Essay Example on Post-War Vietnam: Johnson's Programs & the Great Society Impact

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  494 Words
Date:  2023-09-11

The rural poverty, great community, social problems did not end and did not rise to the standards immediately after the war since Vietnam with tapped all the funding. Due to the introduction of great society programs, much development has taken place. Some of the changes include dropping the child mortality rate, increment if college completion. Also, fewer older people IN America live below the poverty line.

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Johnson's programs, which included medical, did not proceed. They incorporated corruption, mismanagement, and even were not well funded, which led to their failure. A good example is when the medical removed the incentives, which led to the high-rise of hospital bills. Single parenthood was another problem wherein 1960, around 5% of the kids were born from a single-parent household.

In today's life, due to the introduction of a great society program, the number of single mothers has dropped drastically by around 40%. The level of poverty has dropped by over nine percent in duration of fewer than ten years due to the program (1964-1973). The program achieved all these through federal payment.

As time went on the Vietnam war reached into another level, racial war begun in American cities while the war in Vietnam was changing the momentum. Through support from nations like China, the North Vietnam federal started to offer support to the fighters in South Vietnam who used guerilla tactics intending to withdraw the US government as a means of uniting the nation.

As time went, Johnson expressed his fear by stating that, "It looks to me like we are getting into another Korea. . . . I don't think it's worth fighting for, and I don't think we can get out". Miscommunication from Johnson arose high brows by mistakenly pointing out that North Vietnamese have attacked two of his warships. However, it was later confirmed that the United States had fired toward the North Vietnamese as a support to the South Vietnamese. As we have seen is that the public themselves thought that the combat was unwinnable.

It didn't take long for in 1968 the country came to a settled state by the formation of different cities, e.g., the "Chicago Democratic National Convention" based in Chicago. In less than a month the republican can and selected Nixon Richard who had vowed not to run for a public office due to his loss as a governor in 1962 but by 1968 he had changed his mind and claimed himself to be the spokesperson for the ethics of the "middle America."

On exactly 5th of November year 1968, the voting was conducted, and Nixon emerged as the winner beating his contestant Hubert Humphrey. When he won, he promised had "peace and honor," and his people were looking forward to seeing him full fill his promises of promoting peace in Vietnam and making America great. On his first weak in the Whitehouse Richard Nixon said to the advisor, "I've got to put on my nice-guy hat . . . but let me make it clear that's not my nature.

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Essay Example on Post-War Vietnam: Johnson's Programs & the Great Society Impact. (2023, Sep 11). Retrieved from

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