Essay Sample on Tucker Georgia Healthcare

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1157 Words
Date:  2022-11-28


Numerous health care risks face Tucker Georgia like any other location over the world. Some of the risks are not just experienced by health care forums in this place but are common in any health care organization in the wide world (Nelson, 2016). We are going to look at some of the risks by the health care which affects the people in it and how such risks can be handled or somewhat managed.

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One of the risks we are going to look at is the health care infection. You find out that once the disease occurs in particular health care, there is always a severe problem in managing the epidemic. A lot of resource and finances are used in handling the infection in which health cares are affected financially. Therefore health care infection in Tucker Georgia should make sure the health care machines are up to date and also educate the staffs on how to use and maintain the systems to ensure the patients receive health care infection effectively (Titova, 2017). Control techniques on primary infection should also be kept reminded to the staffs and the visitors.

Telemedicine is another risk in health care. This form of medication is used in delivering quality treatment (Nelson, 2016). Once the providers in the health care do not have the proper experience, the use of this telemedicine brings about complains and allegation of the negligence if the staffs are not sufficiently skilled in using them (Titova, 2017). To over solution to this risk, the health care organization should have table meeting with their insurance companies to make sure that there is proper coverage which is reliable

Cyber Crime is also another risk that the health care face in their daily operations. Health care organizations have moved their operation into electronic forms. The information about the services offered and the records of the patients are kept electronically to ensure easy access by the vendors and the third parties (Nelson, 2016). Cyber-criminals target these records over the times in aid of accessing the information. In this way, health care organizations are exposed to the risks and danger of their information system being hacked and shut down by cybercriminals. Landscape in healthcare today is arguably the most difficult today. However, effective strategies should be kept in place for the effectiveness of the services offered (Titova, 2017). Once the information and operations of Tucker Georgia are well managed, risks of malpractices by these cyber-crimes will be solved. The recommendation on how to handle these cybercrimes, the healthcare department in Tucker Georgia should ensure their information is kept intact by creating strong passwords and user names to prevent the hackers from accessing their data.

Violence instances mostly occur in every healthcare facility. Tucker Georgia as a healthcare facility is not in an advantage of preventing such violence from happening. Some of the violence puts the patients and the staffs at risk (Nelson, 2016). To mention a few of the violence which may arise in Tucker Georgia is an attack by the terrorist, harassments of the staff by the heads and this will automatically the effective operation by the healthcare organization. Therefore to prevent these kinds of violence, Tucker Georgia should come up with a zero-tolerance act policy. This policy will ensure that any violence which may be verbal, psychological or physical will not be tolerated (Titova, 2017). The offenders of this policy should always be put under strict disciplinary action to the extent of terminating their jobs. Enough security should also be set place by this healthcare facility to ensure no attack may occur due to the negligence of security apparatus. This will result in a good working environment hence guaranteeing the lives of the staffs, and the patients are protected.

Alarm fatigue is another problem which is being experienced in many healthcare facilities over the world. This is alarms put in place to ensure that any emergency arising is responded to by the relevant medical practitioners (Nelson, 2016). Some of the staff tent to interfere with these alarm devices so that they may not respond to these emergencies when required. This has led to a considerable number in loose of lives by the patients due to lack of immediate response by the nurses and doctors. Therefore, such risks to be prevented from occurring in Tucker Georgia healthcare facility, the right measures, and strategies in handling alarm fatigue should be employed by the healthcare management board in Tucker Georgia (Titova, 2017). Even stave measures should be taken upon those who will be found interfering with these alarm devices. CCTV cameras should be placed in all areas around the healthcare and inside laboratories to monitor what is happening inside and outside the facility.

Another risk that is exposed to healthcare is disruptive staff behaviors. In most cases, you find pout that staffs are misbehaving even during working time. These staffs engage in misbehaviors such as coming while drunker in the job (Nelson, 2016)

Once the crew is not in a sober mind, he will not have efficient delivery in what is expected of him. Some of them tend to offer the wrong medication to the patients and therefore exposing them to danger. This disruptive behavior lowers the quality of work delivered and if not looked upon may bring about a significant loss to the society (Titova, 2017). Tucker Georgia should make sure only the staffs that are competent and in sober moods are allowed to offer the services required in this facility. Healthcare board is also recommended to come up with policies that will handle any kind of misbehave and ensure the patients are attended to by quality medical practitioners.

Emergency preparedness is another risk in the healthcare organization which Tucker Georgia should not ignore. In some cases, there are emergencies like attacks which need to be responded to as fast as possible (Nelson, 2016). For these emergencies to be handled effectively, the health care organization should ensure the equipment capable in emergency response is available in the facility. Besides, skilled staff should be in place at any time to handle such emergencies once they occur (Titova, 2017). Tucker Georgia should also make sure the people around it or rather the society is educated on how to handle such emergencies in case they emerge.

Environmental pollution also brings about risks to the healthcare organization. Once the waste products are disposed to the environment, there is a possible disease outbreak (Nelson, 2016). Some ways of preventing this from occurring, Tucker Georgia should ensure that waste management health care is employed in society to handle such an outbreak (Titova, 2017). This waste management healthcare will play a significant role in educating the members of the public on the importance of living in a clean environment as well as the risks exposed by polluting it.


Nelson, G. (2016). The two Georgias: Disparities in rural health and healthcare. Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, 5(4), 294-297. Doi: 10.21633/jgpha.5.401

Titova, E. (2017). Personnel policy in healthcare: risks and solutions. Health Risk Analysis, (1), 125-131. Doi: 10.21668/health. Risk/2017.1.14.eng

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