The confidence level of the study is 77.42, and from the surveys conducted, out of the 126 participants, 120 use Instagram while 2 of the participants do not use Instagram. It is clear the popularity of Instagram among the 126 participants of the study. The purchase of goods using Instagram from the participants was high, as seen from the results where 41.27% of the participants actively admitted and 42.06% agreeing to have shopped using Instagram. Of that, 42.97% were frequent shoppers, having bought more than a single time. The survey also shows that 59.06% of the people who participated in the studies purchase a product from Instagram if it is a sponsored post. The survey trickles down, aiming to deduce some of the reasons why the majority of people buy goods from Instagram’s sponsored posts. However, before purchasing a product, 71 of the participants, 56.35% agree, and 17.46% strongly acknowledge that they have to know the company before making any purchases. The percentage of 56.35 who agree and 17.46% is more than half of the total number of participants in the survey, making brand awareness an essential factor that influences impulse buying for Instagram users. The latter is accurate, judging from a percentage of 14.84 of people who disagree and 3% of participants who strongly disagree. Brand awareness can trigger impulse buying because a customer knows the brand produces quality goods even when it is the first time they are purchasing the products.
The survey also shows that 55.56% and 11.90% of the 126 participants agree and strongly agree, respectively, to take a lot of time before purchasing an item. Contrary to that, 21.88% strongly agree, and 46.09% agree that if their favorite online personality recommended a brand, they were more likely to try the item. Therefore, it reduces the time a customer would have spent scrutinizing a product and goes straight to purchasing the product due to the recommendation. There is a direct link between a celebrity recommendation and impulse buying from the survey because only 14.06% disagree, and 6.25% strongly disagree out of the 126. The study shows that an individual has a high likelihood to purchase a link representing 18.75% for people who strongly agree and 53.91% who agree with the 126 participants. The provided link directs the customer to the company's main website, selling the products for legitimacy, influencing a purchase decision. A discounted price on a product posted on Instagram is a vast contributor to impulse being. From the survey, 55.56% of people agree that if a post contains a discount on the product, they are more likely to make a purchase. Only a percentage of 4.76 of the participants strongly disagree on discounting being a motivating factor in purchasing a product.
An Instagram user is more likely to purchase a product if they have seen the product before or preferably after a recommendation. It can contribute to impulsive buying because the user already knows the product and the eagerness to try it out due to prior knowledge of the product. The survey shows 66 of the participant, 52.38% agree they would purchase if they have seen or heard of the product before. 22.22% strongly agree they would buy if they had prior knowledge of the product. A large number of the participant in the survey acknowledge the use of Instagram to research products they consider to buy. 55.56%, 70 of the people agree they use Instagram to search for products, while 19.05% and 4.76% disagree and strongly disagree with that order.
There is a wide variety of products online, and using Instagram can be enticing, making it easier to consider purchasing products impulsively. As shown in the survey, individuals likely buy products from animated posts compared to a posting that is not. The conclusion is that 50.79% of participants agreed to consider purchasing an item if the post is animated. Fifteen of the participants amounting to 11.90% of the 126, strongly agree animated posts influence their decision to make purchases. When the price of an item is on display, it is easier for a buyer to decide on purchasing the product without having to go to the website. It is easy for the buyer to make a price comparison and make a purchase. The survey shows that 50.79% of the participants can make a purchase decision if the post has the items’ price. Their views are supported by 15.87% of the participants who strongly agree that they can purchase if the product prices show without redirection to the company’s website.
The frequency or number of times an individual sees a post continuously can influence their decision to purchase a product from Instagram. Judging from the survey, 87 0f the 126 participants need to see adverts more than 45 times to make a purchasing decision. The 39 out of 126 participants who did not respond to the question, makes it conclusive that the frequency of seeing advertisements on Instagram can influence spending. It is highly likely that a regular post from a friend can trigger a purchase as the survey clearly shows the 128 participants, 50 a representation of 47.62% can make purchases if the post is a regular post from family, friends, and acquaintances.
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Essay on Popularity of Instagram Among 126 Study Participants: High Purchase of Goods Observed. (2023, Aug 29). Retrieved from
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