Effective teaching of the English language at the elementary level is a significant part of a learner's academic performance growth. The perception of the teacher plays a great role in the learning process. The teacher's perception is made up of the attitude, beliefs, and practices (Kim, Kim, Lee, Spector & DeMeester, 2013). The perception of the teacher will change the way the learner processes and understands the information being taught (Nadelson, Callahan, Pyke, Hay, Dance & Pfiester, 2013).
The teaching methodology and practice determine the incorporation of the curriculum structure and incorporation of student's activities into the curriculum. The practice of adherence to the curriculum will lead to increased effectiveness of the learning process (Borg, 2015). Adherence to the curriculum is meant to ensure that the learner is autonomous (Stronge, 2018). This is the standard practice in teaching practices with minimal regard to enhancing learning activities that include course projects. Given these state of affairs in the teaching and learning practices, the effectiveness of a methodology is majorly evaluated by the respective teacher which inclines to his or her perception of the leaner's practice.
The perception of the teacher on teaching and learning is a critical determinant of the learners' progress at an elementary level (MacFarlane & Woolfson, 2013). In teaching and learning the English language, the learner's practice by reading and comprehending various aspects is a key element that teachers need to closely monitor. The elementary education is more of reading, writing, and arithmetic (Borich, 2016). Thus, the elementary teachers at this level ought to ensure that the learners get skills that will not only ground them in the subject but also build on their ability to interconnect with other related components in the curriculum.
There have been numerous studies that have been carried out to assess the effect of elementary teachers' perceptions on the comprehension of learners. The studies have however not explored the effect of methodologies used in the area. A study by Benson & Voller (2014) found that the achievement of academic growth among learners was dependent on the attitudes and teaching style of the teacher. Studies by Hiebert & Morris, (2015); Konstantopoulos & Sun, (2014) have further indicated that teachers who paid special attention to learners increased the understanding of the content. Heineke, Kennedy & Lees, (2013) in their research found that the difference in the needs of learners needs to be part of the development of the teaching style being used. "Effective teachers are crucial to the development of diverse learners" (Heineke, Kennedy & Lees, 2013)
The study by Maingi, (2015) however, observed that experienced teachers incorporate a variety of perspectives to help the learners in connecting between reading experiences and the real world. This view was supported by Long (2000) and Macaro & Lee (2013) who shared the opinion that learners should be taught how to employ various techniques when reading English material.
Smith, (2010) on the other hand opines that teachers have to consider explaining to the leaners how to employ various strategies. The responsibility to introduce demonstrates the use of these strategies is vested in the teacher. In Smith's argument, there is no evidence of establishing how effective these methods would be to the learners.
Previous studies have therefore shown that the teachers' perceptions of the teaching practices and their effectiveness are needed to bring to the fore such useful knowledge to both the teachers and scholars. This study, in particular, focuses on getting insights from teachers about the operational practices employed in teaching the English language to learners and the effectiveness of these practices in reading comprehension.
Benson, P., & Voller, P. (2014). Autonomy and independence in language learning. Routledge.
Borg, S. (2015). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Borich, G. D. (2016). Observation skills for effective teaching: research-based practice. Routledge.
Heineke, A., Kennedy, A., & Lees, A. (2013). Preparing Early Childhood Educators for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms and Communities of Illinois. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 15(2), n2.
Implementing sheltered English and English as a Second Language compared to teachers' attitudes in schools with no clearly defined model of language services. The University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Kim, C., Kim, M. K., Lee, C., Spector, J. M., & DeMeester, K. (2013). Teacher beliefs and technology integration. Teaching and teacher education, 29, 76-85.
Konstantopoulos, S., & Sun, M. (2014). Are teacher effects larger in small classes?. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25(3), 312-328.
Long, M. H. (2000). Focus on form in task-based language teaching. Language policy and
Macaro, E., & Lee, J. H. (2013). Teacher Language Background, Codeswitching, and EnglishOnly Instruction: Does Age Make a Difference to Learners' Attitudes?. Tesol Quarterly, 47(4), 717-742.
MacFarlane, K., & Woolfson, L. M. (2013). Teacher attitudes and behavior toward the inclusion of children with social, emotional and behavioral difficulties in mainstream schools: An application of the theory of planned behavior. Teaching and teacher education, 29, 46-52.
Maingi, J. M. (2015). Language Teachers' Perceptions and Practices in Enhancing Learners'
Morris, A. K., & Hiebert, J. (2015). Openness and measurement: Two principles for improving educational practice and shared instructional products. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 3(2), 130-153.
Nadelson, L. S., Callahan, J., Pyke, P., Hay, A., Dance, M., & Pfiester, J. (2013). Teacher STEM perception and preparation: Inquiry-based STEM professional development for elementary teachers. The Journal of Educational Research, 106(2), 157-168.
Pedagogy: Essays in honor of A. Ronald Walton, 179-192.
Smith, M. R. (2010). Teachers' attitudes towards English language learners in rural schools
Strategy Use for Reading Proficiency in Selected Secondary Schools in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, Kenyatta University).
Stronge, J. H. (2018). Qualities of effective teachers. ASCD.
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