Soccer Manager: Essential for Club Success - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  675 Words
Date:  2023-02-16


A soccer manager is the head coach. Many coaches work under him, which means they receive instructions from him. He is a person in charge of team formation, players substitution, the tactics that players apply, team sheet, provides the styles the players should utilize, among others. A team manager is an essential person in a soccer club. For instance, he is a person who motivates players during and before a match. He also markets the football club to make sure they benefit from sponsorship. A manager instructs and provides a strategic plan for players. Besides, he is responsible for selling and buying players as well as train young players to become the best players.

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Becoming a soccer manager does not require any educational background though it is an added advantage for those with a sports management degree. However, there is an age limit to anyone interested in becoming one. A person must be 16 years and above to qualify for a soccer manager badge. However, one is encouraged to have some experience to be eligible for this position. Volunteering to local teams to acquire the necessary skills is encouraged. A good manager must be emotionally, mentally and physically active.

Communication skills are an essential tool for many jobs, and so is it in becoming a soccer manager. The manager must be able to communicate fluently with all team players and be in a good position in representing the team in interviews. For one to instil confidence in others, they must first be confident themselves. Thus, a soccer manager must be confident as well as honest in whatever they do.

There is a minimum job vacancy for this position, but with determination and persistence, one can achieve their dreams. As stated above, one must be ready to volunteer at local clubs to get the necessary skills and must be willing to start small. Success comes to those who persevere in hard times and those who are ready to sacrifice for their dreams.

There is this notion of leaders not created but born, which I guess people get it all wrong. A good manager, however, must portray both leadership and management skills. A leader tries to make the people they are leading have trust in them and try working with the team to see the goals of the club are attained. On the other hand, a manager is responsible for conducting a team to make sure the daily target is achieved. However, in a football club, the two must be demonstrated for the club to achieve its stipulated goal.

A soccer manager demonstrates leadership role while they remain honesty to the team players. Also, while motivating and inspiring the players for them to have bigger plans for their future. A leader challenges the players and make them think outside and view things from a different perspective. A good leader communicates with the team regularly and reminds them of their strategic goal where they all try to negotiate on how to achieve them as a team.

On the other hand, soccer manager may demonstrate a management role where they have to set and implement rules for the team and make sure everyone is following them. Also, when they have to plan for the day, including the resources, they will need. While coming up with a vision for the team and making sure the team follows it.


The crust, L., & Lawrence, I. (2006). A review of leadership in sport: Implications for football management. Athletic Insight: The Online Journal of Sport Psychology, 8(4), 28-48. Retrieved from

Kelly, S. (2008). Understanding the role of the football manager in Britain and Ireland: A Weberian approach. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8(4), 399-419. Retrieved from

Ter Weel, B. (2011). Does manager turnover improve firm performance? Evidence from Dutch soccer, 1986-2004. De Economist, 159(3), 279-303. Retrieved from

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Soccer Manager: Essential for Club Success - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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