Wine making began thousands of years ago. Besides being a Science, it is also an art. It is a natural process that demands human labor. Every wine maker has their own unique ingredients and wine making guidelines making their wine's taste stand out. However, the wine manufacturing process includes five different stages harvesting, crashing pressing, fermentation, clarification, aging and bottling. Wingara follows these steps but along the way, they add techniques and ingredients to ensure that the Shiraz brand stands out.
Wingara Wine Group has its own grape farms and it also buys grapes from farmers. In the first stage, harvesting, grapes with the right amount of acidity, esters and tannings are gathered to make sure that the wine is tasty and natural. Wingara uses tannings to make the wine dry and to add a sour and bitter taste to the wine. The grapes have to be picked at the right time, since their acidity depends on the period they are harvested. The time of harvest determines the wine's bitterness, sweetness and flavor. However, harvesting is also determined by the weather since the grapes' sweetness should be perfectly balanced. In Wingara wine group's farm, harvesting is done mechanically while most farmers do their harvesting by hand. Mechanical harvesting can crash the grapes and the vineyard, making harvesting by hand the most suitable method. Once the grapes are in the winery, they are grouped in bunches where the under ripe and the rotten ones are removed.
After sorting, the grapes can be crushed and pressed. For thousands and years, men and women undertook this task manually by using their feet, to stomp on the grapes. However, Wingara has a machine for this task, using mechanical stressors to stomping on the grapes to produce a must. The fresh, crushed grape juice, must, is made up of the solids, skin, and seeds. With the mechanical pressing, sanitation is upheld and the wine can also live longer, while the quality is also improved. For white wine, Wingara quickly crushes and presses the grapes set the juice apart from the seeds, solids and skin making sure that tannins and color are not processed in the wine. On the other hand, red wine is processed with the skin to make sure that there is flavor and color and tannins.
After the grapes are crushed and pressed, they are ready for fermentation. Within 6 to 12 hours, the must or the grape juice can begin fermenting when wild yeast is added into the air. Nonetheless, instead of using this method, Wingara adds or intervenes with a commercial cultured yeast to make sure that there is consistency and to make sure than they can predict the results. Fermentation carries on until all the sugar is converted into alcohol and dry wine is processed. To produce sweet wine, Wingara in some cases stops the fermentation process before all the sugar is converted. Fermentation can take from 10 days to even a month or more.
After fermentation, the next stage is clarification, and it is the process where substances such as tannins, yeast solids and proteins are sieved out. Wine is racked or taken into a different vessel such as an oak barrel or a stainless steel tank and its clarification can be undertaken through filtration or fining. When substances are added into the wine for clarification, it is called fining. For instance, the wine makers may add substances such as clay that will attract the untamed particles forcing them to decant at the bottom of the tank. On the other hand, filtration takes place when filters are used to sieve the larger particles in the wine. After clarification, the wine is taken into another vessel in preparation for bottling or storage to age further.
After all the above stages, aging and bottling is the final stage and in this case, the wine maker can take two directions. The wine can be bottled immediately or they can choose to store the wine for more aging. Futher aging can occur in the bottles, stainelss steel tanks or oak barrels. When the wine is aged in oak barrels, the product is rounder, smoother and the vanilla flavor, whih is Wingara's trademark is more pronounced. The barrles also boost the exposure of wine to oxygen as it ages decreasing tannin, helping the wine to hit its ultimate fruitness. Zesta and white wines are best adapted for stineless steel tanks. For aging the wines are stored with screw caps.
Wine Lable
This lable is not only simple, it is unique. Since the target market is the youth, such a lable would be appropriate since unlike including grapes, a common feature with wine lables, it has water and identifies the brand as a Mediterrnean cuisine. This positions the brand as exotic and unique.
There are an extensive variety of motivations that drive individuals to festivals; some of these intentions are based on the benefits apart from the celebration itself. These advantages may be founded on relationshps, a sense of escape, dream satisfaction, character satisfaction, self-improvement, family harmony, or different elements. Different intentions could incorporate the new opportunties for tasyong new food and wines, taking part in different actviteis in the festival, and shopping.
The youth are exceptionally compelling to the wine business. Wine is frequently observed as "the parents'' refreshment", and wine advertisers customarily focus on those market sections that are more established, knowledgeable, andfinacially stable. However, based ont the national overview of wine customers conducted by Scarborough Research Group (Natalia, 2016) demonstrates that the youth aged between 21 and 34, have increased the wine cutomers in the United States by 25 percent. Likewise, almost half the wine customers in the United States are aged between 35 to 54. According to Scarborough Research, it is more likely that young adult consumers aged between 21 and 34, will pay more for a galss of wine than the older generation. Actually, it is more likely ( by 84 percent), that young consumers will spend over $20 for a bottle of wine, as compared to the older people (Hoffman, 2014). This information equips advertisers and marketers with another, more extensive meaning of those who consume wine.
