Paper Example on Increasing Teleworking Options for Employees

Paper Type:  Report
Pages:  6
Wordcount:  1612 Words
Date:  2022-06-10


Recent study reports have indicated expansion in teleworking which has become a common venture by organizations. Teleworking includes an arrangement between the employer and an employee that allows the employee to perform their duties and tasks at a work site other than the ordinary workplace with the support of technological connections. Teleworking arrangements are necessitated by the need to increase the employees' performance and to reduce the firm's expenses. Teleworking also results in other benefits such as improving the employees' morale and autonomy. Some scholarly journals and literature has placed importance on three themes related to communication, teleworking and job satisfaction, managing results and constructive feedback, and the individual contract on Teleworking and its role in the economy.

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Communication, Teleworking And Job Satisfaction

The advancement of information technology has allowed teleworking resulting in a dramatic shift from the traditional working environment to remote workplaces such as home places. Teleworking is identified to reduce the impact of time and place in organization communication. The advanced communication systems have allowed workers to work from their favorite locations (Smith, Patmos, & Pitts, 2018). However, the previous studies have also identified potential challenges associated with teleworking. The problems include the diminished work-related relationships between employees and their seniors (Greer, & Payne, 2014). Teleworking employees in most cases develop a feeling of isolation and fewer connections between them and the organization.

Another common research theme is the relationship or the effect of teleworking on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an expression indicating the teleworking individual's contentment with their jobs. Job satisfaction has also been identified as a function of other factors such as nature of work and the organizational environment. Research studies have previously identified a positive relationship between teleworking and job satisfaction. There has been an empirical establishment of the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking. Job satisfaction for teleworkers is also influenced by the discipline and the level of distractions.

Communication satisfaction within an organization implies an individual satisfaction with the different communication aspects of the organization. Previous research studies have indicated that the teleworkers experience higher communication satisfaction as compared to traditional office workers on various issues such as the relationship between the employee and supervisors and personal feedback. The employers should, therefore, understand the personality characteristics of their employees and also ensure availability of different communication channels of the teleworkers (Vega, Anderson, & Kaplan, 2015). Understanding of the character traits of teleworking employees will assist the employer to optimize their job satisfaction.

Teleworkers are provided with access to advanced communication-enhancing technologies that facilitate effective communication and connection to the workplace. The communication technology has been identified by all research studies on teleworking as a necessary teleworking factor that enhance the effectiveness. The teleworking communication technology necessary includes high-speed internet, video conferencing and web meeting technology. However, the effectiveness of the communication technology cannot compare to the efficiency of the face to face conversations. An excellent communication technology connection results in seamless operations and effective job performance. Enhanced teleworking communication technology creates a sense of purpose and connectedness and therefore a sense of work-based social support.

Effects of Teleworking On Managing Results And Constructive Feedback

Teleworking has always raised some concerns relating to the supervisors overseeing results for the teleworking employees. The concerns include the issue of accountability on the achievement of outcomes. The perception of the teleworkers regarding management of results and receiving positive feedback requires investigation and proper analysis. The importance of identifying the opinions is to assist the employees in improving their performance and also to identify the areas of weaknesses that require improvement (Caillier, 2013). Constructive feedback is, therefore, necessary to enhance teleworkers productivity.

The management control concepts can assist researchers to identify the relationship between teleworkers and the management ability to control results. Supervisors should adopt different result control methods since the physical observation is not possible with teleworking. The most appropriate technique is controls based on the result which resembles the output-based controls as compared to behavior-based control methods that concentrate more on the activities of an employee which can be observed.

Historical communication theories indicate that face-to-face communication provides the best communication mode as compared to other methods such as emails, telephones, and memos. Teleworkers are therefore seen to be disadvantages on matters related to the availability of rich information provided by the face to face conversations. However, there are research studies that have indicated that supervisors communicate essential information related to performance feedback more often through communication technologies.

