Paper Example on Kaiser Permanente Competitive Advantages

Paper Type:  Term paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  669 Words
Date:  2022-05-16


Kaiser Permanente aims at providing affordable, high quality healthcare services for the improvement of the health of its members and the communities which it serves. Kaiser Permanente Santa Rose is delighted and privileged at offering healthcare to around 144,000 members in the area. The goal of the company is to offer the highest quality of healthcare at the most affordable prices. The hospital has a group of nurses, staff and physicians for serving patients. These group of multicultural professionals are extremely dedicated, competent and knowledgeable (Gilliam, 2015). The healthcare center is proud of its medical center and its staff and physicians. The hospital aims at decentralizing the healthcare campus, which spreads out its facilities in creating more connections and accessing its communities which they serve. The health system builds many Health Hubs. Target market are patients and stakeholders, who are the key persons profiting from these services.

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Competitive Analysis

Every employee of Kaiser Permanente is an ambassador of the company to its family, communities and friends. Keeping the model of care strong through the attraction of newer members and retention of members which it has is important for patients it serves. Kaiser Permanente beats off competition from other healthcare centers through seven main ways. The first is coordinated care, where the members of Kaiser Permanente have unlimited access to everything which they need. These include specialists, physicians, labs, hospital care, and pharmacy through an integrated system (Pearl, 2014). Kaiser Permanente focuses on prevention. KP does not only focus on treatment but also on keeping its members healthier and the prevention of costly and life threatening conditions. Top service and quality is the priority for Kaiser Permanente, given that it is ranked among the first in each region it services.

Kaiser Permanente beats off competition from other healthcare centers as it has better disease management mechanisms. KP treats and prevents chronic conditions including diabetes, heart disease and asthma. These account for approximately 80% of admissions in hospitals and 75% of the expenditure in healthcare. Kaiser Permanente is a leading business in in electronic health records, which is the focus of this marketing plan. Members have ease of access to medical records through online platforms Every time. Members are capable of mailing their doctors each time checking reports from laboratories, ordering prescriptions and making appointments. Health plan is a non-profit and Kaiser Permanente has the largest of labour force in the country. This section will be analyzed through the Porter's Five Forces Analysis and the SWOT Analysis.

SWOT Analysis

Kaiser Permanente has provided healthcare for over 6 decades, and it is dedicated towards the improvement of health of their members and the communities which they serve. Kaiser Permanente aims at establishing a safe and healthy environment and providing care and coverage for everyone.


The strengths of an organization are the resources and capabilities which can be used in achieving a competitive advantage. Kaiser Permanente is able to reduce costs of labour and has more experienced units. The organizational strength are the different ways in which the business uses in building their weaknesses into strengths. More specifically, the hospital has a model in place which places patients first (Steele Gray et al. 2016). The goal of these strengths are for the identification of distinctive competence, and it provides an edge in providing the needs for patients and delivering greater satisfaction of patients.


These are the limitations which an organization has in meeting the needs of the determined customer base (Steele Gray et al. 2016). There are small business units, and high turnover rates with employees. Kaiser Permanente is a health maintenance organization (HMO), and in providing insurance, they are restricted to eight states and DC.


Gilliam, D. A. (2015). Evaluation of Leadership Changes in Adult Primary Care.

Pearl, R. (2014). Kaiser Permanente Northern California: current experiences with internet, mobile, and video technologies. Health Affairs, 33(2), 251-257.

Steele Gray, C., Mercer, S., Palen, T., McKinstry, B., & Hendry, A. (2016). eHealth advances in support of people with complex care needs: Case examples from Canada, Scotland and the US. Healthcare Quarterly, 19(2), 24-28.

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Paper Example on Kaiser Permanente Competitive Advantages. (2022, May 16). Retrieved from

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