Report on National Hydrography Dataset Paper Example

Paper Type:  Report
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  442 Words
Date:  2022-06-22

Hydraulic modeling concerns the formulation of a standardized mathematical model regarding sewer, storm, or water system. It is then utilized in the critical analysis of hydraulic behavior. In this context, the circumspective understanding and comprehension of the hydraulic system will be enabled. The model will further get to be used as a handy tool to plan the infrastructural improvement and advancement, the maintenance services alongside the proactive management of the water system. The modeling to includes the services such as the model building, its field testing, model loading, allocation, calibration, and network analysis besides the maintenance services (Utah and Arizona.Top of Form Simley, J. 2018). The National Hydrographic Dataset, which composes digitized geospatial datasets mapping both underground and surface waters of a country, brings to light the diverse information that helps in guiding the correct formulation of a mathematical model. They are as expounded in the subsequent paragraphs.

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To begin with, the National Hydrographic Dataset covers the water catchment areas of Rivers and streams thus bringing about an utter comprehension of the behavior of the landscapes they represent. Further, there are tools applied that makes it possible for the observation of natural inclinations on river networks, such as the fish and human populations, invasive species, stream discharge as well as the water quality. It is subsequently possible to make an informed study on such phenomena as the toxicity of spillage upstream which affects the quality of water to be drunk by the human beings and animals besides the population of water animals such as fish.

Additionally, the National Hydrographic Dataset represents the drainage networks and features such as swamps, dams, ponds, lakes, rivers, and dams. Others are the streams, canals, coastlines, glaciers and the stream gages. The scale that is used in the National Hydrographic Dataset is the most up to date scale that makes it possible for the coverage of all the information that relates to the drainage sites in the nation. It is the scale of 1: 25,000 or more. Besides, the National Hydrographic dataset interlinks the information from the 3D Elevation Program and Watershed Boundary Dataset. It thus can be sued to process a high accuracy network of data display, valuable attributes, the flow surfaces, water catchment areas and the stream reaches. Such data can be employed in processing both local and national contexts of the assessment of water networks used in the navigations along stream networks. (Inkenbrandt et al.2013).


Inkenbrandt, P., Thomas, K., Jordan, J. L., & Utah Geological Survey, (2013). Regional groundwater flows with water quality in the Virgin River basin and the surrounding areas, Utah and Arizona.

Simley, J. (2018). GIS for surface water: Using the national hydrography dataset.

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Report on National Hydrography Dataset Paper Example. (2022, Jun 22). Retrieved from

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