Essay Example on Mr. Barry Porter: 5 Years as SFAFP's Marketing Coordinator

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  481 Words
Date:  2023-08-31


My name is Mr. Barry Porter, the vice president of the South Florida Association for Financial Professionals (SFAFP), who has been working with the organization in different capacities, including, but not limited to, the marketing coordinator for the past five years. Marketing coordinator has been my central interest ever since I was a fresh graduate from college. I have done extensive research in the field. Additionally, I have worked with numerous professionals in the realm of marketing, something which makes me the right presenter to talk about the marketing coordinator’s career.

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Did you know that a marketing coordinator is the focal point of the marketing department? Virtually all the activities of planning and projecting to realize the marketing goals have to pass through the marketing coordinator. Therefore, he/she is a critical component in the marketing department in any organization. With this in mind, having an in-depth understanding of the marketing coordinator is essential for anyone in business and commerce. Thus, I will be addressing the following three main points regarding marketing coordination career opportunities for marketing students:

The marketing coordinator’s roles

The marketing coordinator serves as an essential pillar for executing the plans of the organization, may draft reports, and prepare financial plans.

Essential skills for a marketing coordinator

There are many qualification skills for a marketing coordinator. The most critical one is the successful completion of the Bachelor's degree in the fields of Marketing and Advertising (Truong, 2017).

Expected remuneration for a marketing coordinator

Currently, a marketing coordinator in Florida earns roughly $53,107. The rate in the entire of the US ranges between $46,812 and $61,117 (Ferreira et al. 2019). Besides the remuneration, other benefits include socialization, development of interpersonal skills. A marketing coordinator has the capacity to live a high-class lifestyle though most are middle-class individuals.

Ferreira et al. (2019), provide some of the duties and responsibilities of the marketing coordinator. Students yearning to be marketing coordinators needs to be conversant with these roles to avoid conflicting goals in an organization. Skills and interests are critically vital for anyone aspiring to take a given career path. Truong (2017), offers a comprehensive guide on essential skills for the career as well as an analysis of the remuneration.


In a nutshell, I intend to breakdown and dissect the career of a marketing coordinator with the ultimate aim of equipping students interested in this career path with foundational knowledge. Therefore, I will be examining the essential skill sets, the roles, and responsibilities as well as the pay for such engagement. I firmly believe that these are key in the career selection of any student.


Ferreira, M., Billsberry, J., Koehler, T., Bristow, A., Gonzalez-Morales, M. G., Dinnin, A. H., ... & Brouard, M. (2019). Academic Careers in Management: How do We Get to Where the Grass Is Greener?

Truong, V. D. (2017). The career paths of social marketing doctoral graduates. Journal of Social Marketing.

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Essay Example on Mr. Barry Porter: 5 Years as SFAFP's Marketing Coordinator. (2023, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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