Provides curriculum development consulting, training, skill-building, design and support services including using best-fit technology to improve instruction and strengthen curriculum. Identifies trends, gathers and analyzes data, recommends standards, and implements curriculum technology development plans. Uses emerging educational techniques and technologies to develop alternative assessment strategies to integrate into course development. Provides a leadership role in a team environment to advance technology-enhanced curriculum development, courses and instructional programs. (this is from my college, so should use this, I ask you the writer)
The curriculum is the heart of a student's college experience. The curriculum is a college's primary means of changing students in directions valued by the faculty. Curricula should be reviewed and, if necessary, revised on a regular basis, better to serve the changing needs of both students and society broadly. Today, however, we are being urged to reassess especially carefully the quality of our curricula.
Teachers and faculties are responding to this challenge by turning their attention to what are in many cases long neglected curricular matters. They are doing so as a practical means of both attracting and retaining more students, ensuring their success, and producing high quality, fair outcomes for everyone.
Course Title
American Sign Language (ASL)
Course Number
American Sign Language 3 (ASL 3)
ASL Instructor:
1. Course Title
American Sign Language 3
II. Course Hours/Meeting Times per Week
Four hours a week, a 2-hours class that meets on Monday and Wednesday
III. Course Description
The course provides an advance study of American Sign Language (ASL), ASL 3 presents an introduction to the fundamentals of American Sign Language, and it explores deeply the linguistics of ASL. Topics covered are lexicalized finger-spelling and loan signs, vocabulary, grammatical structures, culture awareness, and conversation. This course is designed for students with an intermediate to advanced level understanding of ASL principles. ASL 3 meets the elective requirements in the Associate of Interpreter Program and transfer requirements in foreign languages.
IV. Course Objectives
To review and develop vocabulary and grammar of ASL on an intermediate level.
To complete development of basic inflectional system and non-manual grammatical features of ASL.
To attain appropriate discourse fluency with special attention given to signing competency.
To refine the understanding and use of appropriate cultural behaviors as related to ASL.
V. Evaluations & Grading Criteria
Course Grading: approximately 930 points (+/- pop quizzes , etc.)
1. Written Tests (includes Final): grammar and culture150 points
2. Written Tests (includes Final): language comprehension150 points
3. Signed Presentation (+CAA)*170 points
*Requires consultation appointment
4. Quizzes (5) 50 points
5. Packet Homework Assignments 50 points
6. Video Projects 360 points
6. Attendance/ParticipationTHREE absences allowed without penalty to final grade, or possible exclusion from class. Three tardies equal one absence.
Assessment and Evaluation
The formative assessment is providing feedback to teachers and students in the course. Information gained through informal assessments provides opportunities for teachers to make adjustments to the way in which they deliver instruction. For instance, they may reteach a concept, use alternative instructional approaches, or offer more opportunities for practice and reinforcement. These activities can lead to improved student success. In order in Formative assessment areas on active feedback loops that assist learning.
Teachers use formative assessments both to provide feedback to students about their progress and to guide decisions about next steps in the learning process, thereby closing the gap between the learners current and desired states. Popham (2008) defines formative assessment as a planned process in which teachers or students use assessment-based evidence to adjust what they are currently doing (p. 15). The operative word in this definition is process, in that formative assessment is happening throughout the learning, as opposed to summative assessment, which is often a one-time event that occurs at the end of a learning unit and is used to make judgments about student competence.
There are the four elements of the Formative Assessment Process, which is essential. As following, the included describing such as identifying the gap, feedback, learning progressions, and student involvement.
Identifying the gap is the process of defining the difference (the gap) between what students know and what they need to know; it includes collaboration between teacher and learner to identify learning goals and outcomes and criteria for achieving these.
Feedback(i.e., rich conversations between the teacher and student) gives the teacher information needed to identify the current status of a students learning as well as the specific next steps that he or she can take to improve. Teacher feedback to students must be both constructive and timely to enable students to advance their learning. It must include a description of how their response differed from that reflected in the desired learning goal and how they can move forward. Student feedback and reflection can alert the teacher of the need to modify instructional approaches.
The teacher to break a learning goal into smaller, more manageable subgoals uses learning progressions. The teacher identifies a students location on the learning continuum and works collaboratively with the student to set a series of smaller goals.
Involving students in decisions about their own learning and in self-assessment helps students to engage in reflection and build their metacognitive skills. See the TEAL Center Fact Sheet No. 4 on Metacognitive Processes. There is a profound influence on student motivation and self-esteem when students are involved in self-assessments and understand how to improve.
A teacher will ask the students to form groups and come up with three strategic questions about a topic that they will be handling at that time so as to help them meet their learning target..
The student must earn above average marks on all assigned go react, tests, expressive assignments, final exam, packet homework assignments, deaf event, participation, and attendance. The student must show a good understanding of an advance American Sign Language both receptively and expressively.
