funds need to be allocated both in the federal and state government for such projects to accomplish. The women should also be protected from harmful guards and male counterparts who are likely to abuse them sexually. The pregnant women should also be put on the check so that they get proper care to avoid giving birth to babies with complications. They should not continue staying in shackles but provided with better accommodation.
It is wrong for mothers and pregnant women to live in shackles because they have a right to good shelter and care. The children should also not miss education as they have a right to education regardless of their current state. In this regard, mothers should be built good shelters, get good food, medications and all necessities for the infants. The government should not ignore the condition and state of affairs for the inmates but instated allocate sufficient funds to cater for their needs.
Work Cited
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Sage publications. The incarceration of women retrieved from 2018
Seymour, Cynthia. "Introduction: Children with Parents in Prison: Child Welfare Policy, Program, and Practice Issues." Children with parents in prison. Routledge, 2017. 1-26.
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