Every organization in the search for success requires suitable human talent, which is why, when selecting personnel, it is essential to evaluate the concatenation between the required profile of the job position and that held by each candidate. In this sense, the personnel recruitment and selection process is defined as planned and undertaken actions towards the discovery and measurement of the personal particularities of each applicant, to establish which are the most suitable to carry out certain tasks in the organization. In this regard, Doverspike, Flores, and VanderLesst (2019) expresses that this process works as a filter that allows only some people to enter the workforce, that is, those with characteristics desired by the organization.
Therefore, the recruitment and selection process involves a series of steps, which begin with the activation of the job application, and end when the decision to hire one of the job applicants occurs (Black, Washington, & Schmidt, 2016). Therefore, it is necessary to note that recruitment, unlike selection, is specifically an outreach task, where the existence of a vacant position is disclosed; instead, the selection is a screening task, and consequently, it is surrounded by conditional elements.
From the above, it is clear that the recruitment and selection process covers two moments, firstly, the recruitment stage, and secondly, the selection stage (Rozario, Venkatraman, & Abbas, 2019). The recruitment stage includes the disclosure and offering of job opportunities in the labor market, as well as the attraction of candidates to be selected. The selection stage covers a mechanism of choice, categorization, and decision. On this context, Picardi (2019), Shailashree and Shenoy (2016) and Kang and Shen (2017), infer that this process revolves around two objectives, the first of which is to supply the selection process through candidates, and the second is to choose and classify the candidates most appropriate to the needs of the position and the organization.
According to Furnham (2017), in the first phase of the process in question, the recruiter will refer to both the needs of the job and the characteristics of the ideal human talent, for which it is recommended that the person in charge of the requisition of personnel deliver to the area with competencies in personnel administration, a report containing the requirements and the profile of the candidate being requested. Now, the second phase (personnel selection), promotes an elementary tool for organizations to achieve the proposed objectives and shows the suitability of human talent in the exercise of the job (John, 2019). This stage of the process is characterized by the structuring of a set of steps, which seeks the evaluation of the candidates, to determine traits according to the description and analysis of the vacant position.
Conducting a good selection process and having an effective recruitment and selection strategy results in the acquisition of an ideal candidate to carry out tasks for a particular job (Farndale, Nikandrou, & Panayotopoulou, 2018). Consequently, it avoids scenarios of turnover and losses incurred in hiring other professionals later on and failure to meet the objectives of the organization. An ideal candidate increases productivity and saves the company time and resources. The current report will thus present the recruitment strategy of an executive housekeeper for the Hong Kong InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG).
The Recruitment and Selection Process
The selection techniques comprise five categories, these being the interview, the knowledge or ability tests, psychometric tests, personality tests, and simulation techniques (Slavic, Bjekic, & Berber, 2017). Likewise, it states that, of these five selection techniques, the most used is the interview, understood by Raheef (2019), as a process of communication between two or more people who interact, and one of the parties is interested in knowing better to the other. The knowledge or skills tests are a measurement of the candidate in terms of the skills and abilities to carry out the tasks of the position to which he/she aspires to occupy. Consequently, it tries to measure the degree of professional or technical knowledge, such as notions of computing, accounting, writing, and language among others. Regarding psychometric tests, it is relevant to express that they are based on statistical comparison samples, applied under standard conditions, focusing mainly on skills (Brown, McManus, Davison, Gill, & Lilford, 2019). On the other hand, personality tests allow exposing superficial personality and character characteristics, such as frustrations, emotional balance, motivation, interests, among others.
In short, the application of selection techniques is a wise decision when choosing organizational human talent, since they constitute a key tool that leads to examining the abilities and skills that candidates possess (Dos Santos, Pais, Cabo-Leitao, & Passmore, 2017). Likewise, according to the complexity required by the position, and to optimize the discard, it is advisable to apply in the same process, several of the techniques mentioned above.
The reception of applications. Generally, the reception of CVs applicants for the job should last a maximum of two weeks. Therefore, it will be important to send the company's data to the company as soon as possible and, otherwise, not be discarded for the pre-selection of candidates.
Pre-selection. At this point in the process, the profiles of the candidates will be examined and contrasted with the information prepared about the profile of the job in the needs analysis phase. Pre-selected persons will be notified, preferably by telephone, of the place, date and time at which they are to present themselves for the interview or other tests.
