Two Gentlemen in Harmony: Music and Lectures

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  668 Words
Date:  2023-05-25

HORTENSIO "But, wrangling pedant, this isThe patroness of heavenly harmony:Then give me leave to have prerogative;And when in music we have spent an hour,Your lecture shall have leisure for as much" (Shakespeare,1999,p.84).

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HORTENSIO" You'll leave his lecture when I am in tune?"LUCENTIO "That will never be: tune your instrument."BIANCA "Where left we last?" (Shakespeare,1999,p.84).

These lines give the flow of the sub-events where we see two gentlemen trying to prove their capabilities to be considered as Bianca's tutors and suitors. Hortensio is disguised as a schoolmaster to teach Bianca music lessons, saying he will play heavenly harmonies. Conversely, Tranio (disguised as Lucentio) presents himself as a rich, knowledgeable, and confident tutor. Notably, Bianca pays more attention to Lucentio prefers him over and prefers him over Horetencio. These lines reveal the intentions of the two men trying to woe Bianca's for marriage. Additionally, they show Bianca as a less violent woman, contrary to her shrewd Katherine.

Rising Action

Act 3, Scene 2

PETRUCHIO "Gentlemen and friends, I thank you for your pains:I know you think to dine with me to-day,And have prepared great store of wedding cheer;But so it is, my haste doth call me hence,And therefore, here I mean to take my leave" (Shakespeare, 1999, p.103).BAPTISTA "Is't possible you will away to-night?"

(Shakespeare, 1999, p.103). The lines present the embarrassment Petruchio places on his wedding feast with Katherine. Besides coming late to the wedding late dressed shaggily, Petruchio declares that he wants to leave with his newlywed wife immediately after exchanging vows. Katherine is embarrassed about his actions, but he does not care because he is doing everything to ensure the shrew Katherine submits to him. The father-in-law is also surprised, but he cannot control him anymore because Katherine is officially his wife.

Rising Action

Act 4, Scene 1

PETRUCHIO"'Tis burnt; and so is all the meat.What dogs are these! Where is the rascal cook?How durst you, villains, bring it from the dresser,And serve it thus to me that love it not?There take it to you, trenchers, cups, and all;Throws the meat, & c. about the stageYou heedless joltheads and unmanner'd slaves!What, do you grumble? I'll be with you straight" (Shakespeare, 1999, p.121).KATHARINA"I pray you, husband, be not so disquiet:The meat was well, if you were so contented" (Shakespeare, 1999, p.121) In this scene, Petruchio and Katherine arrive at his place after a long journey from Padua. In these lines, Petruchio continues with his scheme to subdue or tame Katherine's shrewd character. He behaves so violently on everything; for instance, he embarrasses the servants by shouting at them, saying the meat is burnt yet it is well cooked. Despite knowing Kate is hungry, he goes further to throw the meat off the table. Katherine tries to convince, but he does not listen, and in the end, Kate goes in bed tired and hungry.


Act 4, Scene 3

KATHARINA"Forward, I pray, since we have come so far,And be it moon, or sun, or what you please:And if you please to call it a rush-candle,Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me" (Shakespeare, 1999, p.159).PETRUCHIO "I say it is the moon."KATHARINA "I know it is the moon" (Shakespeare, 1999, p.159). In these lines, Petruchio and Katherine travel back to Padua in broad sunlight. Petruchio is still in the process of stamping his authority as the husband, where he contradicts and rejects everything Kate says. Notably, the sun is shining brightly, but Petruchio says it is the moon and not the sun. Despite Katherine knowing it is not the moon, she can no longer argue with his husband and agrees with him that it is the moon. This act implies that Katherine is now submitting to Petruchio, showing a change in her violent behavior towards men.


Shakespeare, W. (1999). The taming of the shrew. A&C Black: No fear of translation. Spark Notes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides.

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Two Gentlemen in Harmony: Music and Lectures. (2023, May 25). Retrieved from

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