The wine industry, and in this case, Wingara Wine Group has not recognized the youth as an objective market because of their apparently restricted purchasing ability. However, the Consumer Expenditure Survey headed by the United States Bureau of Labor (Coleman, 2014) asserts that income ability has expanded fundamentally among the youth and in those family units where the head of family is under 30 years of age. Numerous analysts perceive the need to make the youth enthusiatic about wine to ensure that the wine business survives in the long haul. There has been worry that the greater part of wine is purchased by individuals that are aged above 40 than the youth who are less enthusiastic for wine.
According to market reaserch for the wine industry to eslot the new market aming the youth, it must distinguish the qualities of these new market fragments, discover approaches to contact them, draw them in, and usher them into the world of wine. Hence, currently, the wine industry has come up with methods to connect and atract the young consumers. There have been various endeavors to create projects to pull in youth to wine. For instance, the Wine Brats development acts as the principal endeavor suitable for catching the young market. The development was begun to help build up a sturdy foundation of the youth that could be another age of wine purchasers. Working under the "Changing the Face of Wine" trademark, Wine Brats is a philanthropic association that tries to market wne to the young generation over various occasions and instructive projects.
There are various kinds of celebration occasions. Some of them draw in guests from everywhere throughout the world. Others are local or home celebrations and some lasts for hours while other can take days. Their subjects differ, from art (musical show, theater) celebrations to peculiar occasions, suvh as the festival of kites. Wingara Wine Group is focused on supporting arts and it is the official wine opera for Australia, Melbourne international Jazz Festival and the Jazz High Tea Series.
Based on this research, Wingara Group of Wine is venturing in special events and festivals that can interest the youth giving them a chance to learn about wine which is an opportunity to influence the youths' attitudes and their potential to purchase wine. Wine celebrations are one sort of occasion that has turned out to be extremely famous in numerous nations. Countries all through the world have created occasions to market wine. This is particularly valid in new world wine regions where people are enthusiastic about finding out about wine.
In Australia there are customized items including the Wicked Wines attempting to depict wine as a delicacy for the youth. The brand promotion was aimed at encouraging the youth to drink wine. The brand focuses on tastes that suit the youth and also the brand image or pictures are meant to lure the youth, using the colorful wrapping, depicting the wine as fruity and sweet. The national market enthusiastically received the brand, but it got a better reception after winning a silver award with the Chardonnay at the Sydney Wine Show. The Wicked Wines brand has portrayed itself as a brand that offers an alternate yet rich wine for the young wine consumers.
Germany Wine Festivals, Mosel Wine Festivals
Festivals can help pull in youngsters as they offer chances to mingle and a variety of recreation opportunities and music. This relationship with the wine business and the casual setting can encourage the youth to consume wine. Germans love lively public parties, the parties that young people love, and their wine festivals are thrilling, making German wine festivals a viable option. Local Germans sample wine by attending one of the 1, 250 wine festivals held in Germany. Some of these occasions are usually formal occasions that can go for a few hours while others last for a day. Most of the famous festivals are however huge celebrations that last over weeks or days and they include concerts, fireworks and fairs.
Germany has 13 official wine growing regions and Mosel tops the list as the most famous region. Therefore, the wine festivals held at Mosel are lively and they are top-notch. They are the kind of festivals that young people would gladly attend. Hence Mosel, Wine festivals are the most suitable for Wingara Wine Group based on their target market. From April to October, the region remains in a merry party mood since every weekend local wine festivals are held. One of the wine festivals, Bernkastel-Kues is a major festival due to its parade of vintners, bright fireworks tasting of a variety of wines and crowning of the wine queen.
Mosel holds atmospheric wine festivals that make sure that pure joie de vivre is available. The festivals hold live regional specialties, live music and the coronation of a new wine queen. All these make the parties merrier and the wine even tastes better, a good approach for a company that is trying to tap into a new market. The Saarweinfest in Saarburg with wine routes, fireworks, pageants and a view of a castle and a river can really thrill the crowd. This would be a nice setting for a wine festival. Wingara Wine Group can also organize a huge event at the Weinfest der Mittlemosel in Berjanstel-Kues since the festival attracts over 200,000 visitors due to its pageants and fireworks. There is also an alternative. The company can organize a public wine tasting event for a relaxed vineyard festivals in places such as Longuich.
Going to the Mosel land guarantees a thrill of different kinds: on the one side, the best tasty wines on the planet flourish here and additio...
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