Essay Sample on Sudan's Pyramids: Hidden Beneath a Troubled Land

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  522 Words
Date:  2023-10-17


Sudan has more number of pyramids than her counterpart Egypt; however the pyramids in Sudan are less prominent than their counterparts to the North like the Egyptian pyramids because Sudan is better known for its political problems than its archeology. Sudan has been involved in civil wars for the longest time which has hindered the growth of their county’s economic capabilities. Due to the war that has lasted for long in Sudan there has been no development on transport such as roads which has prevented tourists from accessing the incredible sites in the country such as the pyramids. Also, tourists are not allowed to use credit cards therefore making it difficult for tourists to visit the country’s unexplored sites and other incredible archeological sites. Lack of decent hotels in Khartoum is also believed to be a reason why Sudan is likely to have been less popular and not good captivating enough to attract tourists.

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Pyramids in Sudan

The pyramids in Sudan were built far later than the pyramids from ancient Egypt that is why the Egyptians pyramids are more prominent. Also, due to the insecurity issues in Sudan the pyramids were attacked which made it less known than its counterparts in the northern. Also, despite the fact that Sudan has more pyramids in number than Egypt, the pyramids in Meroe are smaller in size which may be a reason why they are less prominent.

The pyramids at Meroe are very significant structures which hold the great history of Sudan. The pyramids at Meroe can help us know about the history of Sudan because they were built by the ancient rulers of the Kushite kingdom many years ago. The pyramids hold an interesting history of the region since it was built during the time the country was subjected to new power which has determined its history. The pyramid helps us to understand the ruling and the administration that was there when they were being built and the kind of leadership that existed during that time. Also, the site helps us know about the culture and history of the region through the materials that are preserved on the site through statues, iron working, and architectural. The royal burials in the pyramids also remind us about the power and wealth of the region. The Pyramids at Meroe acts as a reminder of the dealings of the people of Sudan with the Mediterranean and their influence through the arts, buildings, monuments like the pyramids, and architecture. The pyramids also acts as an exceptional testimony to the regions cultural civilization and culture in which some are still practiced while some have disappeared.


In conclusion, the pyramids at Meroe are an exceptional example type of architectural which illustrates and preserves the history of Sudan. Meroe pyramids are also important to the history of Sudan because they represent the first invasion of the colonial rulers in the region. In general, the Pyramids at Meroe help the Sudan to be recognized as the richest region in archaeological remains. Meroe Pyramids are also features that represent the presence of the colonial rulers and African Civilization.

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Essay Sample on Sudan's Pyramids: Hidden Beneath a Troubled Land. (2023, Oct 17). Retrieved from

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