The lack of face to face interactions with the co-workers has necessitated furthering studies on the effects of resultant professional isolation. There is a section of scholars who firmly believe that professional isolation negatively affects the performance of teleworking employees (Golden, Veiga, & Dino, 2008). The observation that professional isolation lowers teleworking employees' performance was pointed out despite the increase in teleworking by the professional-level employee. A representation has recently been made to the rise in the establishment of national telecommuting programs by some major corporations. A feeling of isolation occurs in a situation where a professional employee is denied an opportunity to fulfill a desire for support and understanding including other aspects of interaction. Professional isolation on teleworking employees is therefore seen as a significant obstacle to the development of teleworking.

The Individual Contract on Teleworking and Its Role in the Economy

The employers and employees who chose to work at home are offered an opportunity to save costs and finances that would preferably have been used to acquire the office and workspace. Teleworking is directly interconnected to economic and social development (Ravas, 2013). Efficiency on the side of teleworking employees is improved since flexible working hours are offered. Teleworking ensures saving a lot of time that would have instead been spent in transit. Teleworking also reduces the labor costs. Teleworking, therefore, improves the economic performance by increasing the employee performance efficiency, an increase in overall working hours and reduction of expenses related to the establishment of workplaces or office premises.

The individual contract on teleworking is referred to as a contract of employment between an employer and an employee who is referred to as the teleworkers. The teleworkers or the employee is required under the agreement to regularly undertake some certain specified tasks using the provided technology (Belovski, 2014). The contract also defines home or other specified location as the workplace. The individual contract also outlines any payments, remunerations to facilitate the work conditions. The employer is obliged to communicate and establish some important issues that relate to the specific place of performing teleworking, the actual work and the information technology to use for performance and communication. The employers also provide details related to department and name of the supervisor under which the teleworking function is established. The employer presents Legal forms that define rules and restrictions that need to be observed. The types include possible disciplinary actions in case of failure to obey the laws and restrictions.

Termination of the teleworking employment contract takes a similar form to other forms of employment contracts. Completion of teleworking arrangement happens at the expiry of the stipulated period. Termination can also occur at the death of the contracting party. The employer may also use the provisions of law to terminate the teleworking contract. Dismissal and mutual termination of the teleworking contract are also common forms of termination of such contracts. The teleworking contracts are similar to other employment contracts.


The recent advancement in technology has made it possible for workers to adapt to a more flexible teleworking method which includes performing the designed duties at home or other developed workplaces away from traditional offices. Rich theoretical and empirical research support is essential to plan and to implement telework in an organization. The most common Factors that influence the adoption of telework in any organization include the decision making by the management, type of work being done, skills and experience by the teleworkers and the unique circumstances identified by the organization that necessitates the services of teleworkers. A proper analysis of benefits and challenges of teleworking should be conduct. In a situation where the benefits outweigh the problems, the management is required to make the necessary decision to implement the teleworking system.

The benefits accruing to an organization by adopting and implementing teleworking include improved employee recruitment and retention, increased productivity, reduced space requirement and increased organizational commitment. Individuals enjoy a balance in the work-family relationship and can avoid the work politics. Individuals are also provided with relocation flexibility among other benefits. However, challenges related to teleworking include communication challenges and reduced chances of career development and promotion. Coordination between the teleworkers and the management and supervisors also raise significant concerns. However, the teleworking benefits outweigh the challenges.


Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. J. (2018). Communication and teleworking: A study of communication channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for teleworking employees. International Journal of Business Communication, 55(1), 44-68.

Caillier, J. G. (2013). Does teleworking affect managing for results and constructive feedback? A research note. Canadian Public Administration, 56(4), 638-654.

Belovski, V. (2014). Employment contract for teleworking-working off the employer's premises. Balkan Social Science Review, 2, 101-121.

Golden, T. D., Veiga, J. F., & Dino, R. N. (2008). The impact of professional isolation on teleworker job performance and turnover intentions: Does time spent teleworking, interacting face-to-face, or having access to communication-enhancing technology matter?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(6), 1412.

Ravas, O. C. (2013). Homeworking Contract and Teleworking-Importance and Role in the Economy. Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics, 13(2), 221-230.

Greer, T. W., & Payne, S. C. (2014). Overcoming telework challenges: Outcomes of successful telework strategies. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 17(2), 87.

Vega, R. P., Anderson, A. J., & Kaplan, S. A. (2015). A within-person examination of the effects of telework. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(2), 313-323.

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