Superhero movies are considered to be a cultural artifact in society currently. However, superhero movies are affected by social perceptions. The following opinions have social, historical, and cultural factors as far superhero movies are concerned. Now, superhero movies are not receiving public love compared to recent times. This is because superhero movies have a direct impact on our society way of life. My opinion on the particular factor is that social, political, and cultural perceptions of the society have an immediate effect on the creation of superhero movies. Furthermore, various opinions have a direct impact on the superhero movies, social, political, and cultural factor in our current society.
Social Factors
The social factors are the number of variables that are being studied in our society. These variables include the parent's job, age, education level, ownership status, and income level (Misdan, Nurasyikin, Lau, and Ismail, 228). The following factor is the primary social factor that affects the productivity of superhero movies productivity. In our current community, these perceptions have led to a decline in the rate of productivity of superhero movies.
Parents Age
Age factor affects an individual from getting access to the cinema or film studios. This class shows that when parents grow older, they lack interest in watching superhero movies. However, according to the study which was done indicated that more young people visit the cinema more often compared to their parents (Loist, Skadi, and Ger, 49). In around 20 years of age, more individual prefer to watch superhero movies, and when a person turns 50 years, they tend to change to different types of entertainment. The parents mainly have a direct influence on their children movie types. This factor will affect the superhero culture artifact in our society since more children will tend to watch a program that suits their parent's contents.
Parents Job
Occupation is another variable that affects the consumption of superhero movie in our society. Parents with occupation prestige will undoubtedly encourage their children in taking part in watching superhero movies compared to parents with less occupation prestige. The occupation prestige of the parents influences most children in taking part in the type of movies they love to watch. The prestige factor comes to the kind of job people have in society. Therefore, the kind of job is one of the elements that affect the superhero culture in the community. Children growing in the poor family without job prestige will be forced to look for a different film to watch of their interest.
Parents Education Levels
Social education level parents have a greater social understanding compared to the illiterate parents in our society currently. Less-educated parents make decisions based on the imperfect information analysis compared to literate parents that have a piece of more comprehensive information and knowledge on superhero movies. As a result, children from literate parents tend to watch and explore the film industry smoothly compared to children from less-educated parents. This factor will hinder the type of movies that we observe in our homesteads. In that instance, there will be a tremendous decline in superhero movies production.
Income levels
The household's income rate also can affect cinema attendance by the family. A wealthy family will embrace a high demand lifestyle that will not affect the price of cinema production. A sick family, in the most instance, cannot afford to watch cinema-related movies due to their poverty level in society. However, this variable will affect their children in accessing the type of film of their choice (Loist, Skadi, and Ger, 49). Income levels of the parents have a more significant impact on the superhero culture in one perspective to the in our community.
Cultural Factor
The cultural factor includes the number of variables that are studied in our society. There are a number of variables that affects the production of superhero movies in one perspective to the other. These include cultural pieces of training, beliefs, media, values, and free time (Kwon, Seung-Ho and Joseph, 422).The following factors have been pointed out in one aspect to the other as the main factor that affects the productivity of superhero movies in the society currently.
Media Media has defined as a tool that helps in transmitting any information from one place to the other. However, TV, radio, magazines, cinema, books, and mass media are all example of media. The media is considered as a substitute for cinema production. Countries such as Japan video and satellite are used as an alternative for movies and cinemas. This culture has affected the growth and productivity of superhero movies in the society (Rosnan et al, 202). Introduction of mass media and television programs have acted as a close substitute for movie productions. Furthermore, this change in the film industry has led to the collapse of cinema movies production in the community structure.
Free Time
Time is a valuable resource in the society currently. Lack of adequate time allocation has a significant impact on the production of superhero movies in the current community. Cinema requires enough time for an audience to create in order to access its services. However, most of the people currently have various commitments that hinder their movie life in one perspective to the other. Most people prefer to read magazines or listen to music as an alternative to watching movies (Rosnan et al,198). This culture affects the productivity of superhero movie production in our current society.
The values levels of individuals also have a direct impact on the type of movies he or she likes to watch. On the other hand, the benefits of an individual will affect the kind of film they would love to watch in society. Some individual thinks that superhero movies have "dirty content" to be consumed in the community. However, the value standards of most individuals have, in one perspective to the other affected the productivity of superhero movies. For instance, a staunch Christian family will perceive superhero movies to be devilish and not appropriate to be watched by their children (Loist, Skadi, and Ger, 49). On the other hand, these values have controlled most behavior of most children in our society.
There different belief from people based on the cultures and traditions in the current society. For example, there is a specific society that has a particular good that they have value in, while other communities have an opposite view of the product. Other cities have a religion based on the type of movies to be broadcast in the televisions. In some village, watching the violent related film is termed as immoral and unlawful (Loist, Skadi, and Ger, 49). The following differences in belief also affect the children from accessing movies of their choice, such as superhero.
The habit of a person determines his or her consumption on a particular product. However, most people have developed a habit of relying on social media tools in accessing their information. The social media tools, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, have become the number one platforms of information to most youths currently. This habit has destroyed the movie and cinema production (Misdan et al, 228). According to the survey indicated that over 15 countries had recorded a higher addiction to social media information rather than movies. The following trend has a significant impact on the overall movie production system in society. The study that was done indicated that habit development has a more substantial impact on movie production in most of the counties.
Advertisement Culture
The use of appropriate advertisement has a significant impact on the rate of demand for movies such as superhero. Various advertisement policies will draw a considerable number of people in consuming a particular product. However, in most cases, the advertisement has been modified in controlling the perceptions of the members of the public in understanding the type of movie that is suitable for viewing. This factor has led to more people developing a varied reaction and opinion in superhero movies production.
Historical Factor
Historical factor also plays an essential role in determining the type of movie to be broadcast in public. The historical factors can be categorized based on the kind of experiences that a particular society underwent through. Some of the people perceive superhero movies to be the main contributor to the conflict in their community. For instance, in Arabic countries, the rate of conflict have grown tremendously, according to the survey introduction of superhero movies have profoundly contributed to the following effect in the country (Rosnan et al,198). This factor has made it much harder for most people to embrace the love and passion for superhero movies. Historical element also can be derived from the belief and values that were created in the society based on a particular incident on the superhero related film. However, all citizens should correct past events by emulating a formal and practical style while consuming the products in society. The government has to deploy an effective mechanism that will boost the movie industry sector in most of the country in the globe.
Superhero movies is an essential topic that cut across social, cultural, and historical class in society. Cinema industry has a massive impact on the economy of most countries in the world currently. The world will be a better place when every person is allowed to access a movie of their love. There are a number of benefits that individuals acquire when they are allowed to consume superhero movies. When an individual has the freedom to watch a film of his interest, he or she will develop a holistic growth in his life. According to the survey that was done have indicated that the film industry can employ over 80% of the current employment opportunity in the world (Rosnan et al,198). However, the government should introduce various policies that will ensure that all movies are broadcasted to the public. There should be a severe educational public awareness campaign to educate the citizens on the importance of superhero movies culture. In the study, we concluded that it is useful for an individual to respect and adopt a movie culture in his or her life.
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