Personal Opinion About Mental Health - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  486 Words
Date:  2022-11-10


Psychiatric or mental health nursing should be given more than a semester because the concept is difficult to understand and it is harder to apply the principles even after reading psychiatric mental health books, attending classes and visiting psychiatric facilities. Mental illness disrupts a person's thinking, perception, moods, feelings, and ability to relate with others because it affects the brains of a person. Some of the challenges people with mental illness suffer are social interaction, guilt, and shame, fear of reaching out for help, living up to people's expectations and maintaining good routines. People suffering from mental illness always live in fear and are always scared to admit their mental health struggles to others. Unlike other disabilities such as physical disability, it is always hard to identify people with mental disability. Communicating with people suffering from mental health problems is difficult because of their mood swings, inability to think clearly or poor concentration.

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I always associate panhandling and homelessness with poverty, and it is always a sad picture to see those people in the street. The government should be more efficient in handling these people because most of them always suffer from mental health problems making them unable to fit into society. If we are allowed unrestrained personal indulgence such as drug abuse, then our society cannot succeed. I believe that persons who habitually abuse drugs have lost their sense of direction and are affected by addiction problems making it difficult for them to quit. For drug abusers to reform, they should engage in activities that will help them live healthier lives such as daily exercise, eating well and avoiding bad influence and peer pressure. Families should always provide support by setting a good example, taking them to rehabilitation centers and creating awareness about the dangers of drug abuse.

People with mental illness always suffer in silence, and it is hard to identify them because unlike physical disability, it is tough to notice. Everyone goes through physical and emotional development changes in life, and it is hard to distinguish between these changes and a predisposition for mental illness. However mental illness can be identified by examining the personality and behavioral changes of an individual. Mental illness is caused by some factors such as emotional, psychological and social wellbeing of a person. Life experiences such as trauma, child abuse, and financial problems may also contribute to mental illness.


I am concerned and would like to know if the class will incorporate variety of teaching techniques such as simulations or case studies in integrating the clinical and classroom experience. My goals for this class are to acquire appropriate knowledge of basic and clinical sciences incorporated with case studies relevant to psychiatry. I also intend to participate in practice-based improvement activities such as case reviews. My long-term goal is to gain knowledge that will help me work effectively with health care professionals and patients in the future.

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Personal Opinion About Mental Health - Essay Sample. (2022, Nov 10). Retrieved from

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