Alexander the Great defeat of the Persian Empire was instrumental in spreading the Greek Empire Far East. The Persian Empire had for many years been a threat to the existence of the Greek Empire. The rivalry between the Greek Empire and the Persian Empire dated back to hundreds of years before Alexander the Great was born. Alexander went ahead to conquer Egypt and founded the city of Alexandria, named after him. At its height, Alexandrina was one of the most cosmopolitan trading centers in the ancient world. Alexander the Great reign is best known as the Hellenization period because his conquests made it possible for the Greek culture to penetrate former unchartered territories. The Hellenization period was of more impact during Alexander the Great reign in the 4th century BC. In 13 years, courtesy of Alexander the Great exploits, the Greek Empire became the largest empire in the ancient world. Imposition of Greek culture and language on the covered lands fostered the expansion of commerce. Greek culture and language were spread as far as India and Mesopotamia (Bosworth 35).
Alexander the Great conquests and military genius have influenced how contemporary militaries go about their business. Contemporary militaries have integrated strategies used by Alexander the Great in his operations. At the age of 18 years, Alexander commanded a battle at Chaeronea. In his battle against the Persians, despite the fact that Alexanders army was outnumbered by the Persian army, he was able to defeat the Persian army and conquer the Persian Empire. Alexander the Great is one of the most successful military leaders of all time. He led his army across Persian territories of Syria, Egypt, Palestine and Asia Minor with no single defeat. He further led his army past Mesopotamia, Iran, Central Asia and Afghanistan with no defeat. He further invaded India and a result, his empire stretched from Greece to Asia (the world as it was known during Alexander the Great time). Alexanders army traveled on foot and received meager earnings, yet they remained loyal to Alexander (Vasunia 43). Alexander was adept at using weapon specialists, doctors and engineers in his military exploits. He was also shrewd in dealing with intelligence, logistics and communication matters of his military. Alexander ensured that his military was well trained. Alexanders military exhibited high speed and mobility. He also ensured that his soldiers were well fed. He worked hard to ensure that his soldiers were motivated. Alexander also made sure that his soldiers were loyal to him by showing them concern and care. Alexander the Great was quick in making military decisions. Alexanders military prowess has proved invaluable to contemporary militaries. All present-day superpowers have integrated Alexander the Great military strategies in their military operations. Contemporary militaries also ensure that their soldiers are trained on a frequent basis as Alexander the Great did with his army. Later days militaries learned to ensure that their militaries exhibited mobility and high speed as exemplified by Alexanders military. Modern day militaries have emulated the manner in which Alexander motivated his soldiers by ensuring that soldiers are better paid than the masses and their health matters are well addressed. As Alexander the Great military was, contemporary militaries also constitute engineers, scientists, doctors and communication specialists who work in concert to ensure that the military successfully conducts its operations. The mental agility that Alexander exhibited when it came to making military decisions has been emulated by modern day army generals (Bosworth 65).
Alexander the Great conquests have provided a standard measure by which leaders who came after him have used to measure their success. Alexander the Great is synonymous with success. He is a yardstick for sound leadership not only in politics but also in military and business worlds. Alexander the Great was full of inspiration to his subjects. The inspiration that Alexander the Great exhibited has been emulated by contemporary world leaders in how they go about executing their tasks. Alexander the Great was also a brave leader. The bravery exhibited by Alexander the Great has been imitated by contemporary leaders in how they go about dealing with obstacles and insurmountable challenges. Alexander the Great was visionary; leaders have learned the importance of having a compelling vision from Alexander the Great. Alexander demonstrated that for a leader to accomplish a certain task, he must be visionary and focused. Alexander the Great was astute in executing his ideas and policies. For instance, Alexander had an idea of spreading Greek culture and language far and wide; he went ahead and astutely executed his idea of spreading Greek culture and language during what is commonly known as the Hellenistic period (Leeming 54).
Alexander the Great conquests have revealed to human beings about the importance of personal ambition. Had Alexander not been ambitious, his conquests would not have been a success. Alexander the Great ambition is what led him to conquer new territories as far as India. Alexander also had the ambition of spreading Greek culture far and wide. Without Alexanders ambition, Hellenization would not have been a success. The personal ambition that Alexander exhibited has played a major role in encouraging people to be ambitious if they want to be successful in life (Thomas 860). Alexander the Great is a hero and role model to many people in the present world who are inspired by his ambitious character towards achieving their goals in life. As a child, Alexander captivated by Homers Iliad. In the Iliad, Achilles is the protagonist of the story, and he exemplifies many virtues that were attractive to Alexander. Alexander decided to build his character akin to that of Achilles. Given that Aristotle was Alexanders teacher, he properly shaped him into being an ambitious person. Aristotle was a widely read man who was highly knowledgeable, and he did put in a lot of effort in ensuring that Alexander became rich in knowledge. Knowledge is important for any ambitious person because ambition without knowledge is blind ambition. Therefore, from Alexanders high ambitions, one can learn that ambition should be accompanied by knowledge. An ambitious person who has knowledge knows how he or she can go about achieving his or her goal.
Alexander the Great proved that it is important for a leader to be wise (Kurke 21). Alexander the Great exhibited a high level of wisdom, albeit at a young age. His wisdom ensured that as soon as his father (King Philip II) died, he acted fast in ensuring that the Macedonian hegemony was secured. At a youthful age of 20, most people would have been reluctant to rise to the occasion and fill in the large shoes left by his father. His wisdom also ensured that he kept his vast empire united.
Works Cited
Bosworth, A B. Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Print.
Kurke, Lance B. The Wisdom of Alexander the Great: Enduring Leadership Lessons from the Man Who Created an Empire. New York: AMACOM, 2004. Print.
Leeming, M. "Alexander the Great, by Paul Cartledge." Spectator London Weekly. (2004): 54. Print.
Thomas, KR. "A Psychoanalytic Study of Alexander the Great." Psychoanalytic Review. 82.6 (1995): 859-901. Print.
Vasunia, Phiroze. The Gift of the Nile: Hellenizing Egypt from Aeschylus to Alexander. Berkeley, Carlifonia.: University of California Press, 2001. Print.
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