Selection tests. When specifying the professional and personal profile of the job to be filled, the areas of exploration and the specific tests to be used in this phase will be determined.
Selection interview. Depending on the selection process to be carried out, there may be a pre-selection interview and a second selection interview, only one will be carried out after the tests or successive interviews with different people who have different responsibilities within the company. Fundamentally, the aim is to meet the candidate and establish their suitability for the job, also contrasting the information obtained by other means.
Assessment and decision. With all the information obtained from the candidates throughout the selection process, a professional profile and other personnel will be obtained, which will be compared with the predetermined ones for the position, in what would constitute their "objective" evaluation. At the same time, more subjective aspects such as impressions will be taken into account. All these will form a judgment on the most appropriate person for the position, making a final decision in this regard.
Hiring. The decision will be communicated to the selected person, who if accepted, is hired for the position. The decision will also be communicated to the other final candidates, thanking them for their participation in the process and wishing them luck on subsequent occasions. Generally, the company will save information about these people for future references.
Incorporation. When a person joins a company or a different job within the company for the first time, they should be informed about the company's activities, their colleagues, their functions and objectives. Hong IHG should carry out training courses when they incorporate new human resources, to achieve their theological adaptation to the company.
Tracing. Generally, a follow-up of the new worker should be carried out to assist him/her in case of need, and allow him/her to progressively learn about the tasks entailed by his/her responsibility, as well as the peculiar mode of operation of the organization. In all contracts, there is a trial period of 1 or 2 months - depending on whether he/she is in a medium or high position -, during which the company can unilaterally terminate it (Holm & Haahr, 2018). For this reason, during this time it is possible to carry out a specific follow-up of the new incorporations and to evaluate the work carried out and the degree of incorporation in the company of the person or persons incorporated. Talent will be retained by offering a competitive package. When it comes to designing an effective recruiting plan, a competitive salary package cannot be missed (Marie Ryan & Derous, 2016). The compensation and benefits must always be very clear to the candidates; these packages must be fair and sufficiently attractive from the external point of view.
Lastly, it is important to note that to ensure the recruitment and selection process adheres to legal, ethical, and diversity issues, the advertisement will have an "equal opportunity employer" note that will be added so that applications can know the position can be applied by both men and women. All participants, both men, and women will have an equal chance of being hired as long as they possess all the qualifications required.
The hiring process begins by establishing recruiting strategies. Planning how the recruitment process will go from start to finish will make it easier to select candidates for the interview stage. Having a recruiting strategy will help make the process consistent and effective. The success of the company depends on hiring the best talent available. By following the outlined steps above, Hong IHG will be in a position to select the best candidate for the vacant position of an executive housekeeper.
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Brown, C., McManus, C., Davison, I., Gill, P., & Lilford, R. 2019. Using recruitment and selection to build a primary care workforce for the future. Education for Primary Care, 30: 128-132.
Dos Santos, N. R., Pais, L., CaboLeitao, C., & Passmore, J. 2017. Ethics in recruitment and selection. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention, 3: 91-112.
Doverspike, D., Flores, C., & VanderLeest, J. 2019. Lifespan Perspectives on Personnel Selection and Recruitment. In Work Across the Lifespan, 4: 343-368.
Farndale, E., Nikandrou, I., & Panayotopoulou, L. 2018. Recruitment and selection in context. In Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing.Furnham, A. 2017. Methods in Recruitment and Selection. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention, 202.Holm, A. B., & Haahr, L. 2018. e-Recruitment and selection. e-HRM, 4: 172-195
John, J. 2019. Effective recruitment strategy to improve your hiring process. ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 9: 352-357.
Kang, H., & Shen, J. 2017. International Recruitment and Selection Policies and Practices. International Human Resource Management in South Korean Multinational Enterprises, 2: 51-84.
Marie Ryan, A., & Derous, E. 2016. Highlighting tensions in recruitment and selection research and practice. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 24: 54-62.
Picardi, C. A. 2019. Recruitment and Selection: Strategies for Workforce Planning & Assessment. SAGE Publications.Raheef, O. O. 2019. Towards Ensuring Proper Management of Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes Within Business Organizations. Social Science and Humanities Journal, 15: 1368-13...
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