Before a lesson on a certain topic, the teacher will state the goals for the class and will ask the students to rewrite the goals in their own words. Several sub-goals will be generated in the process and will be discussed during the lesson.
In his feedback, the teacher will show students what they did correctly. The teacher then gives students a strategy to use in improving their learning skills.
VI. Text(s) Finger-spelling in American Sign Language by Brenda E. Cartwright and Suellen J. Bahleda, and Signing naturally by Cheri Smith, Ella Mae Lentz, and Ken Mikos.
VII. Course Outline (Show activities per each class meeting time)
Tentative Course Schedule
Spring 2016
Week 1
Jan 12 Introduction, Syllabus, Review
Jan 14 Review Units 1-12 (ASL 1140 & 1150)
Week 2
Jan 19 Unit 13
Homework Packet 1 Due
Video Topics:
The Coffee Table
The Wooden Box
Jan 21 Unit 13
Video Topic:
Jakes New House
Week 3
Jan 26 Unit 13
Homework Packet 2 Due
Video Topics:
Silent Dinner at the Mall
ASL and Sign Systems
Jan 28 Quiz #1-Unit 13
Homework Packet 3 Due
Video Topic:
Car Problem
Week 4
Feb 2 Unit 14
CAA # 2 Due
Homework Packet 4 Due
Video Topics:
Lots of Money
Tons of Homework
Feb 4 Unit 14
Presentation # 1
Video Topic:
The Deaf Club
Week 5
Feb 9 Unit 14
Presentation # 1
Homework Packet 5 & 6 Due
Video Topics:
Paying Bills
Categories of Dogs
Feb 11 Unit 14
Presentation # 1
CAA# 3
Video Topic:
Lukes Schedule
Week 6
Feb 16 Quiz # 2-Unit 14
Homework Packet 7 Due
Video Topics:
My Old Friend
Buying a New Car
Feb 18 Review Study Guide, Units 13-14
Homework Packet 8 Due
Video Topic:
Rain in Florida
Week 7
Feb 23 Test # 1 Units 13-14
Feb 25 Unit 15
Homework Packet 9 Due
CAA# 4
Video Topics:
The Word Up
Week 8
March 1 Unit 15
Presentation # 2
CAA #2 Due
Video Topics:
The Right Choice
The Outing
March 3 Unit 15
Presentation # 2
Homework Packet 10 Due
Video Topics:
Missing Miss Brooks
Week 9
March 8 Spring Break
March 10 Spring Break
Week 10
March 15 Unit 15
Presentation # 2
CAA# 5
Video Topics:
Officers at the Club for the Deaf
March 17 Quiz #3- Unit 15
Homework Packet 11 Due
Video Topics:
Sequencing Fractions
Week 11
March 22 Unit 16
CAA #6
Homework Packet 12 Due
Video Topics:
Explain about the Deaf Event Flyer
Biographies for Deaf Heritage
March 24 Unit 16
Presentation # 3
CAA# 6
Video Topic:
Winter in Pennsylvania
Week 12
March 29 Unit 16
Presentation # 3
Video Topics:
The Buffer
Making the Perfect Pizza
March 31 Unit 16
Video Topics:
Explain about the deaf comic strip
Week 13
April 5 Quiz #4- Unit 16
Presentation # 3
Homework Packet 13 and 14 Due
Video Topics:
The Favorite Holiday
The Airport
April 7 Unit 15-16
Review Study Guide # 2
CAA# 7
Video Topics:
Buying Books
My Favorite Sport
Week 14
April 12 Test # 2-Units 15 & 16
April 14 Unit 17
Homework Packet 15 Due
CAA# 8
Video Topics:
Where Do You Want to Go?
Week 15
April 19 Unit 17
Quiz # 5- Unit 17
CAA #9
Review for finals
April 21 Review Study Guide Final Exam
CAA# 10
Week 16
April 26 Final Exam: Part 1 Signed Comprehension
April 28 Final Exam: Part II Grammar
FINALS WEEK - Tuesday, May 3
Lesson Plan
For One Class Period
Students will learn about various Deception (Classifiers) and students will identify and explain the various linguistic principles of ASL. The students will learn how to express in sign about Classifiers in ASL. Students will be able to sign and master classifiers and express how they describe the descriptive, and locative positioning.
Activity descriptions
Some of the linguistics comprised by the ASL includes the phonemes, morpheme, and hold-movement theory. Furthermore, it contains the understanding the five registers andthe pragmatics. It also contains the semantics as one of its linguistics. Morphology has been used since time immemorial to mean the morphemes, which in other words a smaller language unit that can no longer be categorized further.
The free morphemes refer to word that do not require attachment of other words since they already have meaning and can express themselves. For instance, the sign elephant already has a meaning and can no longer be broken to provide another meaning. On the other hand, bound morphemes are morphemes that require another word to have proper meaning. When they are not attached to...
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Curriculum for the Study of American Sign Language. (2021, Mar 19). Retrieved from
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