Patient-Centered Care in ER: Barriers & Solutions - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  750 Words
Date:  2023-01-16


Financial barriers, increased documentation demands, relationships between doctors and nurses as well as staffing problems, present a series of barriers that hinder the implementation of patient-centered evidence-based care in the hospital emergency room. Patient-centered care in the healthcare facility calls for medical practitioners to listen to patients, informing and involving them in critical diagnosis procedures in the region. The type of centered care provided in the health care sector is collaborative, coordinated and accessible. Collaborative because it calls for family participation as well. The research paper here analyses barriers to the implementation of patient-centered evidence-based care in the hospital emergency room.

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The information gathered in this research paper has been sourced from primary sources as well as secondary sources, and all of them are listed in the reference section of the research. References used are sourced from different websites, including academic journals and news articles hence comprehensively providing reliable data regarding barriers to the implementation of patient-centered evidence-based care in the hospital emergency room.


No support for education, problems in the relationship between nurses and doctors as well as increased documentation present a list of findings which cover barriers that hinder the implementation of patient-centered care in the hospital emergency room. Patient-centered care will be influenced by the poor relationship that exists between nurses and doctors (Carter et al. 2018). Increased documentation demand for bed nurses means they will spend less time with patients hence a barrier. No support for nurses education contribute to poor services in the emergency room and hence, one of the barriers.


Problems in the relationship between nurses and doctors cover another barrier for implementation of patient-centered care in the hospital emergency room. The relationship between doctors and nurses immensely contribute to how a patient is attended to by a nurse hence an influence on the implementation of patient-centered care (Skandsen et al. 2019). Medical procedures and requests from the doctor would not be followed to the later when there are difficulties in the relationship between nurses and doctors hence forming the basis of barrier in the implementation of patient-centered care in the hospital emergency room.

Increased Documentation

Increased documentation covers one of the immense barriers to the implementation of patient-centered evidence-based care in the hospital emergency room. In the case of patient care, the increased documentation calls for nurses to record more than just a single medical data than to attend to a patient in the emergency room (Kabir, Wankar, & Jain 2018). It is one of the barriers to the implementation of patient-centered care in the health sector and particularly in the hospital emergency room. Nurses in most cases of increased documentation, spend more hours in the computer feeding it medical information than touching or attending to patients in the medical emergency room.

Inconsistent Leadership

Inconsistent leadership is another barrier to the implementation of patient-centered care in the hospital emergency room. The inconsistent leadership counts because it influences nurses' morale when in working place (Skandsen et al. 2019). Morale has got an immense influence over how nurses attend to patients, with deemed morale; it means a nurse will not involve a patient in some of the crucial decisions in the hospital emergency room. It also means that a nurse may fail to corporate with the patient's family if there is need.


To sum up, increased documentation and problems in the relationship between nurses and doctors form the basis of barriers to the implementation of patient-centered care in the hospital emergency room. Increased documentation offers minimal time a nurse can spend with a patient hence a barrier. The relationship between nurses and doctors influence the type of care a patient is provided within the hospital emergency room.


Carter, E. J., Greendyke, W. G., Furuya, E. Y., Srinivasan, A., Shelley, A. N., Bothra, A., ... & Larson, E. L. (2018). Exploring the nurses' role in antibiotic stewardship: A multisite qualitative study of nurses and infection preventionists. American journal of infection control, 46(5), 492-497.

Kabir, I., Wankar, A., & Jain, K. (2018). A Study to Assess the Accuracy of Medical Record Documentation of Priority I Patients In Emergency Department at a Tertiary Care Apex Hospital. Global Journal of Medical Research.

Skandsen, T., Nilsen, T. I. L., Einarsen, C. E., Normann, I., McDonagh, D., Haberg, A. K., & Vik, A. (2019). Incidence of mild traumatic brain injury: a prospective hospital, emergency room and general practitioner-based study. Frontiers in Neurology, 10, 638.

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Patient-Centered Care in ER: Barriers & Solutions - Research Paper. (2023, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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