The climate of the earth has been observed to change during history. The change is due to minimal variations in the orbit of the earth that also changes the amount of solar energy received by the earth. As such, it gives rise to the concept of global warming which refers to a rapid increase in the average global temperature that can be attributed to various factors. The current warming trend has been associated to be of a particular significance since most of it is due to human activity. The paper will explore the causes and most reasonable responses to global warming.
Causes of Global Warming
When fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil are burned, they increase the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. The fuels are usually burned to generate electricity or power vehicles. As such, fossils fuels offer most of the energy that further sustains activities such as conveyance, warming, and cooling of buildings and other industrial actions. Accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere usually heats it up at a higher rate as compared to other natural processes. In the end, they heat up the earth (Colpan, Dincer and Kadioglu 129). On the other hand, there are other greenhouse gases such as aerosols which are less known. They are dust particles which together with CO2 are usually released into the atmosphere in large portions when fossils fuels and wood are burned. However, some aerosols have a cooling impact on the climate while others lead to warming. Once they balance, they usually have a cooling effect instead of warming.
Natural occurrences, aerosols, and greenhouse gases develop an imbalance in the incoming and outgoing radiation in the atmosphere, a process referred to as radiative forcing. When the earth heats up, there is short-wave radiation from the sun that penetrates the atmosphere and are more significant than the long-wave radiation that usually exists in the atmosphere. For changes in temperature to be stopped, it is vital to establish a balance in the radiation. The stability will, however, take a long time due to the vast capability of oceans to absorb heat meaning that temperature on earth will continue to be high (Haldar 15).
Volcanic eruptions have also been associated with global warming. When volcanoes erupt, they emit a combination of gases and other elements in the air. They entail sulphur dioxide and ash which also have a freshening impact since they reflect the sun away from the earth. The cooling effect has mostly been associated with significant eruptions that have further caused a rise in global temperatures. When the cooling and warming effect are compared, it has been depicted that the warming impact lasts longer (Schmidtet al., 16).
Farming has also been associated with global warming. Rearing animals and especially livestock such as cattle and sheep leads to the production of methane which is a greenhouse gas. Significant rearing of animals in places such as Australia has been pointed out as a great contributor to global warming. Methane gas is also released from the decomposition of wastes in landfills and digestion of ruminants. Additionally, some fertilizers used on the farm have also been observed to release nitrous oxide which is a greenhouse gas. Nitrous oxide is generated from the utilization of organic and commercial fertilizers and burning of biomass leading to climate change (Ward 15).
Natural factors also cause global warming. There is the change in solar energy production. It is the only foundation for the climate system of the earth to function and therefore, any alterations in its production may cause climate change and global warming to be specific. It has been projected that an alteration in solar productivity by only one percent per century may also change the typical heat of the planet by between o.5 to 1.0 degrees Celcius. On the other hand, change in the orbital characteristics of the earth may also lead to global warming. The overall volume of solar energy received by earth may be caused by a change in the shape of the orbit of the earth around the sun. Also, the earth's axis may tilt altering the aggregate expanse of sunlight transmitted to the earth as well (Haldar 15).
Responses to Global Warming
Global warming is an international issue that requires effective solutions. It is essential to come up with strong actions and leadership. However, international efforts are also needed which will focus on reducing the rate of emissions globally. Policy experts, scientists and other economists who have specialized in climate matters have been coming together in international treaty negotiations as it was observed in the Paris climate summit held in 2015. The change to the utilization of clean energy in the economy is vital as it will ensure the climate is protected. Also, consumers will save money ("Global Warming Solutions: Reduce Emissions"). Other measures can also be used as a way of responding to global warming
Fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil and coal should be banned from utilization. They have been identified as among the major causes of global warming. Nations can design committees to enact new laws that will ensure carbon emissions have been limited. Also, individuals or organization who pollute should be made to pay for the emission they produce as well. Moreover, renewable energy can be adapted for utilization. A utility organization that generates at least a portion of their power through the use of solar or wind can be selected. The organization should also be certified by the Green-e Energy which is a firm that vets renewable energy options. People should be encouraged to obtain their energy from such organizations. They can also be enlightened on how to analyze their electric bill and select other ways listed to support renewable sources on their websites (Jacobson).
