The Development of the Characters in Homer's Iliad Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  574 Words
Date:  2022-12-16


Homer wrote the epic poem The Iliad in the 8th Century BC. The epic poem tells the story about the great war between Greeks and Trojans. It also features some of the most famous characters in literature. The Iliad is a significant work for many reasons. Not least because it explores the development of characters in the story.

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Achilles and Hector: Flawed yet Heroic Protagonists

Achilles and Hector are the main protagonists in the Iliad, which is a collection of two warriors from opposing sides of the conflict. Both men display heroic qualities throughout the poem but they also have their flaws. Achilles is depicted as a warrior with great strength and courage but also of great pride, anger, and determination. His own vendetta against the Trojans and his desire to be a hero are his motivations. Hector, on the other hand, is depicted to be a nobler character who is driven by loyalty and a desire for peace. Both are flawed characters, but both are also heroic.

Character Development of Other Figures

The other characters in the Iliad are also subject to development throughout the poem. Agamemnon is the leader of the Greeks, and is portrayed as a proud and arrogant man. His pride leads him to make rash decisions, which often have disastrous consequences. His pride and arrogance eventually leads to his downfall.

The gods and goddesses of the Iliad also play an important role in the development of the characters. As divine beings, they often intervene in the human conflict, either by helping or hindering the different characters. The gods often act as a moral compass for the characters, and their interventions often shape the characters' decisions and actions.

The Iliad also examines the idea of fate and how gods can alter the course of events. The Iliad shows that destiny is often predetermined and determined by gods. Characters are unable to alter their fates. This is evident in Hector's death, which he tries to survive but is ultimately killed.


While the Iliad is a significant work for many reasons it is also important because of its exploration of character development. Homer explored the themes of fate and pride through the actions and decisions made by the characters. Homer's poetry is evident in the development of the Iliad's characters, which are among the most famous in literature.

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The Development of the Characters in Homer's Iliad Essay Example. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from

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