Achieving Success: Setting Goals for a Better Future - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  598 Words
Date:  2023-05-04


Goal setting is important as it helps one remain focused, thereby staying away from any distractions and helping in staying motivated. Goal setting promotes success through the determination of the habits that lead to success. The goals can be short term or long term, and they should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (MacLeod, 2012). Goal setting is important in academics, career, relationship as well as in socialization.

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One of my short goals is to improve my grades in all the subjects by at least 20 percent in the next academic year. I will achieve this by staying motivated and effectively managing time. I have a calendar that will effectively guide me in ensuring that I study and revise for each subject. This will help me avoid cramming when revising for examinations. I will organize my notes and ensure that I do not skip classes. Also, I will ensure that I do all my assignments in time to avoid late submissions penalties. Also, I will ensure that I participate in class by taking notes as well as asking and answering questions.

My second goal is to become an expert in my field by acquiring the accreditations as well as obtaining the relevant experience in the next five years. After graduating, I will look for organizations to volunteer in as they seek employment. Also, I will enroll for short term courses related to my profession, and after getting a stable job, I will enroll for a Master's to increase my expertise in the field. I will also network with experts in the industry so that I can learn what has contributed to their success. I will also attend conferences and trade shows related to my profession and join an association. I also plan to teach others what I have learned and start a consultancy business after gaining adequate knowledge and experience in the profession.

I also have social goals that I wish to achieve within the next five years, where I want to engage in community work in helping the needy and vulnerable in the community. There are homeless and the aged that face various challenges in the community; hence I would like to engage them and find out the various ways I can offer help to them. I would like to distribute food to the homeless and organize a medical camp for them to access medical care. I have seen that some of them have various sicknesses, and they are unable to pay to access medical care. I ill also deliver food to the homeless during the time of the medical camp.

I also have another social goal where I will work with my classmates in cleaning the city as a way of giving back to society. There are various parts of the city that needs to be cleaned; hence my friends and I have organized to do the cleaning. The cleaning of the city will also include disinfecting to kill the virus that is believed to be spreading in the city, causing infections and death to the homeless. The cleaning is meant to make it safe for the homeless that live in the city where they are exposed to the risk of getting infected.


In conclusion, I am committed to achieving the goals because they will improve my life and the lives of the people that I value. My various goals, especially to others, will improve their lives and make them have a reason to live. There are vulnerable people in society that need help.

Works Cited

MacLeod, L. (2012). Making SMART goals smarter. Physician executive, 38(2), 68-72.

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Achieving Success: Setting Goals for a Better Future - Essay Sample. (2023, May 04). Retrieved from

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