The most significant users of energy entail the activities of building, heating, and cooling. Besides, heating and air-conditioning account for close to half of the energy use at home. People can be taught how to make their space more energy efficient through closing up drafts and further ensuring that it is sufficiently insulated. Furthermore, households and companies can be encouraged to invest in energy-effective machines or appliances. Reports have indicated that the energy standards for numerous products and devices have managed to maintain close to 2.3 billion of carbon dioxide out of the air. The proportion has been estimated to be almost similar to the same quantity as the yearly carbon pollution produced by nearly four hundred and forty million cars. It is vital to note that energy efficiency has been reported to be the cheapest way of reducing emissions ("Global Warming Solutions: Reduce Emissions").
When water is saved, it can reduce carbon pollution. A lot of energy is utilized to pump, heat and treat water. However, all this can change, or that energy can be saved. People should be informed to take sort showers or even turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that if one out of one hundred homes in America were retrofitted with fittings that are energy effective, then close to one hundred million kilowatt-hours of electricity would be set aside per annum. Therefore, about eighty thousand tons of global warming pollution would be evaded (Booth, Hammond and Proverbs 207).
Food has been associated with global warming. In the United States, for instance, ten percent of energy is utilized in growing, processing, packaging and transporting food. However, forty percent of it ends up filling the land. Less food wastage depicts that energy consumption is being minimized as well. Food constituting of livestock products are considered among the resource-intensive to produce. Therefore, consuming meals that are free of meat can also make a significant difference in the energy being consumed (Colpan, Dincer and Kadioglu 323).
The sun is a significant source of energy that can be used as an alternative. Solar panels should be installed especially since they are readily accessible and possible as well. Most governments have been observed to give incentives and other discounts which energy firms should take advantage of and thus encourage people to adopt them as well (Jacobson).
Deforestation should be widely discouraged. Tropical deforestation has been associated with close to ten percent of the world's emissions for trapping heat. The proportion is almost equal to the annual emissions of six hundred million average cars in the United States. Therefore, reducing tropical deforestation can considerably minimize global warming emissions. As such, this strategy when accompanied by reducing discharges from fossil fuels partakes a crucial role in obtaining a long-term resolution to global warming (Colpan, Dincer and Kadioglu 323).
Infrastructure should be upgraded as a way of dealing with global warming. Globally, buildings have been purported to account for one-third of all the greenhouse gas emissions. In the long run, investing in thicker insulation and other steps that can regulate temperature and which are cost efficient can significantly save money. The demands for power continue to rise, but electric grids are either overloaded or at capacity. Additionally, bad roads can lower the fuel economy of even the most resourceful cars. Capitalizing on new infrastructure or upgrading the existing highways and other lines of transmission can assist to minimize the greenhouse gas emissions and in the end, increase the economic growth of the developing nations. The concept can be analyzed in another way (Jacobson).
The causes and responses to global warming have been explored. Global warming has been viewed as the change in the temperatures of the earth due to specific factors. One primary cause of global warming identified is burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. They increase carbon dioxide when burned to generate electricity or power cars. When carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere, it heats up the temperatures of the earth at a higher rate as compared to other natural processes. Also, volcanic eruptions have also been associated with global warming due to the emission of sulphur dioxide that has a cooling and warming effect on the earth. The warming effect lasts for long leading to global warming. Deforestation due to human activities has also been associated with climate change due to lack of plans to engage carbon dioxide from the air and discharge oxygen. Global warming can be addressed through specific strategies. People should be encouraged to adopt the use of clean fuel, refrain from deforestation and products be educated on issues concerning saving energy.
Works Cited
Booth, Colin, Felix N. Hammond, Jessica Lamond, and Proverbs. Solutions for Climate Change Challenges of the Built Environment. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp. 207.
Colpan, Can O, Ibrahim Dincer, and Fethi Kadioglu. Causes, Impacts and Solutions to Global Warming. , 2013, pp. 129-323.
"Global Warming Solutions: Reduce Emissions". Union Of Concerned Scientists, 2018, Accessed 7 May 2018.
Haldar, Ishita. Global Warming: The Causes and Consequences. New Delhi: Mind Melodies, 2011, pp. 15.
Jacobson, Mark Z, and Mark Z. Jacobson. Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 309.
Jacobson, M. Z. "The Solutions Project: Educating the Public and Policy Makers About Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Energy Security." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2015.Bottom of Form
Schmidt, Anja et al. Volcanism And Global Environme...
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