Essay on Groups, Heroes, Sages, and Enemies: Interpersonal Communication in HRM

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  411 Words
Date:  2023-02-20


A group is a significant context for interaction among members of a business community (Adler, Rodman, & Du Pre, 2016). Interpersonal communication is an essential aspect of Human Resource Management because it creates teamwork and collaboration. In most cases, groups have heroes, sages, and enemies. Also, groups overlap because they may be sharing common goals. Overlapping of the common goals normally leads to conflicts among the group members (Adler et al., 2016). The group was at the forming stage because all members came together to learn more from one another and establish the purpose of the team. The group I am engaged in is a secondary type because the primary objective is to solve a problem and complete any assigned tasks in the workplace. I was a cheer head of the group. The main problem encountered in the group was misunderstanding among the members. The group used appropriate skills to ensure effective interpersonal communication during the problem-solving process.

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The Seven-Step Framework in Resolving Group Problems

The Seven-Step Framework provides the essential stages to be followed during the problem-solving process (Kaul, 2019). The framework involves defining the problem, analysis of the issue, establishing criteria, identifying possible solutions, deciding on an outcome, implementing the resolution, and ensuring the follow up on the results. the stage of defining the problem involves identifying the participants of the issue and establishing appropriate intervention. after developing the appropriate interventions, solutions are provided to guide in the application of resolution criteria. The implementation of the resolution required the opinions of the group members.

The steps utilized by the group include defining and analyzing the problem. Effective communication contributed to the analysis of the identification and analysis of the problem based on the information provided by the group members. The ability of the group to follow all the seven steps established in the framework is essential because they provide a guideline in the problem-solving process and prevents further misunderstandings.


In conclusion, effective communication among employees is generally attained through the formation of groups. Group communication also ensures that appropriate interventions are applied in solving workplace problems/misunderstandings. Effective interpersonal communication supports the group due to the ability to exert strong influences over the members.


Adler, R. B., Rodman, G. R., & Du Pre, A. (2016). Understanding Human Communication (Vol. 10). Oxford University Press. Retrieved from:

Kaul, V. K. (2019). Decision-Making Process and Creative Problem-Solving. Available at SSRN 3422033. Retrieved from:

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Essay on Groups, Heroes, Sages, and Enemies: Interpersonal Communication in HRM. (2023, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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