The Circle, created by Egger is a mega corporation on can smartly fit to resemble Steve Job's Apple Inc. The only difference is that according to Egger's descriptions, The Circle not only resemble either Microsoft Corp. or Google or Apple Inc. but instead, sums the three examples into one big mega corporation. The company has globed up everything alongside its competitor companies. The Circle is, therefore, a fictional book aimed at portraying the cultural insignificance of our current society in a way that mock our social value of connectedness.
Within the environment of Eggers plot, two sensitive characters named Mercer Medeiros and Kalden are significantly highlighted to cement the objectives of The Circle intended. Mercer is observed to be a character possessing a lot of flak. The nature of nature as created by Egger is because the novel uses a third-person omniscient narrator tense. Via the eyes of the protagonist, Mae, Egger creates a distinct character that readers pose a vantage point of evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the story. Similarly, Egger uses Kalden as a throwback reference point of Maes actions. In the second part of the novel, Mae is a decorated character, a good employee and dedicated to helping the company to achieve its objectives. Despite the full dedication of Mae, one character consistently throws her off the game, Kalden. He is the destructive force that Mae can't find a connection in understanding whoever he is. He comes quickly into her life and leaves soon as well; one would, therefore, ask, why Kalden? Why does he cause moral frustrations to Mae? This article, therefore, tries to understand the importance of these two characters, Kalden and Mercer in developing the plot of The Circle and the influences they pose in the development of other characters in a way that achieves the objectives of Egger.
In the plot, Mae has lots of men in her life including Kalden and Mercer. However, of all the men in Mae's life, it is Kalden that captures her attention. First and foremost, he is attractive. Secondly, he is mysterious. The chase within the novel of finding a man who easily disappears is quite an interesting fact. This character is used a figure that exposes the craving privacy in Mae's life. Egger portrays this event from the attraction that Mae has for Kalden. The relationship between Kalden and Mae happens to be the only private thing that Mae has in her life meaning that she appears not to be the star Circler that the company craves her to be. To justify Mae's curiosity, Egger accounts how Mae was disturbed by the character for whom she fell in love. The writer notes that "She did a search in the company's database and found no Kaldens." (Pg. 170). With all the transparency Mae is exposed to as a Circler, can we suggest that a part of Mae still craves for privacy? From her previous experiences with secrecy, the safest response would be yes. Her other form of privacy as put by Egger is kayaking. When out of her desk, she used to kayak without permission from her supervisor. She would violate the policies of the company just to kayak alone. Egger says, "After kayakingShe stood breathing heavily and feeling robust and enormous." (Pg. 269). From the protagonist's character, Egger apparently develops hypocrisy. This theme is triggered by a keen analysis of the relationship existing between her and Kalden. Egger states that Mae condemns her mother and Mercer for holding to their privacy but failing to consider her part in the same.
Mae's real boyfriend known as Mercer is a deranged clod according to Mae. Egger uses him as the reasoning power of The Circle. Together with Ty Gospodinov, these characters are the key exemplifiers employed by the author to dissipate the intended message. Mae is the ultimate unwavering force that tries to pump sense into Mae and thus condemn the brainwashing she is undergoing in the company. In one occasion, he attacks the social media tools created by the corporation. He says, "It's not that I am not that social, I am social just enoughit's only that the tools you people make are extremely unnaturally against the social needs." (Pg. 19). In another occasion, he attacks the un-American activities performed by the company. He says, "You may think that it's just a coincidence that any time some congresswomen or any particular blogger speaks about monopoly, they become ensnared in a terrible sex-porn witchcraft controversy?... (pg. 40). On the contrary, Mae dismisses her boyfriends constant warnings about the ravings of a conspiracy engineered by The Circle. Egger himself happens to support the theory of Mercer. At the time that The Circle draws to a close, Mercer happens to be dead. All the same, it wouldn't satisfy him when his fears happen to be faithful to the latter. Amidst Mae's despise to Mercer, his words to her were a firm conviction that guided her conscience. By causing her boyfriend's death, Mae takes away the life of a great force that would otherwise influence the activities of The Circle.
The Circle happens to be the most straightforward contemporary literature that provides vivid details concerning the moral lives we have in the world. It explores the way to emerging tyranny rather than an already flaming idea of the same. Nevertheless, the work depicts a similar world to ours with a slight difference in the degree of madness. This may be because the story does not go far enough to cover the consequences brought about by our digital age. All the same, it makes clear the point of influence by tyranny. Through this work, we realize the same fate as that of the privacy advocates screaming through generations being as stale as the 2nd iPod generation. The Circle, all the same, finds me having several questions concerning my wisdom concerning future technology. My views are in terms with Mercers worries concerning The Circle. The book does have a stunningly important message, though and only wished that it would have been published a bit earlier before his circle gets closed. All the same famous characters like Mercer were rather important for the author to kill them. It is, therefore, evident that the author, Egger, is trying an attempt to ensure that his readers understand the fact that he believes the different words of SECRET ARE LIES. CARING IS SHARING. PRIVACY IS THEFT' to be true by killing Mercer. We also realize that the writer's way of comparing out the current cultural state of connectedness is reiterated in a way. Egger, in one way or another, brings the feeling of one getting hit by a cast iron skillet right on the head without questioning. Later, after Mercers demise, more and more people are pressured to give up their identity through breach of privacy so that the rest of people in the world can keep their check on the moral values they possess. The truth is that we readers are the villains of Egger's story. Our obsessive nature of sharing each and every bit of opinion we possess enriches some corporation somewhere that require the same dearly and would even pay for that piece of information. When such companies find what they need most, they will make sure that we never get the chance to possess our freedom of being ourselves, being what we are. They trample on our privacy, and thus they will dictate what we are. They will be the masters of our morals and determine our deeds, good or bad. Our inability to realize their potential becomes Egger's biggest fear as portrayed via Mercer. My views clearly represent my notion towards a very poignant book by Dave Eggers.
Eggers, Dave, and GradeSaver. The Circle. (2017): n.pag. Http://www.Gradesaver.Com/the-circle/study-guide/summary. 17 Feb. 2017.
Couts, Andrew. "In the heavy-handed, social-media dystopia of the circle.'" Opinion. Digital Trends, 19 Nov. 2013. Viewed on 17 Feb. 2017. Http://www.Digitaltrends.Com/opinion/the-circle-dave-eggers-review/.
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Analyzing the Arguments of Mercer and Kalden in the Circle. Literary Essay Example.. (2021, Apr 06). Retrieved from
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