Essay Sample on Medical Billing & Coding: Current & Future Goals

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  601 Words
Date:  2023-02-12


Medical billing and coding involve connecting the patients, health insurance companies, and caregivers ("Medical billing"). Medical biller and coders tender and follow claims alongside health insurance firms to receive payment upon services offered by a health facility. Medical billing entails translating healthcare help to billing claim. While taking a medical billing and insurance course, there are both long and short term goals that I tend to achieve, currently and in the future. This paper is an analysis of my short term and long term goals I tend to accomplish by pursuing medical billing and insurance career.

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Short-Term Goals

The following are some of the short term goals I aim to achieve. To begin with, taking a course in Medical billing and insurance provides me with institutional knowledge, I will apply in the career. To be a competent medical biller or coder, I must have enough experience for the claiming procedure ("Reasons to become"). This will involve relying on school work as well as online education available on the internet. Another goal is that I will complete my training faster. Within two to three months, I will be done with my program and ready to work. This goal moves us to the third goal, which is that I can start my business with a low budget. With my attained knowledge from this field, all I will need is a computer, reliable clients, and medical billing and coding software program to start a business at home.

Long-Term Goals

One of the long term goals is I get to offer my services to healthcare providers. After attaining required experience, I can become a specialist in medical coding who is paid by the health facilities I work with ("Reasons to become"). Also, I get to grow with demand in medical billing and coding. There is a high demand for billers and coders in medical clinics, offices, health insurance firms, and hospitals. Another goal is that the career is quite rewarding. One secret about medical billing and coding is that it pays well. Billers and coders are essential specialists who help by lowering costs and medical errors, making sure that there is a flow of reliable data. It is for this reason that the specialists are paid a high amount of salaries. Additionally, while working with various parties, I get to save lives. When I think about saving or touching a person's life, I get so much inspired. Saving lives comes with great pleasure when I know that I am a significant change in a person's life. Finally, once done with the course, I will have plenty of employment opportunities. While pursuing various careers, many people have a fear of lacking jobs after school. However, that is not the case with my career. I am very confident that I will not miss an opportunity because I do not have to be employed to earn. Instead, I can also start my business.


In conclusion, medical billing and coding help reduce the errors and cost of insurance claims. My intention for becoming a medical biller or a coder is helping people, attaining a better life as well as growing the medical claim industry positively. A primary advantage of pursuing this career is that I get to learn within a few months and get paid well. Besides, I can advance my knowledge in the field in the future.

Works Cited

"16 Reasons to Become a Medical Billing and Coding Specialist." AIMS EDUCATION, 3 Sept. 2018, Accessed 28 Aug. 2019.

"Medical Billing & Coding Job Duties." All Allied Health Schools, 19 Sept. 2016, Accessed 28 Aug. 2019.

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Essay Sample on Medical Billing & Coding: Current & Future Goals. (2023, Feb 12). Retrieved from

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