Alcohol Dependence and Substance Abuse - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  474 Words
Date:  2022-12-14


Alcohol dependence has been a severe problem to most of the people who use alcohol. The alcohol dependence symptoms include yearnings where an individual is obsessed by a strong need and pressure to drink the alcohol, loss of control where the person has no ability to limits drinking at any cost and some physical dependence such as nausea and shakiness when someone stops using alcohol. Dangerous dependence on alcohol may threaten someone's life, and there is a need for the medication and treatment for the situation of alcohol dependence. There are three medications which are known best for treating alcoholism which is approved by food and drug administration.

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Antabuse as Drinking Preventive

Antabuse was the first appropriate medicine for treatment of alcohol abuse and its dependency. The medication works by causing a severe adverse response when someone taking the prescriptions drinks alcohol. The person will develop vomiting habit after drinking alcohol. In turn, they will develop a deterrent from drinking alcohol anymore. Sweating, increased thirst, swelling, throbbing headache, blurred vision, and severe vomiting are the first common side effects of Antabuse.

Naltrexone for Alcohol Cravings

Naltrexone is another medication believed in treating the alcohol dependence of an individual. The drug is sold under different branded names such as Depade and Revia. The medicine works by causing blocking of highness in the brain that people experience when they drink alcohol. The drug when mixed with the psychological therapy, the Naltrexone could reduce alcohol desires and relapse rate in alcoholics (Volpicelli, 1992). Most main side effects associated with Naltrexone are anxiety and nervousness, abdominal pain, insomnia, nausea, and vomiting.

Campral for Discomfort

Campral (acamprosate) is the new medication accepted for the treatment of alcohol dependence in U.S. Medicine works by reducing the physical agony and the emotional discomposure an individual develops when they quit drinking. The Campral also works by restoring the balance of natural chemicals in the brain. Campral should be used as part of a complete cure program with both counseling and psychological support. The main side effects associated with Campral is diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and stomach pain.

Other Abused Drug Substance

Cigarettes and Tobacco products are the most abused drugs by most of the people. Tobacco contains a chemical known as Nicotine that gives an individual a rush of pleasure and energy (Stedman, 1968). This effect wears off fast in the body. Thus the person yearns for more and therefore causing abuse and addicted to the nicotine in tobacco like other drugs. Abuse of tobacco will lead to lung cancer, persistent bronchitis, and emphysema which increase the risk of heart diseases that can lead to heart attack and stroke.


Volpicelli, J. R., Alterman, A. I., & O'Brien, C.p. (1992). Naltrexone in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Archives of general psychiatry, 49(11).

Stedman, R. L. (1968). Chemical composition of tobacco and tobacco smoke. Chemical Reviews, 68(2).

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