Essay Sample on Recruitment Process: Facilitating Operational Success for Businesses

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  688 Words
Date:  2023-01-26


Recruitment process help organizations acquire talent workforce that helps them facilitate various activities and process. It is at the benefit of the organizations' clients since they are satisfied with the services offered by the talents acquired through recruitment processes. To this end, recruitment processes help organizations acquire the necessary workforce that helps them complete their operations. For instance, when a business requires operation managers or any other skilled personnel to facilitate various, the organization will deploy mechanisms of scouting for the appropriate skills and talents that will satisfy their needs (Breaugh, 2016). Employee recruitment is the acquisition of talents organizations requires to complete its operations.

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The Great Commission

The Great Commission is the process through which evangelists were recruited to spread the Gospel. Jesus Christ was at the center of this process as he was to go to different places seeking, teaching, and baptizing persons (Matthew 28: 19 - 20). In this part, Jesus was to command the evangelists spreading the message of God besides him. The Great Commission is somewhat similar to employee recruitment in the current corporate sector. However, the most significant difference is based on the fact that particular laws and procedures govern employee recruitment. Unlike the recruitment processes in corporate sectors, pre-determined frameworks never governed the Great Commission. Also, the recruited individuals were never required to have specific and predetermined qualifications, like in present-day corporate recruitment process (Lauby, 2018).

Option 1: Organizations and Positive Reviews

Competencies and Strengths

Effective communication, technological literacy, and ethical practices were at the core of my competencies, and hence, strengths. These aspects played a key role in the excellent performance I posted in the company. Technological literacy, to begin with, helped me accomplish assigned tasks regardless of the technological developments. Also, I exhibited proficiency and conversance with emerging technologies. Effective communication was another significant strength. In this part, I could communicate with colleagues respectfully and promptly. This enhanced my collaboration and co-existence with other employees. Lastly, the ethical values enabled co-existence with other employees as well as employers (Banks, 2012).

Option 2: The Best Recruitment Experience

Employees are the face of their respective organizations. As such, organizations spend considerably much time while seeking competent employees during the recruitment process. The mechanisms put in place by recruiters define the landscape of the process, and this can turn out to be positive and memorable or negative. The best recruitment experience I have ever had was well-organized and structured to enhance the whole process. First, the process was not rushed, and the priority was given to top performers, mostly internal applicants. The essence of timely recruitment provided space for reviewing the applicants, and hence enough time to make the job offers (Breaugh, 2016). As for the appraisal and consideration of internal applicants, there was a significant drive towards competence. Secondly, the online application never bogged the applicants with paperwork like other recruitment processes. It saved applicants' times, and also, it was utterly needed and orderly. Microsoft, as a technology giant excels in the efficient management of recruitment processes.


Organizations obtain talents and technocrats to facilitate their operations. However, it differs from the Great Commission since the latter never required pre-determined qualifications among those who are recruited. In my practice, technological literacy, ethical practices, and effective communication stand out as strengths. The best recruitment experience I have had is that in which the process was well-structured and organized to enhance recruiters'' and applicants work and participation.


Banks, S. (2012). Ethics and values in social work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Retrieved from

Breaugh, J. (2016). Talent acquisition: A guide to understanding and managing the recruitment process. Society of Human Resource Management. Available at SHRM website: Retrieved from https://www. shrm. org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/special-reports-and-expert-views/documents/talent-acquisition-recruitment. pdf.

Lauby, S. (2018). The Recruiter's Handbook: A Complete Guide for Sourcing, Selecting and Engaging the Best Talent. Society for Human Resource Management Publishers. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Recruitment Process: Facilitating Operational Success for Businesses. (2023, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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