Essay Example on Business Consultants: Experienced Specialists for Business Growth

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  502 Words
Date:  2023-05-08


A business consultant is an expertise or a proficient who offers informed or expert advice in a specific area of operation such as marketing. Security. Accounting, management, human resources, among many other specialized areas of an organization (Brown, 1943). A consultant is typically an expert in a particular field and as well as have a vast knowledge of a specific issue. The consultants can serve their customers time, save on resources as well, and increase the income for their clients. However, outside the medical arena, a consultant can fall into two major categories, the being the internal consultants who operate within a firm or company. Still, the consultant is available to be consulted by another department in the company (Biech, 2019). The second category of the consultant is the external consultant's band; these are externally employed by the organization, and their expertise is offered temporarily typically for a fee.

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Responsibility and Duties of a Business Consultant

The business consultant is brought in to the organization for mainly three objectives

To Detect A Problem

Whether there a decrease in the volume of company sales, revenues, internal administration issues, internet instruction as well as cyber-attack, or any other issue in the organization that needs fixing (Antonucci and Goeke, 2011). In many instances, it is very challenging to detect, let alone find the problem, and for this particular reason, the organization may need to hire an expert who is capable of Analysing the issue from a different perspective. Hence, for this reason, the responsibility of the consultant is to identify the critical issue affecting the company or the client.

Provide Solutions

Identifying the key issues affecting the operation of the business in half the responsibility (Van and Berends, 2018). A competent consultant will analyze the various issues caused as well as develop the multiple logistics that can be used to solve the problem identified.


It is the responsibility of a business consultant to help offer an organization with a better company outlook on ideas, evaluate the client's entire business operations, and provide a better technique that can help the client optimize the project's productivity (Billie, 2020).


To hire an expert consultant or not to hire is a decision that many firms face. The organization employs a advisor to perform the responsibilities that the interior workforce cannot function adequately or to solve the issues that arise in the organization. Hence consultants are very useful in many business operations and projects.


Antonucci, Y.L. and Goeke, R.J., 2011. Identification of appropriate responsibilities and positions for business process management success. Business process management Journal. DOI: 10.1108/14637151111105616

Biech, E., 2019. The New Business of Consulting: The Basics and Beyond. John Wiley & Sons.

Billie, N., 2020. Roles Of A Consultant. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 April 2020].

Brown, T.H., 1943. The business consultant. Harvard Business Review, 21(2), pp.183-189. Retrieved from

Van Aken, J.E. and Berends, H., 2018. Problem solving in organizations. Cambridge university press. Retrieved from

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Essay Example on Business Consultants: Experienced Specialists for Business Growth. (2023, May 08). Retrieved from

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