Essay on Environmental Factors and Aircraft Performance: A Debated Issue

Paper Type:  Argumentative essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  425 Words
Date:  2023-04-08

The issue of environmental factors is essential in debating because it provides insightful thoughts and ideas concerning the complexity, and challenges face the performance of the aircraft on a daily basis. The issue of environmental factors on the performance of the aircraft remains to be a debatable factor, due to the magnitude of its scope on the daily operations of aeroplanes. The issue of environmental factors such as the unprecedented weather changes, provide a significant challenge not only to the pilots and the air traffic control officers but also to the overall capabilities of the aircraft's performance. Even though others believe the performance of the plane is determined by the skills and abilities of a pilot, environmental factors play a significant role in its performance. Thus the essay will focus on the environmental factors that affect aircraft performance, and how the use of technology can be used to overcome the situation

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As air transport is increasingly growing, there is a need for incorporating sophisticated technology to improve the navigation of pilots. Weather changes are considered as one of the environmental factors that have caused nightmares not only to the pilots and the passengers but also to the air traffic control officers (Planda & Skorupski, 2017). The coordination of data between the pilot and the air traffic officer is essential in giving and recording the accurate data that may have a more significant impact on the pilot's visibility during takeoff and landing. In many cases, pilots depend heavily on visual recognition of the runways to help them make a concise decision (Mizuno et al., 2020). On the contrary, this helps to land the plane safely. However, weather changes may pose a more significant challenge leading to colossal disasters in the aviation industry, hence limiting the performance of the aircraft.

The Mitigating Factor

Despite the challenges from weather, technology has played a critical role in serving the pilots and the air traffic control officers with the necessary data. Through the intercommunication on the two sides, the pilots can receive the essential data, regarding the runways, and how closely they are approaching, even with zero visibility due to the sophisticated integrated technology. In this case, the pilots can overcome the environmental factors in making the airplanes safer for passengers.


Mizuno, S., Ohba, H., & Ito, K. (2020). Analysis of Critical Factors of Aircraft Operations' Efficiency. Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 70(4E), 211-221.doi. 10.11221/jima.70.211

Planda, B., & Skorupski, J. (2017). Methods of air traffic management in the airport area, including the environmental factor. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(4), 295-307.doi. 10.1080/15568318.2016.1253801

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Essay on Environmental Factors and Aircraft Performance: A Debated Issue. (2023, Apr 08). Retrieved from

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