Essay Example on Native American Women & Sterilization: Unique Vulnerability

Paper Type:  Questions & Answers
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  444 Words
Date:  2023-09-11


The Wounded Knee Operation was held for a total of 71 days on 27 February 1973. The operation location was at the South Dakota Pine Ridge Reservation. Native Americans prefer to take people into a captive. The campaign targeted the American Indian Revolution. Several people had been killed and wounded during this campaign, and on 8 May 1973, AIM members resigned.

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Why were Native American Women uniquely vulnerable to sterilization?

Native American Women were more vulnerable to sterilization because they were poor, and this led to doctors laying threats of taking away their healthcare and welfare.

This article describes two doctrines that reflect the increasing debate over who controls reproductive rights. Discuss with your group members this question: Are reproductive rights a personal human right or an issue that demands government intervention? Record your consensus below. If you do not come to a consensus, briefly describe the differing opinions below.

Reproductive Rights demands government intervention since the right enables women to enjoy equality in society fully. Government intervention includes providing a curriculum that teaches sex education.

Define "eugenics" and describe how this idea is incorporated into the concept of "population control."

Eugenics is practices and beliefs aimed at improving human population genetic quality, historically exclusion of persons and groups who have been considered lower and promotion of those who are considered superior. The idea of eugenics is incorporated in the population concept in controlling a culture from taking tall in a country. Eugenics can be used by a leader to deceive citizens' perceptions of a particular race and religion. For instance, Adolf Hitler made the Germans believe that the Jewish where inferior. He used lethal injection and gas to euthanize and reduce the growing Jewish population.

Describe the 1927 ruling of Buck v. Bell

In 1927, the United States Supreme Court ruled on the Buck v. Bell case. By a majority of eight to one decided to uphold the power of the state to sterilize those deemed incapable of reproducing physically.

What action led to the formation of several anti-sterilization organizations such as the Committee to End Sterilization Abuse, and the Committee for Abortion Rights and Against Sterilization Abuse?

The case on Carrie Buck, a young woman, led to the formation of several anti-sterilization groups. The woman desired to have an abortion after being misled on abortion procedures. Also, the organization's formation was triggered by high instances of disadvantaged women forced to give up their reproduction rights.

What were the results of the 1975 GAO study? What is a GAO study?

GAO study monitors how the executive and the legislative government use taxpayers' funds and then directly delivers results to congress. The result of the 1975 GAO study indicated that

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Essay Example on Native American Women & Sterilization: Unique Vulnerability. (2023, Sep 11). Retrieved from

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