Essay Sample on Software Vulnerability: Techniques to Mitigate and Protect

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  579 Words
Date:  2023-01-14


This paper will offer a discussion of a software vulnerability and the techniques used to mitigate the vulnerability also identified it includes a review of the different measures that are used in the protection of operating systems. Computer software's are currently at high risk of a malicious attack by several threats that have recently risen against the IP of the computers. One of these significant effects is virus infection. A computer virus is a kind of program which is capable of doing its self-installation, in networks with the end user knowledge (Mansfield-Devine, 2011). Vulnerability refers to a weakness that can be exploited while a threat relates to something that causes harm or damage to the operating system.

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To fight against these, software threat, MacAfee and Symantec companies have both worked hard to research on the possible origin and effects of the virus. They have found about 76000 different types of infections, and eventually, have designed specialized software like the smadav and bit fence that can detect and eradicate them in the computer system. One of the best mitigation techniques that can be used to stop this is by creating awareness and training to individuals so that they become aware of the existence and possible procedures and protocol to take whenever such threats arise in their computers (Mansfield-Devine, 2011).

Protection of Operating Systems

In regards to many threats that have risen, several measures have been introduced to curb these effects, to protect end users of the computers. First, there is a virus and malware protection technique. This method is usually applied in organizations where different processors share networks. It can always be regarded as a layer of security in a multiplayer defense strategy. Anti-malware and anti-virus software are designed in a manner that protects the operating system from viruses, detect viruses, and removing malicious software.

Secondly is the use of virtual machines (VMs) technique which can especially be needed in offices, by the special people, when there is need to differentiate between the network used by the employers with that of the manager or other officials within (Li, 2014). The VM is also capable of providing a safe working environment for the user, especially when there is a need to avoid interferences other users in the host environment (Li, 2014).

A virtual machine usually provides maximum security to the operating system .through an environment that is created here; golden images can be established and installed to zero customers. This technique gives room for control of the programs that are being installed on the golden images for the operators to custom. Similarly, using virtualization which has golden images is it can be rebooted on a fresh copy of the golden image that has been pulled if there is a suspicion that the system has been compromised (Portnoff, Diamond, & Yaffe, 2015).Virtual machines can take incremental holdups, which is useful when servers are being used. For instance, whenever the server has become compromised and is not working as per the expectations, the information technology experts can investigate and know when it started malfunctioning and restore the condition to normalcy.


Li, Y. (2014). Network Security Protection Measures. Advanced Materials Research, 971-973, 1659-1662. doi: 10.4028/

Mansfield-Devine, S. (2011). DDoS: threats and mitigation. Network Security, 2011(12), 5-12. doi: 10.1016/s1353-4858(11)70128-3

Portnoff, S., Diamond, J. A., & Yaffe, M. D (2015). Including books from previous years in special collections added to the Music Library. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Software Vulnerability: Techniques to Mitigate and Protect. (2023, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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