The study was focused on establishing the impact that Chinese TV media have realized with the global desire to shift to virtualization. It then means that these media enterprises have to transform from previously utilized analog networks (Reese & Shoemaker, 2016). And strategize on how they will adapt digitalized frameworks to their systems. Considering the status to which Chinese media relates to the global media market, it is one of the complex media markets in the current global media market. The gradual adaptation of digital media then needs efficient preparation on human resource and infrastructure that would be able to certain it's practical implementation. The desire of the various Chinese media still offers extensive quality service with this change. Concentration allocated to the desire to ensure the satisfaction of consumers (Kraidy, (2017). Considering the main source of income go TV media being an advertisement. Profitability still has to be assured considering the relative cost in improving their systems to more digitalized platforms. Will the Chinese TV media survive the modern digitalization?
Research Questions
- How are Chinese TV Media going to adapt their operational frameworks to ensure survival in the current global media situation?
- What are the strategic approaches to ensuring that related Chinese TV stations operate in alignment with the digitalized frameworks implemented?
- How will they develop the most efficient strategies that will be efficient, still certain Chinese TV media presence at a global stage with digitization?
- Which are the relevant methods and techniques that would be efficient in establishing how optimum relevance then derived from the adaptation and implementation of related digitalized platforms?
Research Objectives
The following are some of the objectives which this research is meant to satisfy:
- To understand the various steps involved in the procedure of digitization.
- To determine the effects of digitization on the media. These effects could either be positive or adverse effects.
- To effectively comprehend the different types of transmission signals used in digital media.
- To determine the significance of Chinese media over digitization.
- To determine the possibility of networked survival of the TV media in China
- To learn the different strategies which could allow for this networked survival?
- To identify the different methods and techniques used in this research? For instance, the interviews.
- To determine the importance of the research and the benefits of the study.
The statement of the problem in this research is to identify how to improve networked survival of Chinese TV media. It is despite the increased process of digitization. This research is to be done to assess the mechanisms and ways that can be used to allow for the continued presence of the Chinese TV media. The intention is to enable the continued existence of this media and digitization at the same time.
Literature review
According to Zhang (2016), digitization has led to the increased use of digital television in comparison to the use of the TV media, which was previously in existence. Scanning is the process by which there are transformation and alteration of information to a scanned form. The information then converted into bits. The bit form of data is the type that can be processed by machines with computing capability. The process of digitization is essential as it eases the ability to obtain the data, conserves it, and finally transmits it. Different kinds of data can be digitized. These could be in the form of images, text documents, video files, and even the audio files.
As per the findings of Mao (2019), the conversion of the media from analog to digital has several impacts, which can either be positive or negative. It is mainly present in China, where the locals are used to the Chinese TV media, which is analog. With digitization, there will be a need for Chinese citizens to pay for the TV. It is unlike the media which they get for free. It is the case because they obtain their utilities from CCTV, as noted by Corominas andXia, (2015).
There are three primary forms of signals used in digital TVs. They are the cable DTV, the terrestrial DTV, and the satellite DTV - switchover, which is a term describing the move to digital from analog broadcasting. The Chinese media considered a transition from cable DTV. Cable DTV in China is the most common and is the most used. It is essential to maintain the networked survival of this because it is the most common avenue by which the Chinese get educated and ware of the daily events and entertained. It also has the capability of transmitting data (Svensson, (2017). Despite being the largest, it is also seen to have many shortcomings, for instance, and not all Chinese people can afford the cable.
Significance of the study
This study aims at determining whether to maintain the use of Chinese TV media despite the presence of digital platforms better suited. The this study, has how that the Chinese TV media has many benefits associated with it. It leads to bringing up the need to maintain the networked survival of this Chinese TV media (Lamarre, (2015). Through this study, I acquired information which supports the maintenance of both digitalization and the Chinese TV media.
Research methodology
In the methodology, there is a need to address the developed research questions (Doyle 2018). Considering that attention has to be allocated to the objectives established to the actualization of the study. The mixed methodology is utilized to provide extensive analysis of all available infrastructure and information sources to the study (Montgomery & Priest, (2016)). Quantitative analysis is then implemented to offer decisions and logic to the derivations made. It will enable an efficient understanding of the digitalization frameworks desired to be implemented by the target market. A qualitative analysis framework is then performed to allocate relevance to the utilized tools and basis of the research.
Mixed methodology
It combines both quantitative and qualitative analysis frameworks to the determination of the impacts of digitization on the survival of various Chinese TV media (Gandini, (2016)). A derivation by Chan (2019) suggests it provides a comprehensive approach to the issues established as a basis for research. Considering the various aspects that are in play with the desire to digitalize all Chinese TV media frameworks. Providing relevant justification to all deductions made.
Sources of Data
Customer information and satisfaction data derived from recorded subscribers to the given media firm.
Regulatory data and statistical data on the performance of the given firm are also available (Zhao, (2019)).
Attention allocated to a specific Chinese TV Media firm. Time is then allocated to establish the firm's performance with the initiation of the digitalization process. Consideration assigned to the established frameworks in ensuring the implementation of digitalization at the firm. The information then collected from the observed frameworks actualized at the firm and performing relevant derivations to the same from employees at the firm (Lundgren & Johansson, (2017)0. Performing relative interviews that provide more detailed data on the processes initiated at the firm to assure efficiency to their operations with digitalization.
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